The Comments |
both mellowed eh', well yes to a point. I wont really mellow 'till i get some sort of justice though!
What i have been banging on about for years is at least now out in the open, as in the priors case, corrupt officials, bad lawyers being shown up for what they are, hopeless lack of regulation and fairly crap justice system that is so slow, the dodgy developer/lawyer/agent has often gone bust before a case is heard in court.
At least now.i feel those screwed who did nothing wrong apart from follow the rules and trusted a lawyer or a legal document, have been seen as the victim, not all as fools who didn't do their homework, as was often the accusation, which was sickening to those who's trust in the legal system (which we all have to do at some stage when buying) had simply been betrayed by liars who in a decent sytem should be bought to book, and arn't!
Now that people can see what has really been going on, and petitions are being written up, as well as many letters to mp's mep's ect, i find it's easier to look at the positive posts with balance. I really feel it has to cut both ways. Those of us who have been screwed through no fault of our own, should also accept that for many, their Spanish experience has been a good one, and they have every reason to talk positive. Their decision to move to Spain has been the right one for them, and they want the good side seen as well, and that's great. If everyone can look at both sides with an open mind, then i think it's much easier for everyone to get along.
The UK -V- Spain debate also follows a similar pattern i think. To say '' i wouldn't live there because it's all bad '' is just being narrow minded about either country. What suits one, doesn't suit another. I've seen many posts from ex-pats saying they wouldn't live in UK because of the violence. I could say, i wouldn't live in Spain because of the corruption. Neither opinion makes any sense to those who have not had any problems with either of these situations, but at least if we accept they are an issue for some, it makes our posts look like they are coming from reasoned thinking, and not just bias to justify one's own choice.
Quote Goodstich44:
"If everyone can look at both sides with an open mind, then i think it's much easier for everyone to get along."
"Neither opinion makes any sense to those who have not had any problems with either of these situations, but at least if we accept they are an issue for some, it makes our posts look like they are coming from reasoned thinking, and not just bias to justify one's own choice."
Very well put 
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
thanks for the brittany ferries tip, i had a good hour on their website last night re pets, and was so soplease to see a new ferry from Poole to Santander - think it was called Avure (or something like that - yes should've pasted it- oops) and going on a 360 tour on accommodation was able to see the kennels. BUT EVEN BETTER, found out it is to be a swipecard system which will allow you 24hr access to you pet and also some formof excersise area to.How things have moved on, am so happy to have found this, I am now waiting for a brochure. In the mean time we will be following Technoapes advice re pet passportsetc,we already have the micro chip, but weneed to also spay now the pooch has had her first season - sorry about the graphics there - but vet said best time to spay - 3months after 1st season for hormones to settle
so sadly,I can see our house sale falling down as there is no way we can do this in the time constraints we had planned.
How come moving lock stock and barrel is so hard, I must've been (and clearly stillam) so ignorant, I really thought it was - get up and GO!
Fear not,I am not putoff,and as they say everything comes tothose who wait........lets just hope the wait isnt too long, tho'I guess its a good way topractice - mannyanna :)
Dear All,
despite the intervention of the "sillies" amongst the ex-pats who seek to hi-jack the forum with their nonsense, I think the case is made, even without the embellishments etc.
It is bright and sunny here but very cold, it has to be somewhat better nearer the equator, though you must get acclimatised to require such heavy clothing, as shown on the TV, but even that is only CDS, things may be better elsewhere.
No doubt there is some argument concerning the life-style thing, depending how bad you are suffering where you are. That also may be case proven.
However friends in Benidorm tell of how they watched someone mugged on their doorstep by Spaniards and when they attempted to intervene by going out and shouting that they were calling the police. They got chased back in and the culprits proceeded to do a jig in the street, singing about their contempt for the Policia.
The great danger is if the spin, elaboration and embellishments, don't just help to let your holiday box, but just like the developers lies, encourage someone out of their depth with euro mortgages, as clearly a great many are, hence the exodus.
I believe extreme caution is required with substantial back up, however decisions have been made, both parties seem to have back up in place so good luck to them. I hope it works out.
As to the "experts", which is going to collapse in the end, the euro or the £, or perhaps neither with the good old days and rates gently returning????
This message was last edited by normansands on 1/26/2009.
_______________________ N. Sands
Just cant beleive this guy and a couple of others.
They just never give up.
Norman there is more to Spain than the fight for justice 
Just Dan
Goodstich 44 Posted.
Quote Goodstich44:
"If everyone can look at both sides with an open mind, then i think it's much easier for everyone to get along."
"Neither opinion makes any sense to those who have not had any problems with either of these situations, but at least if we accept they are an issue for some, it makes our posts look like they are coming from reasoned thinking, and not just bias to justify one's own choice."
What can I say.
4 Years and you now post this. Goodstich 44. Both Sides
Well at least this one thread is carrying as a fun filled pack .
This one really gave me a good laugh
Thanks Goodstich 44 .You have made my day 
Just one question for Normansands, the rest of you can ignore it if you wish.
Just what is your first language? I only ask because it appears to be that well known European language "Ramble". Your posts are getting more and more unintelligible.
Normansands, those "expats" who seek to "hijack the forum" were mostly posting here before you even discovered EOS - so keep it real please!! (I do know, ladies and gentleman, that I am stretching the mark in asking N to keep it real!!).
In keeping to the thread, I personally, for reasons not specific here, gave the fingers up to the UK many, many moons ago, but went back and gave it another try (still, many, many moons ago) and then gave it the fingers up again!! So, as an "expat" who has given it a few attempts and left again, I think I have a lot of "sillies" to contribute!!
For whatever reason any person decides to leave the UK (and there are many good ones) it's a PERSONAL decision! And the point of any forum, such as this, is to offer advice - from experience (one would think!!) - to exchange with others!! Duh!!
Personally, I think those who have actually done it (referring to this thread, Normansands) have alot more to contribute. Wherever they relocated to! And as someone who left the UK, lived in the middle east, the far east, France (for months rather than years), Spain (for months, but now owns there), I personally think I have a little to contribute! So, other than your unfortunate loss, what do you have to contribute to this thread??? As someone who consistently derides those who don't post their profiles, what is your history, other than losing your money in your Spanish investment????
Dear All
Just Kidding 
Yer wasting your time
The next will be. The forums used to be a good source of information unyil the Ex Pats hi jacked the threads
The he will ask Justin to step on. YAaaaawn
Just Dan
Actually, Just Dan, I know that the big N will onlly come back with some nonsensical garb - true to form! Because at the end of the day what does he have to offer to the thread!!???
he adds nothing just as you say Pitby, but you do and so do many other regulars, that's why we keep reading the forum. i just hope he gets bored and moves on to pastures new. It's none of his business why people have or have not moved to Spain or invested in Spain, or bought second homes that are not considered investments. So many people have contributed excellent responses to the pros and cons of the UK and Spain. Everyone will have a different perspective because we're all different - great - just as it should be. Keep the discussion going but please don't waste your oxygen on this negativity anymore.
Dear All,
just trying to remember who is just dan????
Oh yes!!!
11 Sep 2008 9:08 PM

