Home demolished in Vera

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14 Feb 2008 2:20 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

In a bucket, dear More

We may be the same, our comminity consists of our private road and it evolved with time.  From what I've heard the early years were pretty dire and eventually it was decided to go down the community route.

Our AGM's in August, probably because that's when most people are in residence.  Quite a lot of the homes are owned by Madrileanos.  The majority of residents don't attend unless they have a private agenda.  The latest was that the community fees should be apportioned equally whereas in the beginning it was decided to divide the budget between each side of the Calle.  One side had to pay 4mil and the other 5mil.  The 4mil side of the street is villas, the otherside is a row of terraced townhouses, one and two bedroomed.

Most of the villas are owned by retired English with too much time on their hands, hope I don't get like that.  Comminity fee apportioning remain the same and last meeting only 8 attended.

Would I want to be Presidente, no thanks, ours is on call 24/7.  A couple of years ago a Spanish resident was very keen on taking over as Presidente but after a year of being Vice Presidente he realised just what is involved.


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14 Feb 2008 3:10 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Semi, I also wouldn't want to be President BUT if you choose to take on the role you HAVE to do best by the community or GET OUT !!!

In fact it was quite a fluke how our current President became President & rather norty too.  Previous one, M, (resident) decided she'd had enough after over a year so she told her (resident) mate, P, who said "I'll do it". No asking rest of us owners as it should've been done at the time.

At the EGM President M said "I'm standing down but P has agreed to take over so can we have a proposer (thank you Sir), can we have a show of hands (thank you all) P is in ". New Presi was in, easy as that. M had emailed us about summat a few days before we landed in Spain in Sept & never said a dickybird about her standing down. Once in Spain a neighbour told us M had stood down but P was taking over !!! No emails had been sent out to the non resident owners (of which there are 42 properties out of 54) & only a couple were there at EGM. Whilst I appreciate it would be rather nonsensical to have a non resident President I think there should be a non resident on the committee. We are not there for the AGM June 2nd. I doubt whether we'll hear what the minutes will be covering or if we'll ever hear the truth about what happens. Meeting should be videotaped for clarification.


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15 Feb 2008 10:41 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Residents of  Axarquia on the CDS have brought out their own website "Save Our Homes in Axarquia".



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16 Feb 2008 9:56 AM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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whilst in Garrucha this week, I was talking to a lady that told me some stories about the "truth" surrounding the Priors home. This is hearsay I have to add, and take no responsibility for it, but there could be some truth to it!!

Currently there is a sewerage works that serves some of the local communities (in or near Turre I think it was). This treatment plant does not treat the waste down to the same level as in the UK (i.e. back to drinking water), instead it treats it and pumps it into the Med. The Andalucian Junta wanted to make a new treatment plant to serve all the previous areas, but also to take in Mojacar,Vera and other places. Again the raw sewerage would only be treated to a certain degree and then pumped out to sea. The Mayor of Vera didn't like the idea and propsed a treatment plant for Vera and surrounding areas. The idea being that as Vera is an agricultural area, the treated waste could then be used on the land, rather than being pumped out to sea. Now, this is the interesting bit. Because the Mayor voted against the Junta, they are trying to bring in government sponsored revenge by saying that the Priors villa is built on land that was earmarked as part of the land mass for the new treatment works, hence it has to go.

Apparently the Mayor in Vera is well liked and is not part of any political party. I have also been told he is a bit of a "greenie", which is why he opposed the larger treatment works plan.

Really can't say how much of this is Chinese whispers, but it is definitely something to think about.


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09 Mar 2008 6:51 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

This thread seems to have been forgotten about now as the Priors are last weeks news. Do we know what, if anything, is happening?


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09 Mar 2008 7:20 PM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

The Priors remain living in a caravan parked on the site of their demolished house. Some neighbours have received notices of 'desalojo' - to vacate their premises etc. We shall all be awaiting the election results for Andalucía in a few hours time - but can generally expect another victory for Sr Chaves and, consequently, more demolitions.

The Spanish press has so far been quiet about this topic - except for one write-up in La Razón a couple of weeks ago. The British press and TVs have been pretty much on top of it. Quite right too!!

I live nearby and will put up news if it happens on http://spanishshilling.blogspot.com

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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09 Mar 2008 7:28 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar
I shall keep an eye open for the write up. Thanks.

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10 Mar 2008 3:41 PM by Juan Pánzon Star rating in Marbella. 156 posts Send private message

Juan Pánzon´s avatar
Hi there,

Sincerely speaking, and if this had happenned some years ago, I could see a British Dreaughnoth with their batteries aiming to the authorities that allowed this to happen............ a house for a house.............

