Is It Time For Plan B

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23 Sep 2009 12:32 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


I feel your idea of holding money back from Spain and establishing a compensation fund for those cheated is the only fair way if Spain wont compensate those it's clearly cheated. Anything else is just skating around what needs to be done and will just cause more misery through lost  money, worry and time.

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23 Sep 2009 12:36 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message

Hello ads

I transfer just one of my postings on the FIGHT FOR JUSTICE THREAD. The rest are there for you to see including my letter to the Gordon Brown. ( 6 sent since.)   The fact that I try to help those like Norman get through doesnt mean for one second I am not fully with everyone.  I may have a property in Spain which I am O.K with for the longer term but that should not exclude those like me as has been suggested


Sadly it takes a situation of Goodstich44 to highlight the real core problems that simply disgust normally sane people.
Like a previous poster I will always put forward the benefits of life and yes owning a property in Spain. I will continue to do so
What separates this and many other various debates( which at times seem to get heated with conflicting views)is that NO defence can be made. There is nothing to debate.
People with property/People thinking of buying property and those that have been screwed like this cant argue..
These situations of total abuse of the laws that are in place and the vulgar Bankers (with a B)?infuriates me and this infection can only benefit 4 sectors
The Banks
Corrupt Officials.
Corrupt Developers
Bent or greedily vile solicitors and Judges.
Every other single person that has any interest in Spain probably loses!
Corrupt developers who sold a dream and not a nightmare(You buy a gold watch and you don’t expect plastic to be delivered. If so you return it for a refund. That’s everyone’s right in a democracy and part of a European Union of which we must have the basic agreements in place if it has any chance to prosper. How long will it be before some decent people want revenge and take it to sink to the levels they have witnessed and wish ill on people in another country  .
Spain has benefited from the Brits to levels of massive proportions to be our trusted and adopted second home. They have no idea of the long term effects with the laid back don’t care attitude .
I never takes sides as I believe that each situation differs.
This is not about taking sides as there is only one side  THE  LAW  and its enforcement.
For instance some did buy on let’s say a whim and as they say you make decisions and at times you have to live with it.
T.V programmers/newspapers which only tell the bad stories in Spain which only proves to divide opinion often resulting in heated debates have nothing to do with this issue.
T.V programmers that used to help lead people into the idea that buying property is a road to make money have also nothing to do with this..
LAWS ARE THERE TO PROTECT  MUST  PROTECT (No point of any law if it isn’t and I would say even worse as at least someone like Goodstich 44 would have been aware little or no protection exists from the law or the Banks
Corrupt solicitors and judges must be bought to be made accountable .
Accountability for the Bank guarantees they in law issued to protect the consumer.
They wont accept their part then why should anyone accept the laws regarding dealing with them. Law must apply both ways?
They must be accountable for this abuse of charges they can make without recourse.
800 Euro charge for a bounced Cheque ???
Goodstich44 and many others like him may well have been conned by the sellers the developers , sadly that’s life sometimes even though it disgusts most.
That’s pales in the insignificant when these people ARE BEING CONNED BY SPAIN ,its laws , the banking infrastructure there to protect. GOODSTICH44 HAS BEEN CONNED BY SPAIN. If not then  after reading through past posts it wouldn’t have taken 8 years fighting such a basic case .
HOW ? Can after 8 years can a judge go on holiday without making judgement that a child could see is the right decision. Manyana.Manyana Manyana. NO.This cant go on while lives are ruined. 8 years !!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr.
Yes !and how does this look when then a few days/weeks later the developer goes tits up.
What was this holiday ? A nice all expenses paid holiday and a brown paper bag?
Good on you for having the balls and determination but please don’t let this be the end.
This can’t just be yesterdays news.



This message was last edited by Chimps on 23/09/2009.

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23 Sep 2009 4:29 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Tish do you have the addresses and contact details of those in this country or the EU that you mentioned you had written to some time back, as it would be really useful if we could post them on here (and the rough justice thread), so that others know who to contact.

Writing to Mr Brown appears unfortunately not to be the answer Chimps.......

