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This is a very special site for me. I can express this way my perception of reality through these photo image creations and share them with you as if you were at my home.

A Spanish invention for your luggage
Sunday, June 30, 2013

      A boy named Sergio Sanchez del Rio, who is engineer, along with his father, has invented a device to laminate your bags.

      Their company is SISTEMAS  Y MATERIALES DE EMBALAJE S.L. They did well in the company, until the crisis has managed to not do as wellt. But, one day, they got a great idea: “To create the BOBIBAG”. It consists of a device that applies a strong plastic around your suitcase.

      If you travel a lot –especially by plane--  the BOBIBAG can be a very interesting thing for you, because it is thought for your security and for the quality of your luggage.

      If you want to take more informacion about it, please click down here:

      I hope it is a very useful invention for you.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Tribute to Grandmother in Spain
Saturday, June 15, 2013

       Today has been cellebrated the World Day of Awareness of Abuse in the Elderly; but I want to do a special tribute to Grandmothers in Spain, because thanks to them, many men and her sons and daughters and grandchildren can move forward, in the middle of this hard crisis --although they always were generous--.

      This is my musical tribute to those wonderful women:

"Ella vive en mí", by Alex Ubago.

Note: If you want to buy the album to which this song belongs, it is: MENTIRAS SINCERAS  (LIES SINCERE).

      This is the lyrics:

Ella vive en mí 
como una canción 
que alimenta los oídos 
de mi corazón. 
Ella vive en mí 
en cada despertar 
en mis sueños y secretos 
aún sin revelar. 

Y yo me pierdo en su sonrisa 
y ante su abismo me dejo caer... 

Y es ella, la me que lleva al cielo de la mano 
la que me quiere tal y como soy 
esa que llena el mundo de alegría y fantasías. 
Ella, la que desata toda mi locura 
esa que me acompaña en la aventura que es la vida 
la que cura mis heridas con sus besos 
a donde siempre regreso. 

Ella vive en mí 
como la pasión 
que acelera los latidos 
de mi corazón. 
Ella vive en mí 
en cada poro de mi piel 
y no hay nada que mis ganas 
[ De: ] 
pueda detener. 

Y yo me pierdo en su sonrisa 
y ante su abismo me dejo caer... 

Y es ella, la me que lleva al cielo de la mano 
la que me quiere tal y como soy 
esa que llena el mundo de alegría y fantasías. 
Ella, la que desata toda mi locura 
esa que me acompaña en la aventura que es la vida 
la que cura mis heridas con sus besos 
a donde siempre regreso. 

Porque ella vive en mí 
Ella vive en mí... 

La que me quiere tal y como soy 
esa que llena el mundo de alegría y fantasías. 
Ella, la que desata toda mi locura 
esa que me acompaña en la aventura que es la vida 
la que cura mis heridas con sus besos 
a donde siempre regreso. 

Porque ella vive en mí 
Ella vive en mí...

In English:

She lives in me
like a song
feeding ears
of my heart.
She lives in me
each awakening
in my dreams and secrets
yet unrevealed.

And I get lost in her smile
and before I drop the abyss ...

And is it, leading me by the hand to heaven
I want the way I am
that which fills the world with joy and fantasies.
She who breaks all my madness
that accompanies me on the adventure that is life
that heals my wounds with kisses
to which I always return.

She lives in me
as passion
that accelerates the beat
of my heart.
She lives in me
in every pore of my skin
and there is nothing that my desire
can stop.

And I get lost in her smile
and before I drop the abyss ...

And is it, leading me by the hand to heaven
I want the way I am
that which fills the world with joy and fantasies.
She who breaks all my madness
that accompanies me on the adventure that is life
that heals my wounds with kisses
to which I always return.

Because she lives in me
She lives in me ...

The one I want as I am
that which fills the world with joy and fantasies.
She who breaks all my madness
that accompanies me on the adventure that is life
that heals my wounds with kisses
to which I always return.

