To what extent is Spain a police state?

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03 Oct 2013 8:19 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

I don't think many people would hire a car that old in the first place.


Rental cars need an ITV when 2 years old, so not necessarily    'that old'.

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04 Oct 2013 9:43 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

A few more questions I'm afraid...

I just checked an ITV sticker on a car.  It has the year of expiry printed on it and then the month is shown by a large perforation along the top edge where the months are show in Roman Numerals, I, 11. 111, 1V etc.   On one of the horizontal edges there is a 4 digit number shown by small perforations. (That maybe a reference to the ITV station, I don’t know) but there is no other form of marking to ID the vehicle to which it relates.-

 If the sticker shows year and month of expiry, as ElaineG has identified above, then does the ITV sticker not have an obvious cross reference to the car (registration details) so as to prevent the ability to "swap" stickers across vehicles?

How can a consumer know if the ITV is relevant to the car they are hiring, if there is no car registration reference on the ITV sticker? Perhaps I have misunderstood?

Is any organisation monitoring and regulating the car hire companies to ensure that safety is not being compromised? It appears from what has been identified on this thread that the Police are putting the onus on consumers to check the car hire company documents from the outset, making the consumer pay fines if the ITV is not up to date. Which then leaves the consumer with the problem of "pressuring" the car hire company as Eggcup has had to do, to regain the monies. This seems so unfair, not to mention open to continuing abuse for those who are unaware of this problem.

With this in mind, if you have an issue with the car hire company, is there a consumer organisation who you could go to, to report the problem (with effective powers to act as disincentive), or is it just up to the innocent consumer to keep "pressuring" the company?

By law do public vehicles over 2 years old have to have ITV's issued every year up to 5 years old and then every 6 months thereafter, and by law do they have to display them on the car?


This message was last edited by ads on 04/10/2013.

This message was last edited by ads on 04/10/2013.

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04 Oct 2013 9:56 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 403 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

The sticker on the windscreen is almost impossible to remove without it tearing and you also have  a document to say when the itv runs out.

I would like to know which car hire company eggcup used so that it can be avoided in the future.


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04 Oct 2013 10:13 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

So does the document provide an obvious cross reference to the specific vehicle, if the sticker does not?

Wouldn't a solution be to have the registration details of the vehicle displayed on the sticker, which would assist the Police in their checks, and reassure the consumer?

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04 Oct 2013 1:57 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

This is the form which ones gets when the inspection is OK.  It shows the chassis number and registration number.


I also see that the 'number on the sticker in perforations’ is indeed the test station number but I repeat there is nothing on the sticker to tie it to any particular vehicle.



This message was last edited by elaineG on 04/10/2013.

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04 Oct 2013 2:27 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

I disagree

Along the middle of the sticker, not clearly visable from the OUTSIDE you have a test reference number. This along with the test centre reference is all that is needed for Traffico to cross reference the sticker with the car.




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04 Oct 2013 3:17 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

The sticker which I checked was on a motorcycle, thus stuck on the tank but on the side I could see there was no number such as on that posted by Team GB. It would seem odd that a car sticker can be identified to a vehicle whereas a m/c one cannot.


Nevertheless,  I think this is all a fuss about almost nothing.   Apart from this instance I have never heard of anyone having a problem with a sticker on a hire car. ** EDITED**


This message was last edited by elaineG on 04/10/2013.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 10/4/2013 4:36:00 PM.

