Home demolished in Vera

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08 Feb 2008 4:34 PM by Janny Star rating. 35 posts Send private message

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Havent been able to get onto the internet for a week (thats my fault for living out in the campo !!)  and am amazed at all the writings up to the 30th Jan, all those people out there with all that  knowledge .....  I will certainly be passing some if not all of it on , when I have checked it out, of course.

And again comiserations  to the Priors , lets hope they get their compensation , but no way will that make up for the tragic situation that they find themselves  in, and from reading the writings there are more demolition orders on the way .

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09 Feb 2008 12:39 AM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

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Just bumping this up................

So so sorry for these poor owners....................




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12 Feb 2008 10:39 AM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

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What has been done to the Priors is an outrage and an abuse of human rights.  If this same situation had happened to a Spaniard in Britain what would have happened?  In my opinion the tabloids would have got hold of the story and destroyed the politician responsible.  Then they would more than likely start a fund to compensate the couple and recruit a builder to build them a better house.  From what I have seen,and heard, of Spanish politicians they want us to pay their inflated prices for their badly built houses, they want us to pay the taxes, they want us to spend money in their shops, they want us to put our money in their banks and they demand that we obey their laws.  BUT when it comes to our rights we don't exist!  Lining their own pockets and looking after their own interests is their main priority.  This is not the attitude of the average Spaniard who I find to be a fantastically warm and friendly person with a good heart.  These scumbag red tape merchants are letting down their people, their country and us and they should be run out of town.

Is it possible that, in future, when ex-pats buy a property over here that, as part of the deal, a compulsory amount of money (say €500) should be paid in to a fund (run by a British bank) to fund legal cases and provide compensation for people caught up in crooked dealings like this.

I think the person(s) responsible for this terrible event should be held accountable.  A demonstration with bulldozers should be held at their homes and the main culprit should have their house bulldozed.

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12 Feb 2008 10:41 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Well said, Orda.


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13 Feb 2008 4:10 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Just seen this in another big forum ..

"I was talking to my friend last night who received a call a few weeks ago,from Torrevieja council telling him his house had had a demolition order served on it ! He was told that it was for the 4th Feb, he flew out immediately and said that the plane from belfast had quite a few people on it in the same situation. His house had an extension added by the previous owner, all the planning etc was in order,but apparantly when all work is completed, you have to pay about 30 euros for a certificate, which the previous owner did not do. Every 2 years an ariel photo of the area is taken which shows what houses have been altered, and then the council act on this information. My friend spent a full week with his Spanish solicitors and secured a stay of execution on the order, he hopes he's out of the woods, but is not 100 percent sure ! I had heard rumours about this but this is the first time I've actually talked to him about it and he was seriously concerned ! Shocked"


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13 Feb 2008 4:53 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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very few people know that you have to gain permission for doing anything at all to your property.

This includes retiling a bathroom to painting the interior walls!!!!!!

Alot of people choose to ignore this as "out of sight out of mind" generally kicks in.

I am not saying that you would get a demolition order for splashing a bit of "moonburst blue" on the walls but officially you should gain permission.

It can cause problems when you come to sell.

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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13 Feb 2008 4:57 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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very few people know that you have to gain permission for doing anything at all to your property.

This includes retiling a bathroom to painting the interior walls!!!!!!

Oddly enough I did read that HERE too, Georgia


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13 Feb 2008 5:06 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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yep,its one of those things where it should be common knowledge but people treat it as an urban myth.....

A little like taking oranges from a farmers tree.....

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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13 Feb 2008 5:09 PM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

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So who do you have to "let know"?  Do you knock on the town hall door and say "Sorrry to interrupt you counting all that money, but is it alright if I paint my loo your mayorness?"

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13 Feb 2008 5:20 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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I recall seeing our full bathroom upstairs on our new build & saying I didn't expect part of the wall to be jutting into the bathroom (as it was). The bidet had been put in a different position to where we'd expected so getting out of the bath means negotiating where to put your feet, inbetween the wc & the bidet. Builder said they'd been asked to remove many bidets as owners said it would give then more room. We opted to keep ours (I always wanted a bidet & ours has a lid too, woohoo) & were later told that if we'd taken it out we would need to replace it if we sold.  Ruddy crackers.


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13 Feb 2008 5:30 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Orda,

You got to the town hall,explain what works you are having done and the cost,they then will give you the specific form for the project(minor works or extension etc..etc...)