Because she lives in me


She lives in me ...
      I hope that you have enjoyed with this song.
       Till soon, kind regards, 

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Japan in Spain
Saturday, June 15, 2013

       By the way of my last post, about older people, I want to talk about Japan, in this post, because there older people are highly respected.

      Yesterday, the Crown Prince of Japan ended his visit to Spain, going to Coria del Rio, a spanish locality very important for Japan, because there came the first Japanese to Spain.


"Coria del Rio desde el aire", by EMASESA, at

      Coria del Rio belongs to Sevilla and in Sevilla there are 600 people with the surname Japan. For example: The Rector of the International University of Andalucia (Juan Manuel Suárez Japón) or the ex-Soccer Referee ( José Japón Sevilla) or, President of the Hispanic Association Tsunenaga Japanese Hasekura (Juan Francisco Japan Carvajal). Yesterday, some children of the public school Vicente Neria sang a song to the Prince. The song was named “Hanawasaku” and it talked about hope (it said: “The flowers bloom…..”); the Prince and his team were excited.

      Talking about the President of the Hispanic-Japanese Asociation, I can tell you that 400 years ago a Japanese Embassy Keicho, headed by Samurai Tsunenaga Hasekura, in 1614. They came from the Japanese locality Sendai. They were coming to ask permission to King Philip III to start trade relations among Japan and Spain. They did not succeed, but 10 people from the expedition stayed in Coria.

      Yesterday in the morning, the Prince Naruhito went to the Park “Juan de Mesa”, beside the river Guadalquivir, in order to plant a cherry tree, whose flower is a symbol for Japanese culture.

      In the evening, Naruhito went to enjoy an spectacle of the Spanish famous woman dancer of Flamenco, Cristina Hoyos. 

The Prince Naruhito with Cristina Hoyos in an Exhibition in the Archive of the Indies.

      I do not know which spectacle was offered by Cristina Hoyos; but I want to show you a spectacle of her.Please click down here:

Cristina Hoyos dancing in Barcelona

      I hope the the relations among Spain and Japan follow in a good way for always.

      And I also hope that you have enjoyed with this post and, of course, that you can come to Spain as soon as possible.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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The Grandparents in Spain
Friday, June 14, 2013

       For the most people, think that old age is that overtime, in which, we met almost our goals, we look back and enjoyed the memories.

      Old age is also that time in which we become moral references and sources of advice for new generations.

      Usually, we think of old age in that way; but, unfortunately, the reality is different: the abuse of older people exist. In Spain, the abuse takes the lives of 22 older people, each year. And 60.000 are abused continuously.

      But it does not happen only with physical abuse; many times it happens with abuse, neglect, coercion……..and many times neither the own old person notes the abuse. We can note a physical abuse; but it is very difficult for us to note daily events like to Isolate an elderly from his daily activities, from his friends or treating him like a child. For example: Cashing checks without his authorization, coerce him into signing a document or make improper use of his money is also abuse.

        The next June-15, will be cellebrated the World Day of Awareness of Elder Abuse in the Elderly. We all must think about this problem.

        A difficulty is that the most of the cases of abuse are into the own family; therefore these cases are usually hidden.

      Old people feel alone themselves and we young people have to be very close to them. One of the reasons because they feel alone is because they are living alone or, if they live with their offspring, they also feel alone, because the offspring use to be working out of home.

      Therefore, I take this news to make a tribute to our elders. Because, in this time of such a hard crisis, many old people are helping to their offspring, who have no job. Our old people are spending their few money, in order to raise their family.  They take up a lot of their grandchildren   –the grandparents go to school, in order to  pick up their grandchildren--.

"Abuelo con su nieto en el parque", by Liberatore, at

      I think that it is an injustice to abuse of old people.

      I hope that the abuses disappear as soon as possible.


      Till soon, kind regards,


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The first wet, a man from Spain
Friday, June 14, 2013

      Yesterday, I came back from Madrid; I was in a hotel named “NH Balboa”, in the street Nuñez de Balboa. The, I thought I should like to tell you thes story of the Spanish Conqueror, Vasco Núñez de Balboa.

      In 1513, he was the first European man, who arrived to the named “Mar del Sur” (Sea of the South). This fact changed the Geography and the History.