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05 Oct 2013 5:41 AM by K.A Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Your husband should pay fine, HE was driving car, HE obviously did not check to see if car was legal to be on road, HE should have ensured there was at least a photocopy of docs in car, which I believe should be in car at all times, I think police right in giving him fine, as HE was in charge of car. Hire company should be dine for letting car go out with correct papers, but it is down to DRIVER to ensure everything is correct when driving car on road no one else! PAY FINE & put it down to experence

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05 Oct 2013 8:20 AM by 212 Star rating in UK mainly and Estepo.... 2 posts Send private message

Interesting thread.
What is unfortunate is that many of us would like to avoid any company that treated us in this fashion. Even if the certificate HAD been valid, there was a worse breech of responsibility in relation to the legal requirements to carry items in the car that are used in the event of an accident..
Now why on earth would any one of us that read and contribute to this forum, allow our fellow contributors to unknowingly be placed in an illegal position?
Eggcup, you are a veritable mine of information and an eloquent contributor. Maybe we would all benefit from you publishing a comparison of hire charges for a similar vehicle from all the on and off airport hire companies, and then we can judge if the savings you made using your company are worth it.

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05 Oct 2013 9:13 AM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

Now you have me worried sounds like the car hire company at the first roundabout before the airport better go and have a look

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05 Oct 2013 9:14 AM by twogun Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

my experiance is -- Spain and the Spainish are fantastic    con artists    I sure have been caught.

my latest experiance was 3 months ago, after paying insurance for car hire ,  when collecting car at Murcia airport I had to pay another insurance for wheel damage & windscreen protection the option I had was to pay the car hire co e600,   . the wheel damage after spain has now got a fantastic road system paid for from the european union & wheels do not get damaged,----- I lived in Spain for 8 years & never damaged my car wheels

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05 Oct 2013 11:08 AM by ayrez Star rating in La Marina Oasis. 379 posts Send private message

Do not worry twogun it is exactly the same in UK. Last time we picked up a car from Manchester airport it was take the extra insurance or we lock up £750 on your credit card. It also happens in USA if I recall correctly.

These sort of things are the same everywhere.

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05 Oct 2013 11:52 AM by nosunnofun Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

The 600 euro charge to your credit card for not taking out their insurance is a growing problem. We have a UK cover all hire for 12 months policy. We hired in June and the charge was only "held" against the account pending the successful return of the car. In September it was actually charged to the card and not returned for around 10 days after we got back to the UK, and only then after a lot of pushing from us at the hire company who never replied and DYS who were not too quick to reply either.Unfortunately this charge dropped right in the end of a credit period and became due before the company returned the money and it's not a small sum to cover.

I got to thinking, had we just thrown the hire papers away and not kept them for reference we would probably never have got the money returned. The credit card company was less than helpful.

The car was brilliant but the service poor from the start and I doubt we would use that company again.

We always look around the car before we drive away and take photo's of it as we return it including its registration number, keeping all documentation until the refund of the bond comes. It pays to be careful even though you shouldn't have to.

The hiring of an illegal car by a comany who are responsible for the documentation is wrong on all levels regardless of the drivers responsibility to have the correct documentation. Surely you should take that as a given if hiring a car?

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05 Oct 2013 1:30 PM by baabaabing Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

Your all hiring cars the wrong way.
Do not buy any insurance at the internet point of sale! nothing! nada!
Just simply hire the car, nothing else!
On your arrival take out the insurance with the car hire coy and you'll be covered for the underside of your car including the tires the only thing not covered are keys and petrol. If you take out the insurance on line you won't be covered, further more if you take out the car hire coy' insurance use your credit card to pay for it that way they will not need to block you card with €400-€600 only the cost of insurance. Which will be, depending on your stay and type of vehicle you hire, no more than €80 you haven't been ripped off as you've taken out a very good insurance policy the reason you say no is that you've already paid at the internet point of sale? So you think I'm not paying twice. The amount of times I've stood at the checkin desk and watched people, who holiday on their credit card, fall like flies when they refuse the insurance offered at the desk and the girl says, 'ok np may I take your credit card for a deposit?' That will be €600.I've seen people walk away with no car as they can't afford the block on the card as that's all they have for the fortnight to live on. Had they paid for the insurance at the desk using their card they would not need to block your card with a hefty deposit. I have to repeat it so many times as people don't listen.
And no, the hire coy you use on line will not tell you or sometimes even know about such a thing, Arguscarhire have it in the small print.
That's the last time I tell you all.

