Is It Time For Plan B

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15 Sep 2009 3:23 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message

Good post Ads on 11 the Sept

Very right Tony and have said the same on the Rough Justice Again Thread..

 Goodstich44 You are also right. No other Plan may be required if everything was as you say

Sadly its not and while fully supporting the fight for justice ( While being O,K with the purchase in Spain even though I am having to tap dance)  We each have to take steps we feel are right.

You have seen for yourself how the fight for justice is a real fight when those that have completed and are getting through are not welcomed by some.  That must be a Plan all on its own and if anyone can highlight the benefits then please speak up.

I want a just legal system as much as the next person. Many In Spain that also are victims want justice also .This is not just the Brits who are involved here.

First time I have not agreed but we have to look at all angles at the moment.

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15 Sep 2009 8:50 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

I suspect that this might be a little contentious but here goes anyway, ( I direct this to all EU nationals, not just the British.).


Why are more folk not backing Goodstitch and the like and shouting from the rooftops about the disgraceful court mal-administration, where writs and the like are languishing on clerks’ desks for months and maybe a year at a time while in the interim the developer goes into administration. It’s an unbelieveable situation re court delays in Estepona courts right now (one of the worst in the country so we are led to believe) and goodness knows where else in Spain.

I would be very interested to know Maria, how a group might effect accountability on those responsible for the court system, and if and how a legal case could be enacted (if it can be proved that delays are significantly compromising clients from receiving justice and recompense as directed by existing court rulings.)

 I get the impression that this is causing the legal professionals themselves (those honest and hard working professionals, not those in league with the developers) no amount of grief and frustration, as they too watch helplessly while unacceptable delays are allowed to continue. It’s another form of abuse within the Spanish legal system.

Accountability is all in this situation and the sooner that we can make those transgressors accountable, the sooner mal-administration will be eradicated. I would hope that if everyone caught up in these delays were to write and complain to the EU Minister (with specific details identifying instances),

Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead (Glenys Kinnock who replaced Caroline Flint in July 2009)

House of Lords

London SW1A OAA

then just perhaps some form of financial pressure from the EU (via the diversion of funds) might enforce change on a justice system that appears to be failing miserably to put its own house in order. Watch then how swiftly the powers that be respond, if monies were to be diverted away from them.

I think we all need to be much more proactive now in our joint efforts and not just sit by and complain.

Unfortunately I can’t find any mention of this abuse within the Spanish Scandal petition, hence my suggestion of writing direct to our EU Minister on this specific matter (for those living in other countries maybe they could do the same via their own EU Minister).

Plan C perhaps????

Please stop "patching up" an ineffective system and recognise that things will have to change in the longer term if abuse of this nature is ever to be eradicated. One question to ponder, why are lawyers complaints not being recognised by the Justice department?




This message was last edited by ads on 15/09/2009.

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15 Sep 2009 11:07 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Tony, you obviously missed my post. Just to remind you:

Further to your very good post Ads, if someone tries to "offload" their illegal build on to some other poor soul then IMO, they are no better than the original perpetrators. As you say, the system will never be cleansed if this goes on. I just don;t see how you could sell on your" problem"...not at least if you have an ounce of decency! Attack the poison at its base.

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16 Sep 2009 12:29 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

there you have it, buy to let in Spain only works if you buy below market value, provide 40% deposit, obtain an interest free mortgage and let quickly, all on a urbanisation to be loved.

so how many people are in Chimps position and can afford plan B??????????????

not me for one, 425,000 euros for a cramped sub standard apartment without any holiday complex at Casares del Sol with only a 30% deposit and..........

given the sub prime tenants, the zero security, the strangers in the pools, the dumped cars and the accursed dogs, what are the chances of a quick let that would cover the mortgage and community fees??????????

glad you are making it happen Chimps, on your superior urbanisation where you bought a bargain but I doubt you could make it happen everywhere.

Incidentally, do you know the CDS urbanisation and how is your one different????????????

is it worth a visit???

perhaps you could pm me the details of it and all the other ones you can recommend around the Marbella area out as far as Casares.

thank you for your post.




N. Sands

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16 Sep 2009 12:02 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Dear All,
there you have it, buy to let in Spain only works if you buy below market value, provide 40% deposit, obtain an interest free mortgage and let quickly, all on a urbanisation to be loved.  HI .NORMAN .YEP .PRETTY SAD REALLY AND NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED.
so how many people are in Chimps position and can afford plan B??????????????NOT A CASE OF AFFORDING THATS WHY I AM RENTING
not me for one, 425,000 euros for a cramped sub standard apartment without any holiday complex at Casares del Sol with only a 30% deposit and..NOT FOR ME EITHER.. THEN UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU HAVE LOST THE 30%  .....425.000 FOR CASARIS. NORMAN ,THAT IS ALOT OF MONEY.+ COSTS? YOU SAY YOU ARE A PENSIONER.? WHAT PRICE TO SELL TO GET A RETURN ? WHAT PRICE TO RENT TO COVER COSTS?  ( Questions yet more Questions) 
given the sub prime tenants, the zero security, the strangers in the pools, the dumped cars and the accursed dogs, what are the chances of a quick let that would cover the mortgage and community fees. GETTING BETTER AS NO ONE IS BUYING.  RENTS ARE STILL FALLING.  YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT THE DOGS/CARS PEOPLE IN POOLS 24/7 ON SOME DEVELOPMENTS. YOU ARE ALSO RIGHT THAT SOME LANDLORDS DONT GIVE A TOSS TO WHO THEY RENT TOO. SAME IN THE U>K
glad you are making it happen Chimps, on your superior urbanisation where you bought a bargain but I doubt you could make it happen everywhere. NO BUT MAYBE I WOULD COME UP WITH A PLAN B IF THE SITUATION WAS DIFFERENT (Thinking outside the box here Norman)
Incidentally, do you know the CDS urbanisation and how is your one different 
perhaps you could pm me the details of it and all the other ones you can recommend around the Marbella area out as far as Casares. TO MANY TO LIST NORMAN
thank you for your post. ITS A PLEASURE.