      When Vasco and his sailors arrived to the coast, the low tide was bad aspect to the beach; so, they waited for going down when the tide was high.

      At the end, the tide was high and Vasco went down and walking in the water, and with his armor and the helmet, he took a banner with the right hand and a sword in his left hand, he said the following: “Vivan los muy altos e poderosos reyes Don Fernando e Doña Juana, en cuyo nombre e por la Corona real de Castilla, tomo e aprehendo la posesion real e corporal e actualmente destas mares e tierras, e costas, e puertos, e islas australes” (Long live the very high and mighty kings Don Fernando and Doña Juana, in whose name and by the Royal Crown of Castile, take and apprehend the real and corporal possession and currently these seas and lands, and coasts, and ports, and southern islands).


"Vasco Nuñez de Balboa", by Zagarbal, at

       They were 26 men (included Nuñez de Balboa and Pizarro –who discovered the country Perú--. They tested the water and confirmed that it was salty. Their names were wrotten by the notary Andrés de Valderrábano. Balboa took several saber to the waves and went to burn crosses on trees –it was made by all the men, while the priest sang the song “Te Deum Laudamus”.

      So it was how the September-29-1513, the first European man had the first contact with a very big sea, that later was named “Pacific Ocean”. This one was the second important discovery –after the discovery  of the American continent. It was a result of a coincidental and a great effort, of course. It made Balboa the get a very great fame.

      Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz, Southwest of Madrid),in 1475, but his parents were from León. His parents were the Lords of the Castle of Balboa.

      Nuñez de Balboa had much value and it showed when he enlisted in 1501, in the expedition of Rodrigo de Bastidas, who runs the coasts of Panama and Colombia. When you finish this adventure, rest and profits of the expedition, the Spanish land purchase.

      Later, Vasco hid in a barrel of a boat of the expedition of Martín Fernandez de Enciso. Vasco hid in a barrel of a ship of the expedition. This sailed from Santo Domingo to aid Alonso de Ojeda and his 70 men, threatened by the poisoned arrows of warlike Indians in San Sebastián de Urabá., Colombian Caribbean garrison. Soon the stowaway to be discovered and the punishment of being marooned on a desert island was saved by the knowledge that proved to be the coast.

      Which along with his charisma, quickly made ​​him popular among the members of the crew.

      Balboa met to Francisco Pizarro, that in this moment was only a brave solder, who had taken charge of San Sebastian de Urabá, after the departure of Ojeda to Santo Domingo.

      Balboa arrested to Enciso, the Mayor, and assumed the Municipality, beside Martin Samudio.

      Balboa also became to the Governor of Vergara, substituting Diego Nicuesa, which appeared in the port of Vergara and was rejected by its people and put on a ship adrift at sea.

      At the end, Balboa was sentenced to death and beheaded, along with several of his men. Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo was a witness of the executions of Balboa, in 1519.

      This is a summary of the life of Vasco Nunez de Balboa.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Important Boards in Spain
Saturday, June 8, 2013

       The famous “Tablas de Daimiel” (Tables of Daimiel) (Ciudad Real, Central Spain) marks 40 years, as a National Park; and it is happening in a very good time.

Tables of Daimiel, Ciudad Real, Central Spain.

"Eyes of the Guadiana"

       With the surface completely flooded and the recovery of one of its sources of supply: the river Guadiana. The water returns to bring life to this place unique in Europe.

      Sprout again the named “Ojos del Guadiana” --Los Ojos del Guadiana is located in the municipality of Villarrubia de los Ojos, and are traditional sources or historic main upwelling point where conventionally considered to be born the river Guadiana, at least in its middle, as there is another section called Guadiana Alto, born at much higher levels (1040 m, near the Lagunas de Navalcudia), and then passes down from the Lagunas de Ruidera, once the reservoir Peñarroya, by what is considered, in a mythical or legendary, this Guadiana Alto reappears in the Ojos del Guadiana (as if the river was a worm or snake again see the light)--. The “Ojos del Guadiana” have been missing during 26 years; they have been recovered thanks to the “Acuifero 23”, that was overexploit during several years. The problem was as big that the UNESCO said that this place could no longer be “A Biosphere Reserve”.

