The country house had been a home filled with kindness, but things had not always been easy. Life had been filled with hard work, struggle and poverty, yet the energies of love and kindness were so strong that it out-weighed the struggle. The kitchen had once been an animal shed and the home to a very hardworking donkey.
The hallway had the heaviest energy of the whole house, yet I was unable to pinpoint why.
The dining room originally had a fireplace and was a kitchen. Although the room retained some original features, sadly this lovely fireplace had long gone. The memory of a large short smiley woman always cooking and caring for the men, was very strong. She had been happy and had enjoyed the work of caring for all the men, her husband and three sons, plus any other workers, many who had just been passing through, when they came in from the fields.
The downstairs bedroom, now being used as an office had a very heavy and dark energy. The memory of a woman who had died during a miscarriage, brought sadness and loss.
I recommended the owner put a rose quartz on the desk to help bring the energy of love back to the room.
The lounge which was connected to the office was also being affected by the energy of the women.
The bathroom had been a food store. In around 1891, the occupants of the house had hidden a man in there. He was hiding from the police (church). When they came, they searched for him, but he successfully escaped over the mountain at the back of the property.
In the main bedroom I recommended the owners put an amethyst on the bedside table. Also, something in the far corner, a tall lamp or large crystal or something hanging from ceiling. The room’s energy was a little unstable and these things would help to even it out.

Upstairs in the first bedroom was a visiting spirit girl, Carmen. With long dark brown bunches and dressed in a white dress, she just wanted to play with the child that now lives in the house. She died suddenly of a fever around 1919. There was no harm in her but I moved her on, in this case it was the right thing to do.
The second bedroom upstairs was really dark, heavy and negative. I could not get any information as to why, but it was very uncomfortable.
I recommended that the owner turned the horseshoes up so good luck stays in the house not flowing away. If you have horseshoes in your home make sure they are facing upwards to keep the good luck in for you.
I programmed the house to be happy, calm, healthy and abundant in every area.
I have also programmed it for any and all businesses that are run from there to be hugely successful and profitable.
And for the children to do well at school.
The owner confirmed that she had been unable to work in her office because of feeling uncomfortable, but now she feels comfortable and has been able to be productive in that space.
The owner spoke to her daughter and asked if she ever had friends that mummy didn’t know come to play. She answered no, apart from the ghost who often plays with her. Her Mum had not known about Carmen before that point.
The family are thriving and living very happily in their lovely country home.
If you would like to know more about space clearing take a look at my website or send me a message.
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