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23 Sep 2009 5:09 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Hi ads

I am getting replies...   We are sorry to say that our Prime Minister receives considerable correspondance that he is unable to answer personally

Your correspondance has been forwarded to Blah Blah. I write to them and they have forwarded it on the someone else.

I go back to square 1..         Any details from any E.U body that someone can supply me with and I will gladly so whatever I can

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23 Sep 2009 5:31 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

The only details I have are for our EU Minister which I've posted before, but will repeat for those who require it:


Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead (Glenys Kinnock who replaced Caroline Flint in July 2009)

House of Lords

London SW1A OAA


Justin do you have any useful EU contact details for this type/level of complaint????

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23 Sep 2009 6:47 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Hi Ads,

I never actually wrote or contacted anyone, they contacted me!  Firstly Mark Stucklin wrote about our case in the Sunday Times. From there, I was contacted by six people by lunch time that day, and believe it or not, all but one was from the same development as ours. That was the start of the large group that we formed.  I was then contacted by a radio station, where I did an interview with a presenter and "expert" on buying property abroad. I was then contacted by the BBC World News team. I did a televised interview with Sarah Pennells, which is transmitted, world wide!!  Someone we know saw it in Australia! I was also contacted by the Trevor McDonald Program, and Watchdog.  I did a big interview with Granada Television, but this was not used as by the time they were ready to air it, we had won our first Court case.

Once one form of media , usually local, has picked up on a story, bigger fish want a story too.  This was in early 2005. The Malaya case had not come to light. It was all breaking ground news. Sadly, the victims of corruption from international  property purchase, is "old news"  now and has been well documented. I know of somebody who contacted Sarah Pennells this year, but got no response back.


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23 Sep 2009 6:59 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

It appears Gordon Brown DOES respond to letters he thinks are worth responding to!!!

Sadly corruption in Spain is not one of them.

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23 Sep 2009 7:12 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

"Sadly, the victims of corruption from international  property purchase, is "old news"  now and has been well documented. "

Well it's not old news when we identify the ongoing BG fiascos, the collapse of the justice system through court delays, the many who are now being denied return of monies etc etc. In fact since you brought this to the public's attention back in 2005 (good on you!) it's doubly worse, so even more reason to inform Jo Public and politicians of all persuasions.

It's very much present news, especially when you take into account that this is an EU country, not to mention that we are now supposed to be moving into an era of accountability. Seeing is believeing on that score.

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23 Sep 2009 7:23 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Ads,   I don't view it as "old news" hence that's why I'm still here.  I think the media does though. 


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23 Sep 2009 7:31 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Keep smiling and keep pressuring for change!

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23 Sep 2009 8:47 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

Hello Chimps

"Not even the manners to reply .Just off hand statements on an open forum"

"thank you Chimps for the pms and posts"

I suppose if you are confused enough, that might seem off-hand, possibly.

I suppose if you are confused enough, you might think that suggesting to someone that they should get a mortgage (previously unavailable because of lack of status), and pay a further 100,000 euros, total 240,00 euros for a lesser property than that already failed survey and every brochure specification with a perceived value of only £70,000 is a valid Plan B.

All at the very same time as you are posting...........

"Reality is such that had you had delivered a property in that location with the correct specification and you got the mortgage you would have been sitting on far higher losses now . It would possibly never be an asset in any event"

Sorry Chimps but I am afraid that is just too much confusion for this simple soul.

Are you sure you are not actually working for the developer with this pushing of Plan B???????????

However what did your lawyer friend think of getting my money back?

Is he/she prepared to offer no win no fee?

Regards and many thanks again for your interest


N. Sands

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23 Sep 2009 9:39 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

whatever made you think you could get a mortgage if you could not afford it?

mortgages automatically come with new developments as this is the developers

way of funding the development.

why did you pay 30% deposit when you could have paid 10% 30% this only made sure the

agent got his commission you could have altered the contract

i have been reading your postings with increasing exasperation.

no way you would have done this in England why enter into contracts in a foreign

country in a language you do not understand.



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24 Sep 2009 9:56 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message


You clearly do not know how the Spanish sytem worked back in 2003/4/5.   NO WAY could anyone pay 10% deposit off plan.

