This is a fictional story based on the information received during Space Clearing
The house had once been a vibrant and lively abode, but it had fallen into a state of perpetual gloom. Its once gleaming paintwork had become faded and dull. The once vibrant garden had become overgrown and neglected.
The house, like every other, had a story to tell. A story of happiness, love and dreams. However, this was overshadowed by a silent sadness, that gripped it tightly.
Many years ago, the house had been filled with love, laughter and warm memories. Memories of children playing and singing. A happy home.
The cheerful laughter had been replaced by sadness, sombre whispers and tearful goodbyes. The woman of the house had fallen ill with a terminal illness and when she drew her last breath, it was as if the house did too.
The vibrant memories the house held became hidden by the tragedy of the passing. Every warm memory was buried under the thick energy of grief. There was no more children’s laughter echoing through the walls, and the once bustling kitchen now stood empty and barren. The rooms became a haunting reminder of loss, loneliness and grief.
The previously beautiful garden mirrored the sadness. The once vibrant and colourful flowers wilted and died. A stark reminder of the life that had gone. The empty swing hung from the tree with just the wind to move it. Gone were the children’s cries of delight as they were pushed higher and higher.

The house became a symbol of loss and grief for the whole community and it looked as if it would stay this way forever, until one fateful day.
A young couple were walking in the neighbourhood and spotted the house and it’s for sale board.
They were a vibrant couple who understood that negative energy in properties can be changed.
They exchanged a look and rang the estate agent. As soon as they walked in they could see what the house could once again become. They saw all the life they could bring into it. They had no choice, they had to make this house their home. They had to change all the sorrow back to joy.
Using a professional space clearer, they did just that. The energy of grief, sadness and despair, was removed and the positive energy that had been so powerful once upon a time was restored.
The house was happy once again. It was a home and the love was restored. The home glowed with a warm glow as if it were now in the sun where previously it had spent so long in the shadows.
Every house, no matter how broken, deserves a chance to be loved and filled with happiness and abundance.
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