One shot with a MK 8 105mm naval cannon would stop all this nonsense.........   tearing down houses of retired expats that invested hundreds of thousands of  hardly earned pounds is the most despicable thing I have ever heard so far.........

As per the Junta  de Andalucía, I would recommend a Tomahawk missile...... to avoid as much collateral damage as possible.

I am FURIOUS, I did never thought that the demolitions agaisnt good will buyers was gonna go through........... the developers and the Town Halls should pay..

And unfortunatelly, Zapatero has won again....... and they have made a "motto" of "tear down those houses".........

I am sick about this........

"I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...

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10 Mar 2008 4:25 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

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Well said Juan.

The whole situation is diabolical.

The local councillors who 'elected' this house for demolition must be truly bursting with pride at their selfless attention to civic their duty and  at their completely impartial decision.  Or was it simply that brown envelope fever got the better of them?

I suppose they decided that demolishing the hard earned retirement home of 82 year old foreigners would be of no consequence.  They would be an easy target  and  the publicity might also prove to be a bit of a vote catcher. Or did they  reckon no one would find out or, if they did,care?

What if it had been their elderly parents or grandparents who, because of political posturing, or  greed, or jealousy ,or even all three, and through no fault of their own, were left with the prospect of spending their final few years in a caravan?

Will I retire to Spain?

I think I might stay with the devils I know. At least I can speak the language.

But to those who made the decision to demolish I say,

'What goes around, comes around'











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10 Mar 2008 4:37 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Click logo to access website.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 3/10/2008.


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10 Mar 2008 4:48 PM by jane b Star rating in Bedar, Almeria. 222 posts Send private message

jane b´s avatar
We too will be watching the blogspot with interest, Lenox.  Meanwhile do you happen to know which demolition contractors were used on the Priors' house?  We have been discussing this recently as we need a digger again soon and we don't want to put any more money into the coffers of a company prepared to do this.  A bit of naming and shaming might not go amiss but if you think that is a bit risky perhaps you could pm me!!   Thanks



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10 Mar 2008 4:52 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Hi Lennox, why don't you use your blog as your signature then we will see it each time you post without you needing to have to keep retyping it.

 http://spanishshilling.blogspot.com  ... just posting it again....


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24 Mar 2008 1:31 AM by Homefinder Star rating in Moraira. 36 posts Send private message

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My personal opinion is that the whole issue is an absoulte disgrace and should never have happened.
The problem is deciding who is actually to blame and in this respect it is important to study The Regional Government Report to the European Parliament .
I am not inclined to pass any comment except to same that the blame certainly does not seem to lie with the priors.
I would think that the Vera Town Hall should also make a similar statement because the Junta de Andalusia seem to be blaming them.



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03 Apr 2008 10:12 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Have just watched 'Holiday Homes from Hell', usual stuff that we all know happens. But no matter how often I read and hear about the Priors it still reduces me to tears, it did again tonight.  I just don't know how they are coping. The hatred and feelings I have for the  cruel despots who made this happen  with no  justification are not healthy, and I wish really bad things on them.

The programme did not say how they were getting on and whether they were any further in settling compensation. I hope they are making progress and that they will soon be able to look forward to the future.



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03 Apr 2008 11:27 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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I confess that I have not really followed this story, apart from seeing the occassional article in the papers about it, beacuse it sounded like so many others that often turn out to be badly researched doom & gloom stories á la Trevor MacDonald, deliberately sensational journalism etc. etc.

But I did see tonight's program, and I must say that I was quite shocked, disgusted and appalled. This should be shown at prime time on every TV channel throughout Europe. Spain, it's administration and legal/justice system should be held up to the spotlight and exposed for this utter disgrace.

There was a brief mention of compensation (they don't know when or how much) which most of the reports don't mention at all (because that might hint at the other side of the coin that never gets shown in this type of story), but even so, how these poor people can be treated so badly really beggars belief. And the fact that there was another story about France equally unbelievable doesn't make it any better. Spain should feel ashamed of herself tonight.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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07 Apr 2008 1:20 PM by deesam56 Star rating in Stafford. 31 posts Send private message

New  to forum and thinking of moving to Spain to build on a ruin.Does this demolishing happen more in the campo's and on rebuilds as I am planning? or generally anywhere?

Also if you go through a lawyer with all paperwork can it still occur?



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07 Apr 2008 4:04 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Dear Deesam:

It might happen anywhere where a building license lacks.

Of course, a good, risponsable lawyer will put you far from any risk. That, together with  calm and serious thought are the best things to gather.

Good luck and welcome to the Spanish adventure. You will find here lots of company and advise.



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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07 Apr 2008 7:51 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Denise, welcome to the fun!