Wouldn't life be grand if the same rules applied in Spain as they do in the UK buying off plan....or buying at all?

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24 Sep 2009 9:59 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message


Chimps is a "Trojan Horse" .  What you think you see is not what it is!!   or he could be a Hot air balloon....full of... HOT AIR!

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24 Sep 2009 12:46 PM by Chimps Star rating. 117 posts Send private message


Hi Petha

Sadly Norman cant see that I was suggesting  he tries to negotiate that he swaps his 425,000 well over priced property and trades down to a different one on the same development where they are around 240,000.

No one is saying it is right however no one made Norman sign for a very overpriced property,He chose to believe!. We all do at times and sometimes we have to live with it.

If he has paid 140,000 Euros as the downpayment on the 2400,00 Euro Property then he may be in the game to finance the rest as his leverage is vastly increased.

As you can see free legal advice has been offered to weigh up options. its a pity he didnt take up a similar option before making such a massive jump. This offer is now closed .

Your comments regarding deposits of lesser amounts are valid today as the buyer calls the shots.

Sadly if amounts are not protected by a Bank Guarantee then the likely hood is that chances of getting money back are reducing all the time.Its bad enough getting paid even with one.

As you can see from comments made the circle will continue while more will lose their money staying in 2003/4/5 mindset.

Now if anyone can offer Norman any chance? Lets hear it  Come on Tish .Your the expert here.Enough of the snide remarks..   Over to you . Lets see what Tish has to offer.? What developements do you feel are a good buy at the moment?

I thought for a moment that I was the only one to receive these snide remarks.

Having checked back through the recent threads it seem everyone is and open target ,even Suzie  .What is the point ?

Its clear that no one wants to see them and its already killed one Forum. They are always going to create a reaction and often not a good one.

Until the E.U are involved then it will continue There is a excellent Petition from Suzy that I would suggest all get behind it as welcomes support from everyone.






This message was last edited by Chimps on 24/09/2009.

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24 Sep 2009 8:37 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Ahh...back to the Suzie petition!! 

Chimps, you know that I know your true identity, the one that Justin banned several times.  Your offer to Norman re your lawyer is the same one you have used umpteen times. She is not a litigation lawyer . She hasn't sorted your problems out. You are not just a punter here that happens along wanting to help the poor and needy!  You too are a victim of corruption, poor build, not getting what you paid for. You can't say that  though as it will blow youir identity.  Reading your posts makes me want to throw up. Honest people deserve better on this forum


Edited to add, I cannot help Norman. I've said that  in earlier posts.  He needs a very good lawyer and I think he should have acted sooner. I'm glad to say that I  have been able to help several people recently, and they are now acting on that help. I am not full of b******t.

This message was last edited by Tish on 24/09/2009.

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24 Sep 2009 9:01 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

come on norman come out from behind Tishs protective skirt.

i see you are spreading your poison onto yet another forum

by the way Tish many contract terms were altered 2003/2004/02005





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24 Sep 2009 9:39 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

by the way Tish many contract terms were altered 2003/2004/02005

Could you please explain that statement, pete?  You come across as an REA.


This message was last edited by Tish on 24/09/2009.

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24 Sep 2009 9:48 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message


i negotiated on behalf of clients reduced deposits and different stage payments

if you dont ask you dont receive

we had to defer commission payments but acting on behalf of our clients made sure

all parties were motivated to ensure a succesful outcome for all

not everybody in spain is dishonest.

where are you hiding Norman?

not in the Bates motel i hope?



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24 Sep 2009 10:12 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Good for you Pete, but 99.9% of people here with problems did not have REAs like you. I doubt very much tha you would have negotiated such conditions on the development that we bought on, for example. Most developments were put out to the big REA firms. The developers will not even negotiate on price , even now.

As far as I can see , your comments are rather invaluable as those "reduced terms" options would never have been available to almost everyone buying in the period 2003-2006.

There never have been succesful outcomes on illegal developments , to date. Not even you could do that!


This message was last edited by Tish on 24/09/2009.

This message was last edited by Tish on 24/09/2009.

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