Home demolished in Vera

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31 Jan 2008 8:01 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


i agree on the hopeless toothless EU lack of help. I recieved the same letter from my local mep. I also think the time for 'telling it like it is' with regards to the Priors, and everyone else who has been well and truly screwed, is very important. In fact i'm starting to think this may be the only way to get through. The Spanish authorities seem oblivious to critisism, and unless anyone involved with any aspect of buying in Spain starts to protest and really get the bad publicity in everyones face, then i can't see much changing?   Lies, cheats and corruption at all levels, backhanders, slow justice, poor justice, a ruined coastline, demolition before compensation, thousands of apartments nobody wants, and who in Spain in a place of high authority has stood up and said in public, something like   ' enough is enough, we recognise the problems and the damage this is doing to Spain, we must start to reverse the process now', ..........and then doing something to back up their words!! 

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31 Jan 2008 5:24 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
I have spoken to Helen Prior today and am horrified that it just gets worse for them.  They are now without electricity and water and they are being denied any reconnection even though their swimming pool and garage are still there!  Luckily one of their neighbours has extended a lead from their house so that they can at least some electricity.

How can they be denied these basic rights??

I have spent all day trying to track down Antonio Vercher who has ordered the demolitions but he is proving very elusive at the moment. Will keep trying, I really need to speak to him.

I have the Prior's lawyers details now and know what they are doing so am just in the process of getting the information together we need as it seems, so far, that the Junta have acted illegally here.

I have contacted the ITV researcher too who is also looking in the case.

I have spent all week on this and the more I dig into it the more complex it becomes with more and more names coming into the fold.

I hope to be able to put it all together next week so that with the facts in hand we can all decide with the utmost urgency what action to take.



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31 Jan 2008 6:26 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message


All the best, Tish

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31 Jan 2008 6:36 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Perhaps you should put your name in the hat for the forthcoming elections - Zapatero mind your back Justins coming!!


Smiley - patrick@marbellamortgages.com  www.marbellamortgages.com   www.comparetravelcash.co.uk

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31 Jan 2008 7:24 PM by jamesyvonne Star rating. 181 posts Send private message

well done justin 

  We need to make sure that idiots that run the junta andalucia  understand that we are not the criminals here. They are going to destroy this lovely part of spain. The Junta have after all turned a blind eye for 15 years accepting our taxes, they knew what was happening but did nothing. The officals, lawyers, developers, certain promoters ( CAN'T MENTION NAMES) have all profitted from this and the humble house owner is the guilty party. Sorry this is wrong.

 I gather the new marbella mayor is in court now so god help us.

Keep up the good work justin


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31 Jan 2008 8:59 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Does anyone know if this is getting any coverage in the Spanish press, and if so the reaction to it? I still want to March in Madrid!



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31 Jan 2008 9:28 PM by gail Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Glad you are doing something about this Justin, well done.


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02 Feb 2008 12:51 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Taken from the Algorfa community news .....  CLICK

Details of demonstration in support of Mr & Mrs Prior at Vera on  Sunday 27th January.

Today’s demonstration in Support of Mr and Mrs Prior who’s house in Vera, was demolished earlier this month by a court order, was supported by over 800 people (at a very rough glance the mix seemed to be 60% Spanish and 40% British).

The Spanish media were also there in force.  

Attending the meeting was the Mayor, Félix Lópezv, although it appears the ‘Junta de Andalucia’ had forbidden him to speak on the subject, for legal reasons.

The meeting was introduced by Mr. Lennox Napier of ‘The Entertainer Online’.

Vera Demonstation
Mr Napier being interviewed by the Spanish Media.

First to speak was Angel Medina from Ciudadanos Europeos del Levante. He described his disgust at the demolition and confirmed his full support for Mr & Mrs Prior. He posed the question as to “what rights the Junta had to interfere with the workings of this local government?” This was greeted with loud applause from the assembled demonstrators.

Paco Vázquez, Vera councillor for urban development, said "What a sad day it was for Spain when Mr & Mrs Prior’s home was demolished.  For 2,000 years Spain upheld the Roman law, that ‘every person has the right to a home'.  This ended when Mr & Mrs Prior were made homeless, and all because of political point scoring."  Señor Vázquez went on to say, “Without the British purchasing their homes in Vera, where would we be? – Vera is very proud that Britons have chosen Vera to be the place where they want to live and integrate with their Spanish neighbours, many having sold their homes in their own country to come here.”  

