I was asked by a friend to clear this property because her niece was having trouble at school. The problems were affecting her mental health, and the family were really worried about her.
The property had only ever been lived in by this family and was only about 10 years old. I got information that was a lot older than the flats, which didn’t make sense to the family. This residual energy came from a building that once stood on the plot or on the road. It wasn't easy to pinpoint where it had come from.
The flat had a black cloud of sadness over it. It was really heavy with fear and emotional pain and lots of crying.
The residual energy held memories of divorce, miscarriage and death.
An old man died there of old age. He was bedridden, very thin and drawn. He had had a hard life, I think he worked the land, and his name was Juan or he was closely connected to a Juan. I also saw a donkey connected to him somehow. This was residual energy. He isn’t there now.
The only spirit that was often there was the owner's grandmother Rosalin. She had a round face that was always smiling even when things were hard, which they often were. She wanted the family to know that she loved them and was proud of them all. She also wanted my friend to talk to her.
I suggested that my friend if she felt it was appropriate and would not scare her niece, she could reassure her that she was never alone. Her great-grandmother and spirit guides were there to help.
I programmed the house to be happy, healthy, and full of love and laughter. I also programmed it to help the niece do well at school, have good friends and feel safe and confident.
I recommended placing a small rose quartz in the laundry as this area was a shape that needed extra help.

(If you have strange-shaped rooms in your house, placing a crystal can really help stop energy from getting stuck there. If you would like to know how to charge crystals, send me a message and I will send you a free guide.)
My friend was able to confirm that her grandmother was around, as her sister had seen her.
She also informed me that her niece had had a total change around. She was now doing well at school; had made friends and all the problems she was having had gone away.
Space clearing can really make a positive difference to people, I am honoured to be doing this work and so very grateful to help.
If you would like to know more about space clearing take a look at my website or send me a message.