The property had been empty for a long time when the new occupants took it over to make it into their new office space.
There was the energy of a short, round Spanish man Júan from around 1962. He had a large amount of pain in his head, like a build-up of pressure, that caused his death. He had had a brain tumour or bleed on the brain and had struggled to function because of it. He had suffered a slow painful death.
The general underlying energy of the office was of anger, despair and failure all coming from the 1990’s.
I saw lots of books and papers but was unclear as to what the property had been. It could have been a newsagent or office, something with lots of books and papers.

I also saw an old map of the area on the wall, and I was told that if my client placed one on their wall, it would help the business to be successful. She didn’t have one but after a few weeks, the perfect map turned up and is now hanging on the wall!
I also suggested that she purchased two citrine crystals to put by the wall (or hang near) in the 2nd store room/office, where the wall was an unusual shape.
I have cleared all the energy and programmed the office to be positive, productive and abundant, for all her clients to be a pleasure to work with and for her to have more than enough products to sell.
Since the space clearing the new business has continued to go from strength to strength. New opportunities for expansion are appearing on a weekly basis. The reputation of the business and the services it offers are growing at an amazing rate.
Less than a year in and my client already has a very successful and profitable business.
If you would like to know more about space clearing take a look at my website or send me a message.