He confirmed Mr & Mrs Prior’s claim that their home was legally built 5 years ago and correctly authorised. If anyone wanted to view the paperwork, they could do so by visiting the offices of the Vera Ayuntamiento.

Señor Vázquez appeared deeply emotional, and amongst the demonstrators you could have heard a pin drop as he spoke.  Many of the demonstrators were emotionally moved (as we were). It is clear that the local Spanish population have been profoundly hurt and embarrassed by the vicious act of the Andalucian authorities against their respected neighbours from England.

Señor Vázquez concluded his speech by saying "The ‘Junta de Andalucia’ have promised that there will be no more demolishion of homes until all Ayuntamientos have presented PGOUs encompassing those properties that could be construed as illegally built. 

We could owe this change of heart", Señor Vázquez said, "to the activities of the Media and the strength of feeling this cowardly act has created." As you can imagine, the crowd erupted into loud applause.

As Mrs Prior came to the microphone to speak, to another loud applause in support of the couple.  Mrs Prior apologised for her husband not being with her as he was suffering from a bad cold. 

Vera Demonstration
Left to right: Angel Medina, Paco Vázquez and Mrs Prior

She thanked her neighbours for helping them through that terrible day when she saw her house being demolished! She thanked the Ayuntamiento mayor, the councillor and for everyone’s support. 

Mrs Prior, emotionally asked, “That lady, who worked so very hard to demolish our home, how is she feeling now?” she went on to send a message to Prime Minister Zapatero, “How can you reside over a government which evicts two old aged pensioners who have done nothing wrong, from their home, leaving them homeless?” Many of us listening will reflect on that brave ladies remarks for a very long time. (27/01/08).

Also read this about it & the Spanish press. http://spanishshilling.blogspot.com/


This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/6/2008.


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02 Feb 2008 12:58 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

"Perhaps you should put your name in the hat for the forthcoming elections - Zapatero mind your back Justins coming!!"


And the rest of us.   Thanks Justin, when are we marching in Madrid?




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02 Feb 2008 1:10 AM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

  Well that is a result if it helps others but not the Priors,  I feel so sorry for him it sounds like his health is suffering.   Which is really not fair on them.      I keep trying to put ourselves in their shoes I really do not know how I would have coped with the situation.     I HOPE  some sort of solution will come from this   Pat   



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02 Feb 2008 1:25 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Every time I read about what has happened to the Prior's it reduces me to tears. When buying our house we had a terrible time, the builder tried to cancel the contract and keep all our money (75%),.We had sold our UK home to fund the purchase and I was distraught , we'd have lost everything we'd worked all our lives for and now too old to make up the loss, it made me ill. I can't even begin to imagine how the Prior's are coping. If there is a fund for them I will willingly contribute.



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02 Feb 2008 9:17 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Good Justin!... you already know that we are here available for anything you may need related to this.

It will not be for nothing!



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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02 Feb 2008 3:18 PM by gail Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

A British couple living in Spain will see their dream home demolished to make way for a high-speed rail link, in the latest misery to hit expatriates living on the Spanish costas.

Telegraph aticle

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02 Feb 2008 5:07 PM by jamesyvonne Star rating. 181 posts Send private message

we had the telegraph today it seems others are in the way of the railway line. inital plans 2001  ..... sold to brits 2003 all approved by town hall now need demolishing. i am sorry but this is not good enough the town hall must have know of the railway line or is this just the spanish having a laugh at us brits. if this carries on spain is finished. I think this is digusting.


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02 Feb 2008 5:07 PM by jamesyvonne Star rating. 181 posts Send private message

we had the telegraph today it seems others are in the way of the railway line. inital plans 2001  ..... sold to brits 2003 all approved by town hall now need demolishing. i am sorry but this is not good enough the town hall must have know of the railway line or is this just the spanish having a laugh at us brits. if this carries on spain is finished. I think this is digusting.


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02 Feb 2008 5:32 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

I have just had a response from one of the MEP's I wrote to. They are USELESS, he didn't answer any of the questions I asked, and misreprenseted what I said. My letter said I realised the EU cannot/will not interfere in member states internal affairs, I didn't say the should be left to the countries themselves.  This the 3 line reply. What are we paying these people for?


"You are right to say these cases should be left to the countries themselves with a final step to the European level. Many people do not read documents when purchasing overseas. There is now a slump in Spain, no doubt caused by the adverse publicity of such cases. Den Dover MEP"

This message was last edited by Poppyseed on 2/2/2008.