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16 Sep 2009 12:03 PM by tonypullicino Star rating. 73 posts Send private message

I must say ads,

You must of been a journalist your wording is impeccable, also your cause! as I drive past Whitehall this afternoon I will salute our Euro MP's...... 1 or 2 fingers not sure.   "  Anything with Kinnock in the name sends fear through my bones "  who is second in command a Scargill.

There are many who have lost all there life savings and there dream, I do not blame anybody for trying to have a plan a,b,c,d, whatever it takes.

The markets will turn around it will just take time, many many years this is just a economic cycle. Hang on in.

The Euro is in a better position than the Pound thanks to our amazing debt,,thanks labour!  thus making all your investments good or bad more available to the Euro market.  Dare I say the English are not the only people who buy in Spain.

Sitting in London looking at pictures of my Villa in Calpe,  of course I wish I was there but hay-ho I am a realist need money for food and a second plan to get back there..........never give up!!!!!!!





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16 Sep 2009 12:08 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Tony.  Correct.    Never give up.

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16 Sep 2009 1:40 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message


 Norman asked a legitimate question:

perhaps you could pm me the details of it and all the other ones you can recommend around the Marbella area out as far as Casares.

and you replied:


Why offer advice and then not give it when asked.  I've seen this pattern before!!!!  Why can't you answer the question. I asked you where your development was. You wrote it was none of my business!!!!!!!!! What are you here for?

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16 Sep 2009 3:32 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Norman asked the question and if he really feels the information is of benefit to him and he can supply a reason then happy to supply. 

What am I here for .? Well one thing is for certain and thats not for the snide remarks.


Let MEeee think.

MMmmmm.  Eye on Spain.?  Have property in Spain.! Love Spain.! Want the laws and justice changed in Spain.

Over to you ?  Why are you here. 


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16 Sep 2009 3:45 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Why am I here?  Because I've been through the whole sorry state of being a victim of the corruption in Spain...and I've come out the other side victorious.   I am now able to give people the benefit of my experiences and, when they ask for help, I help if and when I can. I have no secrets, no hidden agenda. I am helping people right now, and they appear most grateful for that help.

What is the point of being on the forum if you offer help then deny it when asked?  You have bought in Spain, have no issues with your lot that you bought. You make it sound so wonderful that both Norman and I asked where exactly is your shangri-la.  Oh! it's top secret despite the fact you said you could name loads of wonderful developments on the CDS.   History repeats itself.  These are not snide remarks , they are facts.

 Forgot to add:

You wrote
 Norman asked the question and if he really feels the information is of benefit to him and he can supply a reason then happy to supply.

  Geeez!! I think Normans been telling us all for MONTHS why  he would like to know where is a good place to buy.  How many times do you need to be  asked.   Let's face it, you'll just pick a place ,any old place will do!  FRANKly, I don't give a damn.

This message was last edited by Tish on 16/09/2009.

This message was last edited by Tish on 16/09/2009.

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16 Sep 2009 4:09 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message



Sorry I asked.

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16 Sep 2009 4:33 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

There you have it Norman.  You and I have  independently drawn the same conclusion about Chimps.

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16 Sep 2009 6:52 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


There you go Norman P/M as requested.

El Rosario . Marbella also good area. When the P.G.U plan is approved (Supposed to be next month) Then Marbella is probably one of the safest places to buy.

When the market does move then in my opinion it will start where the sh-t hit the fan.

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16 Sep 2009 8:04 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

El Rosario . Marbella also good area. When the P.G.U plan is approved (Supposed to be next month) Then Marbella is probably one of the safest places to buy.

  That reply says diddly squat. Oh! and it's PGOU.

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17 Sep 2009 9:42 AM by VickiT Star rating in Bournemouth. 121 posts Send private message

I've been reading this thread with interest and I think that Chimps's Plan B sounds like a reasonable idea for those who can't afford to keep up mortgage payments/community charges.  What I can't understand are the venomous remarks from Tish - is Chimps an ex-lover or something?

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17 Sep 2009 10:01 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

No, but from memory a friend of yours!

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17 Sep 2009 10:02 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

VENOMOUS remarks????  I think not.

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17 Sep 2009 10:06 AM by VickiT Star rating in Bournemouth. 121 posts Send private message

Hahahaha - I was right!

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17 Sep 2009 11:35 AM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Hello Norman

Have sent you another P/M regarding Plan B.

Dont know if it will help but more heads around your problem just may come up with something

El Rosario is in Marbella.    and its correct I did miss out the O in the Marbella Planning.

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19 Sep 2009 12:19 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

thank you Chimps for the pms and posts.

however unless you have spare income, or obtain mortgages by the Inez method of pulse rate count, how do you obtain what is basically a "buy to let" mortgage when the Spanish banks will not accept rent as income, even english rents, let alone let you have it on an interest only basis?

as to the recommendations I could not find any forum information and are they different to your own, i.e. are any of them complete holiday complexes, whether beach or golf?

Early on I did get involved with what was supposed to be a golf holiday complex called Arenal Golf, the reality was that it was just another residential urbanisation of no interest. Though they did build a new hospital next door which has possible made it a good "buy to let".

Sorry I forgot to mention earlier the other undesirable the sub prime owner.



N. Sands

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