This is a fictional story based on the information received during space clearing
Fred had started his career at the early age of 14. He spent his whole life living in the darkest parts of society. He was a career criminal. He liked nothing better than to terrorise everyone around him, his family, the few friends he had and of course his victims. He was a man full of anger and self-hate, which he projected on everyone he came into contact with. Violence and manipulation were his outstanding personality traits. Everyone was scared of him. The police arrested him on numerous occasions for some of the crimes he committed, but he was never caught for many of them. He had done time for armed robbery. Whilst inside, he met people just like himself and they would join forces to commit even bigger, more violent crimes.

His wife had been very young when they met. She had come from an abusive family and all she knew was the unhealthy behaviour that continued into her marriage. As a result of the years of abuse, her personality changed from shy and unassuming to that of controller and abuser to her children.
They had three children who grew up in fear of both their parents. One wrong look could result in a beating. Even after they were fully grown and had left home, their parents had an unimaginable hold on them. The parents would say jump and the kids would ask how high, even when they were well over 50 years old.
Things would take a strange twist when Fred became unwell. Every function of his body started to fade, his speech became laboured and his mind confused. The only thing that never left was the controlling and violence.
Fred was diagnosed with dementia, yet even with this cruel illness, the evil lived on inside him.
As with many struggling with this debilitating disease, Fred spent a lot of time not living in the world as we know it. He was somewhere else and able to travel to different places whilst his body stayed at home!
This caused new problems for his children who were unaware that Fred was visiting them. Dementia seems to give the sufferer the ability to visit loved ones just as a ghost (Spirit) would. In most cases, the sufferer wants their loved ones to feel their love and to reassure them, even if the host is unaware of their presence. With Fred, this was not the case. He wanted to cause chaos and that is exactly what he did.
Fred brought with him a feeling of confusion, uncertainty and unhappiness. This affected all of his children. They felt unsafe and confused about the lives they had chosen. Luckily, they were strong enough to resist the violence he tried to coerce them into.
This visiting continued until the homes were space cleared and protection was placed around the properties and occupants to prevent Fred from entering.
This would not stop Fred from spreading his maliciousness to others. Until he died there was no way of removing his spirit from the world.
If you would like to know more about space clearing take a look at my website, Facebook page or message me.
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