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02 Feb 2008 6:09 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Gail, excuse me for posting your link again so others can just click on it as you didn't complete the link. (When you paste a link you should press space bar to complete its link) 

Click here

This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/2/2008.


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02 Feb 2008 11:23 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Hi Poppyseed,

Clearly, It's pretty much as we thought.  I was under the impression that the first duty of a Government was to protect its citizens.  As citizens of this pretentious EU we clearly have no protection or rights whatsoever, we just keep paying our taxes to feed the gravey train.  I was always unhappy about membership of this unelected cabal of failed politicians.  As for those who we do elect, they are so intent on keeping the trough operational that they just want to chant the party line and to hell with you and me.

I don't want to try and develop this string into a political rant about the EU, though come the next Euro elections I will have some questions to ask, but I will be dammed if I will fail to stand up for my rights and those of my compatriots.  My next missive will be to the UK Foreign Office Minister and then perhaps we should have a campaign in the national newspapers.

The slump in Spain has been caused by the world recession and the greed of Spanish politicians.  To my mind there has not been enough of a fuss kicked up by the media.  Those who have invested in a "better" life in Spain and intended to make it their future home will not be much damaged by the slump in prices, but those who speculated on turning a quick buck will and that's a gamble.  We all know that gambling is a win-or-loose activity.  Those who simply invested for a better life did not undertake a bet with their future, but expected a little honour, honesty and integrity.  Qualities we learn all too late are absent from the Spanish property market.


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03 Feb 2008 6:42 PM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

The Priors tragedy appeared to be a 'one and only' case - especially after the Vera demonstration and the up-coming Andalucía regional elections for March 9th (where, of course, in keeping with European law, displaced Europeans can't vote).

Then came news of expropriations in nearby Turre to make way for the AVE high-speed train. Expropriations of houses and land which were apparently green-lighted by the Turre town hall after they knew about the exact route of the train.

Yesterday I received word of a house due to be ordered for demolition on Tuesday in Palomares (Cuevas de la Almanzora) also belonging to a Brit. An article in El Mundo says that an apartment block and several houses there are illegal and due to receive a demolition notice.

Another article says that Vera town hall has agreed to study paying reparation to the Priors even though they don't admit culpability.

There are a couple of local organisations which are trying to help - http://www.almanzora-au.org/ out of Albox (another town locally with illegal homes), and http://ciudadanoseuropeosdemojacar.blogspot.com/ a local political group that I'm in. A local lawyer who I have confidence in, and who speaks fluent English, is Geraldo Vazquez at vazquez@spanish-cs.com

Lastly, I've been covering this at The Entertainer Online  http://www.theentertaineronline.com


Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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04 Feb 2008 8:44 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Another useful response from an MEP...

"Thank you for your email.

What you say about EU interference is such matters is, at the moment, correct. Although it is increasingly interfering in all aspects of our daily lives - were you aware that the driving force behind the implemenation of HIPS (Home Information Packs) or the Post Office rationalisation plans, to quote but two examples, is EU involvement in UK domestic Issues. 

Furthermore, having been elected on a clear mandate to secure the UK's withdrawal from the EU on as amicable terms as can be achieved, as quickly as possible, John Whittaker cannot take any action that invites the EU to extend its mandate any further into matters where even now it has no competence to do so.

I appreciate that this reply will be of small comfort to you and I am aware of the Human Rights aspect of your argument. Unfortunately, here again, there is a deal of confusion on this aspect of affairs. I have attached a copy of pages from a booklet recently released by the UK office of the EU Parliament entitled "What are my Rights as an EU ctizen" I hope you have Adobe on your system which will enable you to open this file (if you haven't it is very useful and can be downloaded for free from the web - if you know all about it, forgive me for preaching to the converted so to speak!)  

I will repeat just a couple of pertinent sections from what it says " ..... became part of UK law in 2000, as the Human Rights Act, allowing individuals to enforce their human rights through the domestic courts in the UK"     "NB The European Court of Human Rights- which is linked to the Council of Europe - is not part of the European Union"

We can only agree with the comments which you make about how the Spanish authorities, establishment and society has behaved - it only reinforces our view that to have surrendered our own Westmintser Parliament's powers ( it is now generally accepted that some 80% of all new UK law comes from the EU - and must be accepted by us irrespective of anythingour elected MPs may say) to a supra-national body where MEPs from such a society have the right to influence what we do in the UK, is dangerous and wrong.

Gerald Kelley

PA to John Whittaker MEP"




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