This is a fictional story based on the information received during space clearing
Rosalin grew up in rural Spain during the 1920’s. Her family made a living off the land that had been passed down from generation to generation. It was a hard life and was not made easier with a civil war and then living under a dictatorship.
Huercal Overa was not a quiet, safe place to live during these times. The mountains surrounding the then fairly small town hid many tunnels used for escaping the war and the dictator.
It was not safe to have a view for or against. It was not safe to sit on the fence either! It was just not safe!
When war broke out in 1936, Rosalin was 15 years old and wanted to be more independent. She had been lucky since 1931 when the Education Act had been passed. She had managed to get a few hours a day of schooling. As a bright student, this allowed her to read and write, but it all came to an abrupt end in 1939 when Franco came to power and over fifty percent of teachers were assassinated or forced into exile. Rosalin had seen the assassination of her teacher and it had stood as a harsh lesson not to be seen or heard. As the education system fell back into the hands of the Catholic church, and mixed classes were prohibited, she had no access to a real education. If she was lucky a book or two would come her way. Oh, how she loved to read!

Rosalin saw many families turn against each other not only during the war but also in the years that followed. She knew just how lucky she was that her family shared the same values and also had a natural intelligence to keep their heads down and mouths shut at all times.
The years until the dictatorship ended were long and hard. In the worst years, they would have their crops stolen, by either Franco's soldiers or the rebels. with both sides needing to eat, and both sides trying to gain some authority, Spain was not an easy place to be. Refugees would come and go from the nearby coast, searching for safety from the bombs that were dropped on them as they tried to escape the cities.
As the years went on it became normal, to hide, normal to be hungry.
The empty houses in the region were a testament to the hardship and suffering the people of the past had endured. Many homes had been abandoned decades ago and forgotten. Families fled for work or to avoid persecution, never to return. Did they make it? Did they find a happier, safer life or did they perish en route?

Rosalin was one of the lucky ones. She managed to win over any potential problem-maker with her beautiful round face and glowing smile. She fell in love at the age of twenty and was very happily married for forty years. The couple had four children and six grandchildren.
She outlived both Franco and her beloved husband. She saw a new world emerge from the ashes of war and hate. She was able to read as many books as she liked thanks to the opening of the town library. She loved her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She lived with her eldest daughter and her family for the last fifteen years of her life. She would help with the little ones and cook and clean for them. She was truly grateful for everything in her life, which made her smile even more glowing.
After she passed quietly in her sleep at almost eighty years old, she could not bear the thought of not being close to her family. She would pop in to see and check on them, leaving them a feather or whisper an idea into their heads to guide them along their way. Her love was not able to be destroyed not even by death.
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