You then pay your fee,inform your community (if you have one ) and proceed with the works,quite simple and painless.

My town hall are particulary organised and it can only take a few minutes.

Again knowing what you are doing saves a lot of heartache in the end.

By the way,when i said "my town hall",it doesn't actually belong to me!

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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13 Feb 2008 5:37 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Good going mate, catching up fast with More


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13 Feb 2008 6:20 PM by orda Star rating in Manilva Heights. 203 posts Send private message

orda´s avatar
Thanks Georgia.  I'm at work at the moment and some of my colleagues have had quite extensive alterations to their homes done and they new nothing about this.

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13 Feb 2008 6:22 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

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Freudian slip Georgia "My Town Hall" - hmmmmm always knew there was something not quite 100% right about you - especially the Avatar in the Spanish colours - truths out now mate or should i say Ma(yor)te


Smiley - patrick@marbellamortgages.com  www.marbellamortgages.com   www.comparetravelcash.co.uk

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13 Feb 2008 7:03 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 posts Send private message

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If you make improvements or alterations to your home in UK you do, except for certain exemptions, have to get permission from your local council

If you do not get the approval, then when you come to sell you will have problems!!

Why do buyers in Spain think that the same does not apply

And if you are buying a re sale , same as UK. you want to know that the alterations, pool etc have been approved

Because in the past building permit and planning regulation laws have to be true ' been a touch flexible!!!'  when buying a re sale you need to make sure that ' everything' is OK.....take no risk!!





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13 Feb 2008 7:11 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
I keep telling people the same thing - but they want to believe something different because their neighbour has done this or that - in fact here it is more stringent because even if you are painting the interior of the house you are supposed to get permission and the appropriate License. The reality is that most people that repaint in or out wont bother getting the License but they are supposed to.


Smiley - patrick@marbellamortgages.com  www.marbellamortgages.com   www.comparetravelcash.co.uk

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13 Feb 2008 7:18 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 posts Send private message

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That is interesting!

As I will soon winter in Spain [ near Huercal Overa] and may in due course need to 'repaint inside and out' can you e-mail me with all the requirements or even a scan of the forms I will need

You never stop learning!!






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14 Feb 2008 11:07 AM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Sorry Brian i dont have the forms - you need to go to the Town Hall


Smiley - patrick@marbellamortgages.com  www.marbellamortgages.com   www.comparetravelcash.co.uk

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14 Feb 2008 12:37 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

When I bought my house the upstairs bathroom had had it's bidet removed, nothing was mentioned about having to put it back in.

The house is 20 years old and has had a number of owners over the years, who removed the bidet remains a mystery.  It is a small bathroom and I understand that most people in our Calle have done it.

Our Calle is private and I was told by our Presidente that alterations to the front of the houses did not require town hall permission but that anything to the back would.

Our Calle isn't listed on the Plano de Ciudad of Torrevieja either which can be a pain when having items delivered!

My neighbours have lived there since the houses were built and when the area was surrounded by orange goves.  They would stop when they saw the oranges were being picked and would be given a carrier bag full.  You can ask but you cannot take. 

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14 Feb 2008 12:53 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Semi, no bidet ? However do you soak your socks ?

Our Calle is private too, ie within a community which I guess is like yours, but we have to get permission from planning & also from our community for balustrades on front wall, slabbing front etc. These Presidents aren't law, they just think they know it all & I guess most don't. They are just ordinary people like you & I but certainly ours loves her status. The "fun" we've had with her & our last one. Trouble is with 54 detached properties & only 12 being resident they get away with too much. Us non residents aren't around very much & are like mushrooms, kept in the dark. Committee sees no reason to tell us most things & just pass, or not, what they decide on.

For example at our EGM (we attended) Sept 12th 2007, NO votes were taken although we were meant to be voting on a few issues. Administrator told OH & myself, when we went to quiz him in Nov about where the effing minutes were, that he hadn't taken any as everyone was talking over the top of each other & nothing was sorted & no votes were taken. He said he needed to speak with our President about what she wanted him to do. Suddenly we had the minutes from him just recently for this meeting on Sept 12th saying votes were taken on xyz & this, that, the other was passed... WHAT THE F***..................... Needless to say I compiled a rather terse email to our President & I had a reply just saying she'd passed it to the admin. WHY ? He works for our community !!  It's our President who doesn't understand her right from her left.  again & more .

Sorry, ranting now. Apologies.

Back to demolitions.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/14/2008.


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