The Comments |
I'll drink to that ! (Though it is only 4.20pm here in the UK).

This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/25/2008.
More demolition orders JANUARY 25th to JANUARY 31st 2008
Residents affected by demolitions in Mijas set up a pressure group
M. J. Cruzado
More than 300 people from the municipality met last week to elect representatives of the new group
They claim that they will be financially ruined if the demolitions go ahead as planned

More than 300 residents of Mijas affected by urban planning fines and demolition orders on houses built on land not zoned for building met last week in front of the municipal auditorium to establish a pressure group aimed at defending their interests. They elected a representative for each area of the municipality affected, which are Puerto de Los Gatos, La Alquería, Entrerríos, Macorra, La Majadilla, Alberquilla, Candelaria, Fuente Algarrobo, Atalaya, Valtocado and Osunilla, and decided to place the matter in the hands of lawyers, whose task it will be to study the possibilities of having the properties in question legalised. Most of them have been built on land that has belonged to their families for many generations, by people who were either not aware of the Urban Planning Law of Andalucía, or chose to ignore it. Many of them had the actual documentation relating to the fines imposed on them by the authorities, ranging from 5,000 to 130,000 euros, while others had in their possession court orders giving them a set date by which their properties must be demolished. On the contrary, they were warned, further legal measures would be taken.
For many of these residents, losing their homes would mean losing everything they have. They are mostly unable to pay the high fines, having mortgages or bank loans to pay back, and most of them not being in the high income bracket. This is the case of Diego Gutiérrez, who lives in the Entrerríos area of Mijas. “They issued an order to appear in court, and if they knock my house down, I’ll have no place for myself and my family. We’ll be destitute, on the streets,” he said. Others, such as Justo Alcázar, claim they have been living without any water supply for almost two years. “The Town Hall cut my water off. I have a demolition order on the garage I built on land that has been zoned for building,” he tells us. Another resident of Entrerríos is angry because he invested all his savings in converting a garage into a small house on land that was in his family for generations. “In May of last year, they sent me a demolition order and fined me 65,000 euros. The house was finished at that point. Now they say it has been built on land not zoned for building, and against the territorial planning laws. I don’t understand what is going on,” he said.
Other residents of Mijas acknowledge that the Town Hall refused them permission to build many times. José Julio Valenzuela, from the Macorra area of the municipality, built a doghouse on the site his parents’ house used to stand. Then he was handed a fine of 20,000 euros. “I’m separated from my wife and she has the house. If they will not allow me to build on my own land, what can I do?” he asks.
It is estimated that some 3,000 fines have been imposed by the Department for Urban Planning Infractions. Of these, about 300 include demolition orders. The mayor of Mijas, Antonio Sánchez, announced his intention of raising the matter in the next plenary session of the Town Hall, and his plans to legalise the situation of those affected. The Partido Popular, whose local representatives were present at the street demonstration as a show of support, also announced measures to protect the rights of local property owners.
Justin, you said on 23rd you were seeing the Priors & their lawyers the next day. What happened please ?
Ciudadanos Europeos of Mojacar have prepared - with the support of the Town Hall of Vera - a demonstration for today 27th January at noon (in the Vera church Square) about the house demolished recently in Vera.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/27/2008.
It still comes down to 'buyer beware' but this is typical of developing Governments all over the world. ALL Governments are corrupt !!! - all we can do is discuss the 'degree of corruption' and yes, that DOES include our one back home! (NOTE: I didn't vote for them - I don't vote so that I can moan about ALL of them) Governments normally want foriegn monies to be brought into their country but are often in the early stages of working out the best ways to do this. I'm sure most of us have got off the plane in Malaga, got in our hire car and driven along the A-7 (desparately trying to avoid getting on the wrong slip road and having to 'pay' (AP-7) even though it's less than a euro to legally do '120' or a little bit more - I love that road). We have all looked at the skyline full of cranes. We have all looked at what seems to be the last bit of spare ground on the coast side going under concrete. Strange how when we were told we could make up to 30% a year on growth, we didn't care how much of the coastline was burried! There has to be a 'happy medium' where development does not get out of hand, foriegn investers have something worth investing in, and the local people get some infastructure, some facitities and somewhere to live themselves.
I personally think that enough building work has been done. Get the ones that have been built or those that are still under construction sold, roads done, trees planted, looking good - then take a look to see if more is actually 'needed'. That way, the hillsides will look good instead of the whole coastline looking like a building site. Perhaps 'Disney' may then take another look? - although I'm not sure there are quite enough MacDonalds yet.
Too much greed from inside and outside of Spain has lead to this (with other factors I know) - maybe it's time to throttle back. VERY sad for those about to, or who have already been 'caught' by this 'return to nature', and yes, the rules should have been adhered to BEFORE building. I'm sure we will all stay glued to this story. I feel sadest for those who's actual 'home' we are talking about. Investors always take risks - win some, loose some.
I love Spain, I love the people, I love the climate, I love the glorious anarchy, I love their style, the traditional architecture, the corniches, the mountains, the pueblos blancos. If Spain was organised, straight, 100% legit, it would be like England used to be!
According to the papers yesterday over 680 brits are leaving Britain everyday with Australia and New Zealand number 1 with Spain number 2 destination. It says that families are disillusioned with crime, taxes and bills amongst other things. Although the numbers do not ot weigh the migrants coming in to Britain.  . Agree with wongga, If the legal problems can be resolved quickly then the confidence in the Spanish market would be restored. (Also wongga don't forget about us celts  )
I had a meeting on friday with my abogado and we talked about the problems at the moment.
