The old school house was a strange property to space clear. The energy was manic. It felt like a whirlwind.
The residual energy held in the walls was of nervousness and feeling scared. There was a sense of children being slapped around the head and a strict teacher who especially didn’t like kids writing with their left hand, which had to be corrected.
The house was also full of stuff and had no order to it. I passed this information on to the owners, who told me they had already started sorting out.
I cleared all the old memories and energy.
I programmed the house to be happy, calm and abundant.
The owners reported back that they had felt calmer, more positive and less overwhelmed since I cleared the energy.

What Happens at School
This is a fictional story based on the information received during Space Clearing
In the early part of the twentieth century in rural Spain, many Spanish children did not have the luxury of going to school. The girls would learn the skills of cooking, sewing and preserving from their mothers and grandmothers. The boys would work the land with their fathers, grandfathers and brothers.
However, in a small hamlet in the mountains of Almeria, a few lucky boys got to learn to read, write and do basic maths. They even had a school house. The house comprised of just one room, but it was a school which many others did not have the privilege of having.
In the summer the school was hot and sweaty, and in the winter, it was freezing cold. The boys took classes for two hours a day, unless it was olive or almond harvesting time. The families could not spare them at all at harvest time as their very existence relied on the produce of the land.
The boys ,using there chalk boards, would copy the sums and words written on the large black board hanging from the wall. Supplies where slim pickings and the boys had to be careful not to break the chalk, as a new piece was not guaranteed. There were no books apart from the teacher’s book, which he passed round for the boys to read. If they did not get the words right they would get a slap around their heads for their trouble.
One poor boy, Jóse, was left-handed. He was made to sit at the back of the class with his left hand tied behind his back. You could not be left handed at this time, it was believed that left handed people were sent by the devil. We now know that in fact, left-handed people tend to be highly creative and have stronger intuition and imagination than their right-handed counterparts. This goes along way to explain why, for so many centuries, these individuals that make up around 10% of the population, were victimised and persecuted. Thankfully, in most places in the world today, it no longer happens. But for poor Jóse it was an everyday battle to write with his right hand and avoid yet another smack around the head.
The teacher was strict, but had a passion for books and helping kids to read. Although, by todays standards it was a harsh and basic education, it did help many local boys to read and write, which they would never have been able to do otherwise.
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