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05 Oct 2013 1:55 PM by nosunnofun Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

That doesn't work for me baabaabing as I have the "all hire car" cover for the year. I don't need the additional insurance and feel that this is a rip off. You hire a car, you need full insurance, and it's about time the hire companies were fair and open about these practices. 80 euro's may not be that much, it used to be 10 euro's, but when the advetised price of the car is around that figure, sometimes even less adding that on at the point of sale with no alternative but to buy their insurance is not fair.

In addition the DYS paperwork said in advance that you may have a charge of up to 300 euro's held against you card but it was twice that for me and not just held, taken.

If the hire car companies are doing this to many of its customers and not returning these funds for several days they are holding considerable liquid assets that are not their own. The intrest alone on that must be considerable.

Along with this I returned our car with well over half a tank of fuel as we simply didn't get chance to use it. Now it is made clear that if you don't use it you lose it but again if many return the cars with fuel in them it's a plus and they know that no one likes driving around with the fuel light on.

They are making more than enough profit so to get back to original post providing unroadworthy vehicles is inexcusable.

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05 Oct 2013 2:01 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Hi 212. You wrote:

Eggcup, you are a veritable mine of information and an eloquent contributor. Maybe we would all benefit from you publishing a comparison of hire charges for a similar vehicle from all the on and off airport hire companies, and then we can judge if the savings you made using your company are worth it.

Thanks for the compliment; it's better than a kick in the teeth. But, in terms of conducting a research project with thorough costings, comparing car hire companies, I'd much rather you did it, or someone else with enough time on their hands and sufficient interest in the subject. If someone does do such a comparison, the financial element would only be one part of it - it's also how you're treated, whether you have to stand in a three-hour queue, whether the cars are legal and so on.  So a qualitative and quantitative analysis would be necessary. This might involve extensive interviewing of past customers.

I won't be the one doing it; I already contribute enough to this site gratis.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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05 Oct 2013 2:07 PM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

Oh dear, it is and we have no sticker, we have written to them on facebook to see if it is required, we had a look under the bonnet and it appears to be manufactured in 2013 so may not require, we also hire from them when we are in Spain for 6 months of the year, we always take out their insurance maximum you pay is 56euro so much better than having a deposit on hold which is double the car hire fee

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05 Oct 2013 2:14 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message


                       Rental cars need the ITV test,  when they are two year old.   Probably many (maybe most) rentals are under that age.

As a rule of thumb, I would not be concerned.  I did say in an earlier post, which was deleted,  that I have never heard of any ITV sticker problems with rental cars (until this thread) in the  25 plus years I have been associated with Spain..



This message was last edited by elaineG on 05/10/2013.

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05 Oct 2013 2:28 PM by baabaabing Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

Yes I felt sorry for you as you'd purchased the " all hire car" option So yes you're excluded until it runs out.
They make far too much money without having to hold on to ours as well. I noted that you mentioned the refund to a card? Did you also know that this doesn't take place until you land back in the Uk or your country of origin and then it's 7 days I.e. business days.
There should be, dependent on who you use, an option to take out the insurance at the point of internet sale, always decline and take it out on arrival. A lot of this is down to the fact that a lot of people feel safer buying in the UK and not trusting the Spanish, personally I think their cars, their laws so by definition their insurance. The trust works both ways as if you trust them to cover you for insurance they trust you enough to wave the deposit or so it appears if you take out their own car insurance. Sounds lame and innocent but it works for me. I always use Centauro for car hire and I used to use Arguscarhire but have found there sister site portal47 half the price I reduced my car hire from £400 to £196 inc the cancellation fee I saved loads and that was peak August too.

This message was last edited by baabaabing on 05/10/2013.

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06 Oct 2013 10:56 AM by happy 2 b here Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

this cannot be a very good company

why don't you name and shame this company 

then others can boycott them


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