The average Spanish person in the street is as outraged as the rest of us about these goings on,althouigh there is no news coverage on the Spanish channels as there is in the UK.
I was trying to explain that the damage this is causing to the industry,by trying to restore the greenbelt and right wrongs from the past they are in essence harming the future.
The opinion is that the cases are very rare and will eventually fade away as new legislation impacts and anyone buying property now will not suffer the same consequences that we are experiencing at the moment.
I totally agree wonga and candyfloss that if Spain does resolve these problems then confidence will return in floods as people are still moving here in their droves,it seems people are still aware that you can live here,have a fantastic quality of life and avoid the issues in question if you are careful.
I think the biggest threat to the Spanish economy and property market is that britain ever sorts out its issues and becomes a better place to live,if 680 are leaving daily they must have their reasons and with Spain at number 2 we must be doing something right.
The ideal solution for this problem is for the government to use some of the taxes paid in from the 1000's of foreigners over the years and set up a department to compensate anyone losing their home through no fault of their own,Spain gets its countryside back and we can all live here and be perfectly happy,with more people coming to the country they would quickly recoup monies initially paid out in new taxes and input into the economy,with the elections coming soon,who knows.
still here after all these years!
I would agree with georgia. The compensation proposal would/should be payable to all nationalities including Spanish citizens as they are just as likely to be victims of the current demolishion mentality sweeping through provincial administrations. Compared to the huge influx of overseas cash from taxation, property purchases and general spending habbits of incomers, the compensation pay-outs would be a drop in the Ocean! But would go a long way to restore calm and confidence.
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
Having just returned from Spain where we have purchased an apartment on the Haciende Requelme a Polaris World Resort, both my husband and I are wondering how safe are these golf resorts?
My husband being the eternal pesimist has spend a good few nights in panic!! Is there no one in Spain willing to take on the beurocrats? What happened to the EU and the members of the parliment who are supposed to withhold civil rights when we are misled by people in authority.
This couple must be heartbroken at the loss of their dream and home. I am also wanting to eventually move to Spain in a couple of years as mu husband is retiring in a couple of months. We may now have to reconsider unless something is agreed and we can be ensured we will not end up in the same situation.
Oh yes!! There are plenty of houses now finished, with full licenses and full legal security that developers are willing to sell at a discounted price now or that are willing to offer as a change against a non finished or non licensed unit. It is not a bad business wit the proper discounts and bonuses.
Again, there is much more security in the real estate now than two years ago. The new Ground Act is also reinforcing the securities and Notaries have a bigger rol to play in that checking, as you know, no unlicensed house can be transacted by Notary deed now.
Again, look for the correct legal advisor and things will go as they must.
Keep dreaming of Spain! The dream is not unreal!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hi jelizabeth. Welcome.
Have you registered with the development forum for Hacienda Riquelme Golf Resort (click on blue link) as it could be interesting for you to chat with other owners in there.
Thank you for the response and the reasurance given. Last week was spent organising our apartment and actually spent Friday night there for the first time. The resort is really nice even though it still has to be completed (dates for this vary evey time we visit). It was hard to haver to return to the UK on Saturday and even harder to return to work today. We are hoping to return very soon and are hoping the gas will be connected then as boiling saucepans and kettles for a bath takes some time!! We both look forward to meeting other residents over the coming months and reaquainting ourselves with the couples we met on the completion in November.
The weather here at present is very cold so I am very envious of all of you there.
Does anyone have the organizational skills and contacts to organize a MASS protest at the steps of Zapateron in Madrid? I would participate, and would also willingly contribute to a fighting fund. Our house is in Valencia, but everyone needs to make a stand against what in my view amount to criminal acts of demolition by the authorities. Mrs Prior asks can they look her in the eye and sleep at night, well unfortunately they can. It's people power thats needed now. If we were in the Prior's position it would destroy us in every way, after a lifetime of long hard labour. It's too cruel and unjust and we must fight.
I have spoken to Len Prior today and what a nice chap he is! Makes what happened to him and his wife even more painful to think about.
As you can imagine Len and Helen have had a really busy few weeks with reporters, etc, and I think they are still in shock as to what has happened to them.
We've discussed a few ideas about some mass protest and a help fund, etc. He's going to check a couple of things our for me and I'm gong to speak to him in the morning again to tie up a few of the ideas.
Maria, he's also going to try and get me the documents that led to the demolition so that we can review these.
I'll post again tomorrow after I chat to Len again.
Let's keep this thread going.
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Hi Justin
Dennis and I are willing to contribute, great that you are getting involved. will watch this thread to see what happens.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
Hi Justin,
Just to say that Mike and I still want to be involved.
We have had a reply from our MP, who has said that our concerns have been passed to the Foreign Office. Not sure if that will be of any help but lets wait and see!
Count us in.
Gloria and Mike
Thanks Justin, we'll support you all the way and contribute to any fund - what are any of us without a home! Beggars belief.
Now our developer is trying to get us to sign without a habitation certificate - no problem they say, and without the info on this forum I probabaly would, but now
......umm just let me think about that...........
Keep up the good work Justin.
This message was last edited by ******** on 1/29/2008.