The Comments |
This makes my blood boil  . I am somewhat surprised though as several people I have spoken to in the area say the Mayor is a good guy and the Prior's problem came about because of a spat with the Mayor and the Junta. I think a lot of people had high hopes that the Prior's would be done right by.
Off topic though with the council being in the red. You would think that they would respond to queries via the Vera Town Hall website about how non- residents go about registering/ paying their taxes when they won't be back in the country for a few months!!
i hope this makes everyones blood boil. It makes you realise that living in Spain means it's ok, as long as you are not conned, ripped off, or swindled. If you are, the laws to protect you that we take for granted most of the time in the UK, just don't seem to exist (yes i know there are bound to be exceptions) Is it any wonder rogues/scum bags prosper so well in Spain? The damage to Spains property market by this one case alone is probably considerable. It's nothing but a disgrace.
I wonder if all the residents in this area witheld their council taxes in protest, would the council re-think this appalling decision? What cruel people they are to allow this situation to arise and then compound the pain by behaving like this, truly shameful.
I realise this thread has been going for a long time but I just wanted to add a suggestion/offer of help. Thankfully I'm not in this position but sometimes the way property is in this country I know it could quite easily be us next and the thought of it makes my blood run cold. I haven't had time to read through all the comments so this may have been answered before but does anyone know if there is an organisation that's been set up by people in a similar position? I would gladly link to their website, point any enquiries their way or do anything I could to help if someone could let me know the web address.
The only thing I can suggest is that an email campaign could be started to Beatriz Corredor Sierra, the housing minister via their website - (I can't put a link in but it's mviv dot es) - they can ignore one email but can they ignore thousands? This could also be combined with youtube videos, blogs and social networking posts - viral campaigns sometimes work amazingly well if enough people get behind it. If lots of English speaking web sites got together and offered people a letter they could send and an email address to send it to then it may get to the right person eventually. Spain surely cannot go on acting like some tin pot third world dictatorship when the housing market here is in freefall and someone in power must be able to see what pr like this is doing to worsen the situation?
_______________________ Greg
yes indeed. How much longer will Spain shoot itself in the foot? The fact rogues have prospered for so long, doesn't inspire me with much confidence that much will change, but surely it must sooner or later?
There is a petition started by Suzanne. Some of us have signed this. The owners of this site have the details.
thanks goodstich - I'll contact the site owners
_______________________ Greg
A little glimmer of hope? From the AUAN website
Vera: Priors' Appeal Accepted
Focus Magazine, August 2008
The British couple whose house was demolished in Vera earlier this year have had their appeal against the demolition order accepted by the Constitutional Tribunal. The appeal was lodged in 2006.
The lawyer for the family, Victor Martinez, has stated that only 5% of appeals to this court are accepted and this could lead to legal action against the Junta de Andalucia and the Almeria judge, Jesus Rivera, who enforced the demolition order.
Wonderful news! Congratulations to Victor Martinez. This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 8/21/2008.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Lets hope all those people who caused this appalling situation are finally called to account and punished for all the unspeakable misery and distress their actions caused.
There are tens of thousands of illegally built properties in Almería and at the moment all construction has been frozen while the situation is being assessed.
There is a group called ecologistas en acción who seem to be actively involved in this.
See - you'll need to speak Spanish though!
Rumours in the Vera area are that this particular villa was demolished as the new AVE train would be going through their living room.
Others are that they were offered other accommodation but refused. I don't know, and am not saying anything, but there are a lot of very worried Brits in the Almería area.
On the subject of China - see
We ignore China at our peril.
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
I am so sick of those West media one-sided no-truth-what-so-ever reports.  Ask yourself, once the topic is about China or Russia, have you ever once heard two sides’ stories?
This 'story' about demolishing homes for Olympics makes my bloody boiling. Have been grown up next to where Bird Nest is today. There were miles and miles agriculture lands with no city dwelling there which was one of the reason the site has been chosen. There were a few scratched villages where the villagers were paid well to be relocated comfortably.
Sick of those ‘journalist’ go there actively hunting for a negative report and pour all these rubbish on the papers to mislead west public. Every county has greedy people; do I interpret hoodie, knife killing, and benefit cheating as it is GB all about? No! So should not you. Please do not think other countries are like what you read on newspaper.
Sad, really, one hand you have democracy on free speaking, on the other hand you do not have any democracy on free hearing because west media only choose what they want you to hear.
Just go out to see yourself. Never trust what printed on the paper and told to you on TV.
BBC once shown about a few seconds those monks shouting ethnic cleansing slogan in Tibet and chasing Chinese with knife attacking on the street. Then, this piece be convinently 'edited' out the second time showing. What is going on in Georgia was started by Georgia but conveniently be put down by west as ‘even technically Georgia started, but………….’ Again all Russia’s fault.
Or, as they say in China, "those that know, know"
Same could apply anywhere - Spain, UK.....
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Have just seen a post regarding property purchase from mariadecastro who says:
"Of course, a good, risponsable lawyer will put you far from any risk. That, together with calm and serious thought are the best things to gather."
I know of some first class lawyers / solicitors here in Spain from my days in the do I say this?.....please don't be cross with agency (sorry - I'm honest...HONESTLY).....anyway, as I was saying - I know some first class solicitors, but if you look at the case of Marbella, the whole caboodle were in on the corruption - the town hall, mayoress, notaries, land registry. The best solicitors in the world couldn't spot that one!
Fortunately most of these people are now looking at the world through vertical bars but where it leaves the property "owners???" I don't know.
I guess flyingcats diatribe was aimed at me / Leapy Lee. Fair comment about life in UK - I've already said that I baled out 11 years ago as I could see the way it was going.
We are getting off the thread here, but one question - How many of the 1,329,349,388 people in China voted for the president in free elections?
O.K. - the same number of Brits who voted for Gordon Brown.
I think I've lost this case!
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
I could write pages of advice from my experiences of estate agency, but the most important for me is this:
Don't use a solicitor that has been recommended by the estate agent, look for your own IN A DIFFERENT PART OF SPAIN. Certainly far enough away for there to be no vested interests.
and insist that they actually come and look at the property - otherwise how can they know that it is the same one as described in the escritura / Catastro?
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
that's good news indeed. Let's hope this starts the ball rolling for many other victims.