The Villa
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 @ 5:06 PM
The owner of this property had space cleared it herself and whilst she had done a very good job, there were still things that needed attention it had strong feelings of anger and frustration.
These feelings were not helped with the presence of a male called Fred who was still alive but had dementia, which would explain why he could come in. He was a nasty piece of work, abusive and controlling. He was having a very negative effect. The owner confirmed that they knew who he was.

There was also a much gentler man the owner’s grandad. His name was Frank, and he came in to try to calm the energy and smooth over the situation. This, however, caused the energy and the occupants to roller coaster. It was like being stuck in the middle of a battle between good and evil.
I have cleared all the negative and put a bubble around the property so only good can get in, Frank can still visit but Fred can NOT!
I have programmed the house to be positive, trusting, open, healthy and happy.
The owner confirmed that the house felt calmer and more relaxed. She was unable to confirm who Frank was because she had no knowledge of her grandparents.
If you would like to know more about space clearing take a look at my website, Facebook page or message me.