I think one of the most important lessons that we have all learned from all the planning corruption and scandal that has been so widely reported in the press, is that a licence issued by a local town hall is not worth the paper it's written on. The regional government can over-rule town halls (and do, when planning irregularities and corrupt mayors are exposed). In fact, if I was thinking of building, or buying in a new development anywhere other than established urban areas (existing towns in other words), I don't think I'd be confident unless Sr.Zapatero himself had signed the licence.

Other than that, all I can say is take Maria's advice - get yourself a good lawyer (like Maria!), and tread very carefully.

Good luck!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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22 Apr 2008 12:16 PM by El Jefe Star rating in Aguas Nuevas, Torrev.... 17 posts Send private message

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The solution that the Spanish government should take before they completely ruin Spain for all foreigners who wish to live here.

My idea is for them to have an illegal property amnesty , in which all illegal buildings more than 50% constructed should be made legal by the appropriate town halls.

Then they should make a huge fine for all illegal buildings after this date. It is a shame that so many brits have fallen into this trap. So lets not dwell on the past . Spain go forward, legalise the homes. Put a stop top this happening in the future.


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07 Jun 2008 11:26 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Just seen this in http://www.cbnalmeria.com/  Friday, June 6-12, 2008

Can't pay, won't pay

Vera council employing stalling tactics to avoid paying Priors, say lawyers

By Richard Torné

VERA council’s decision not to compensate the Priors over the demolition of their home has stunned the couple.

Ruling councillors decided at a plenary meeting last week to begin legal action against the regional government, arguing that the Junta and not the council should compensate Len and Helen Prior for the loss of their property.

Although Mrs Prior said she had been expecting the council’s decision, she expressed deep anger at the news. She said: “We’re disgusted because the mayor told everyone who cared to listen that we were going to get paid down to the last penny, knowing that he was never going to do this. It’s horrible.”

The Priors’ home was bulldozed on January 9 after a judge ruled in favour of the Junta’s appeal to revoke the building permit – which had been granted by the council - on the grounds that the property encouraged further development in a rural area.

The couple subsequently claimed damages from the council amounting to 690,000 euros, based on their bank’s evaluation of their property.

The basis for the council’s legal case stems from the conviction that the regional government’s unfavourable report was non-binding and should not have been acted upon by the judge.

Speaking to Costa Almería News, the mayor of Vera, Félix López, said it would be down to the courts to decide who was to blame. He said: “We’re convinced the Junta committed serious mistakes in their appeal to have the house pulled down.

“We’re doing this to defend the rights of Vera’s residents,” he remarked.

However, insiders expressed outrage that the council had decided to take the Junta to court at this late stage. Costa Almería News revealed in January that council documents showed the local authority had failed to inform the Priors for years of the Junta’s intention to challenge the building licence.

Many believe the decision is a cynical move to delay the inevitable, as a protracted court case could take between six to 10 years, including appeals before Spain’s supreme tribunal.

The Priors’ solicitor, Victor Martínez, confirmed that the couple would be seeking full damages from the council, adding that the mayor was “dragging his feet” over the case.

He said: “If the council thinks it’s the Junta’s fault they should pay the Priors first and then seek damages from the regional government.”

Vera council’s cash crisis

The Socialist party, the PSOE, this week revealed figures which shed light on the financial crisis facing the council.

According to the spokesman for the party, Pedro Fernández Céspedes, the council is nine million euros in the red, much of it caused by administrative waste.

Sr Céspedes, who has always staunchly defended the Junta in the Priors’ case, claimed that because of poor planning and the slump in the construction sector the council had only been able to raise 30 per cent of the expected four million euros in building permits.

In addition, two million euros had also failed to materialise in vehicle taxes.

To back their claims, the party released the council’s alleged expenditure, which included a total of 120,000 euros on phone calls over the year, as well as overspending by 40,000 euros on cultural events.

The Priors – living on the edge

The council’s decision not to compensate the Priors has outraged the couple. Len Prior said: “What annoys me the most is that we didn’t know about the town hall meeting until today (Monday), when it’s too late to do anything.”

His sentiments were echoed by his wife Helen, who said the council has not been in contact since the public demonstration organised in their support in Vera main square at the end of January.

“We’re very worried about our storage costs. We’ve got eight huge containers which we’re having to pay for and the bill for storage is continually going up,” she said.

The couple are now living in their garage which was saved from the bulldozers.

Trying to make day-to-day life more bearable, Len has also converted a tin shed into a shower room, “so that we can at least keep ourselves clean”.

Since January the couple have been faced with spiralling costs, including the installation of an 11,000-litre water tank, an electricity cable - which runs from a neighbouring house – and soaring storage bills.

The promise by mayor López to put them up in a flat shortly after the demolition was quietly shelved by the council after councillors failed to reach an agreement with the couple over accommodation requirements.



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