El Palacete was a big job and an honour to carry out. As I moved to the bedrooms the information coming through changed. I did get a message from a young woman in one room, wanting me to pass on to the owner how wonderfully the property had been renovated and how she appreciated all the care and attention to detail that had gone into this place. She was just passing through and not a fixture to the building.

The other information I received was from furniture and not the building itself. The ancient chest of drawers showed me babies sleeping soundly in its bottom drawer and brought a feeling of calm and peace to the room.
In contrast, the four-poster bed showed a large bully of a man, he had aspirations to be like Henry the Eighth. Fat, bad-mannered and selfish beyond belief. He died from his excesses in the bed. Then there was the woman in childbirth who also died in the bed. I felt the bed had been out of use for a number of years maybe even decades, and the owner confirmed this. The bed is now clear of all the negative energy and as with every room and bed in the property is programmed to give the best night’s sleep to all those who lay their heads on the pillows.

The last bedroom had a darker feel about it, it became clear that the energy was coming from a prayer stool in the corner of the room. It was imprinted with young boys being hit round the head with a bible. I think at some point it had been used in an all-boys school. It was emanating fear and anger.
I am looking forward to the day when I space clear a property and the priest is kind and caring. It seems the only ones who hang around are not what you would call God-faring men!
Clearing the main part of El Palacete took me around six hours and two days to recover from. Would I do it again or a simpler property? in a heartbeat.
I still had an attached apartment to do, my next blog (after the fictional story) will be what happened there, and it will really be worth a read!
I highly recommend trying El Palacete.
They also have a fantastic vegetarian/vegan restaurant ‘The Happy Herbivore’, the food is out of this world.
Take a look at the El Palacete website https://www.english.palacetedecuevas.com
Wondering who I am? I have recorded a video so you can find out!