I'm in Kent
I've made 212 posts
Dear All,
from another thread - just who is Just Dan - a mystery agent perrhaps - and what are his motives? -
09 Sep 2008 9:57 PM

I'm in Kent
I've made 161 posts
Dear All,
if this development is as described by Nigie then Just Dan has done well to off-load his investment here.
Everyone else should make the best of things but he is off as fast as possible.
Does that show us anything other than the power of spin.
Nothing to hide, but nothing to show, still no forum profile, everything hidden.
No name, no trading name, but lots of advice.
Some good, some questionable, but all anonymous.
Make of it what you can.
Best regards
Norman |
Is he ploughing these threads for commercial gain?
Though someone seems to know him - from another thread -
10 Sep 2008 3:54 PM

I've made 9 posts
Send private message to bcollins
Its me again.
Oh well carolfrayne, helenB, normansands and countless others,
I see Just Dan is bored again, nothing else to do but sit on this forum, talking complete rubbish, pi**ing everyone off and then feining hurt trying to get one or two morcels of sympathy.
What help and advice are you, or have you actually given people....and who are you to give that advice....what , actually, are your never seem to make any sense in what you say.....everything is so cloak and dagger.
Try art or stamp collecting or something. Go out and get a life or maybe just switch the damn computer off.
...but, hey, I've just given you the opportunity to fill another 10 minutes of your existence. Silly me.
Isn't this fun.
We all know that countless people have been shafted just like Justin.
So how do we change it?
The easy route is to spin the positives to the unsuspecting and off-load the investment on the best terms possible.
Not very ethical but hardened investors have little conscience do they, especially if they can remain anonymous?
There is clearly no way at all to bring this development up to spec.
So to "move on" we must endeavour to stop the con happening again.
We need to follow the "long road" until Sp[anish investments are safe and we reach a state where "EVERYTHING PROMISED MUST BE PROVIDED" just as Maria tells us that is what Spanish Law requires.
We just need to get the practice to follow the theory and stop burying heads in sand, even if the sun shines on the protrusions.
Best Regard
Norman (see profile)
I remember now.
_______________________ N. Sands
This bloke has lost it.
Just Dan.
Just Dan/Frank
i have always supported those wronged, it's a shame you have only recently decided to do the same. I have always recognised those in the wrong, again something you denied for a long while.
Just Dan has p****d many many people off as I have found out in the last few days. Norman is spot on and so is Goodstitch.
Goodstitch, you haven't read all his c*** posts lately! He looks around the forums to see where he can poke his long nose in, and cause trouble .
I am so sorry about this.
Hopefully this will pass and the thread will get back on course.
I have no intention of replying to these 3.
Just Dan.
This message was last edited by Just Dan on 1/26/2009.
Just Dan/John Wayne,
Maybe you should practice what you preach. You post on this and other forums with equal innaccuracy and contradiction, stirring up worry and concern amongst those who are happy to have completed as well as those in the midst of expensive and debilitating lawsuits. It is impossible that everyone will get what they wish for in court.
Each purchase/litigation case is unique to the urbanisation, the owner situation, the lawyers, the courts and the developer situation and therefore, advice on any forum ought to be largely ignored.
Many people (although the number of readers and contributors seems to be dwindling, thankfully) know your true identity and urbanisation. Hopefully, your efforts to upset so many people will not have any intrusive effect on the peaceful life that we all crave; including your own.
Please spare a reply. The childish rants and smilies are most tiresome and I will not be logging in to witness them anymore.
Now back to topic!
This message was last edited by Tish on 1/26/2009.
This message was last edited by Tish on 1/26/2009. This message was last edited by Tish on 1/26/2009.
spot on, well said.
there are some very genuine people on this thread. I'm just sorry that good threads are ruined by the odd troll now and again. If nothing else, it makes you appreciate posts from those who do always try to help, and are not just here to upset people.
i joined EOS hopefully to to touch base with great people be them Spanish or British whoever... to share experiences take advise & share views, hopefully mostly regarding Spain..... 'newbies' like me need people like you guys who are so full of knowledge & experience.. .. dont like to witness this ill feeling is there a mediator here???
Willoughby, welcome.
On any forum you will come across people who do their best to upset good threads. You will certainly find some good advice and friendly banter here...most of the time. There is a mediator, Justin, who runs and owns Eye on Spain. He does a fair & honest job in sorting problems out.