      8 kilometers of the river have ben recover.

      Around that huge sewage tank, there are 50.000 wells are legal and 10.000 illegal .

      Extractions abuse threatened the survival of the Tables. They were about to succumb to the underground fires. But again nature has again surprised and abundance of rain has encouraged the rebirth of the park.

      Proof that the aquifer has recovered, people from La Mancha have themselves in their homes. Pedro Rodriguez has a small farm on the outskirts of Daimiel .. …

      Proximity of the aquifer also seen in the collapses that in recent months have appeared in several farms in the area. They are a geological phenomenon which causes land subsidence revealing the proximity of water.

      Long ago, even centuries, the Guadiana ran through the area. In the time remaining water mills but most are in ruins because they stopped operations in 1950.

      In the vicinity of the protected area live July, the last fisherman, the sole survivor of a way of living of the Tables. She is 84 years old and still hanging out with your basket. It is one of the most knowledgeable of the flora and fauna and their "box" come often guards and former directors of the park.

      Another love of the area was the painter Ignacio Meco. He spent the last years of his life in his home workshop located in the bend of the river.

      If you want to watch the program that I have watched, please click down here:

      Till son, kind regards,


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Rural Entrepreneur Fair in Spain
Thursday, June 6, 2013

       The Second Edition of the Rural Entrepreneur Fair will be held next June 15 and 16, in The Escorial, out of Madrid, 300 meters from the Train Station. It will be organizated by the School of Entrepreneurs. The last First Edition had more than one thousand assistants, 20 speakers and twelve cases of successful rural entrepreneurs.

      EMPRENDENATURA offers help to everyone, who wants to leave the city and go to a village.

      Their offer is:

{C}n  {C}If you have no job or….

{C}n  {C}You have a job, but you do not like it…..

{C}n  {C}If you note you have not enough energy for doing everything you have to do…..

{C}n  {C}And your pocket does not arrive to the end of month….


      Come to the Rural Entrepreneur Fair, named “Undertake time and leave town”.

      In this Fair, you will get:

{C}n  {C}Rural Business Ideas that work. Dynamic Exhibitors who will be willing to give you a taste of their good work.

{C}n  {C}Free Advice. From hand EMPRENDENATURA team and entities such as Foundation Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, Embrace the Earth, Emprendae and CEPAIM.

{C}n  {C}Presentations to motivate entrepreneurs. Get keys to get going on your own by hand of experts as Ruben Turienzo, Roberto Closed, Nacho Muñoz, July Echavarria, Alberto Sanchez-Bayo and Daniel Martin.

{C}n  {C}Incredible shows. Spend an unforgettable day with the show of the mentalist Javier Luxor, biodanza dancing with Laura Serrano; magic by  Rafeek Albertoni; comedy by Fanny Tangerine;  Juanma really enjoying "The Optimist Provocative";  walking on glass with Celia Perez;  moving with Eva Jog; Revs of good concerts and more!.

{C}n  {C}Rural Workshops. You will learn about the wonderful world of biobuilding, eco-villages, transition towns, sustainable economy, the wines!.

{C}n  {C}Networking,  to meet other attendees and to exchange favors, generate synergies, reach agreements, find partners, friends, etc..

{C}n  {C}Stories of rural entrepreneurs. And besides, you can learn from others who "have already achieved" during interviews the two days will you be able to contribute.

 And all of that will be completely FREE, if you book now at the following link:  

      Enter (click here): website to see all the information, forward it to your contacts and sign up now to the event of the year to encourage entrepreneurs to live better for less!.

      From EMPRENDENATUA, the City of Aguelo Alberto special collaboration ( have organized this show with much love to see you make important decisions that you will change your life!.

      I hope that you can visit this Fair and enjoy it.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Game with spanish words
Thursday, June 6, 2013

       Top lay with words is a good recourse, for example if you want to tell someone anything, but you do not want to say it directly  --If you want to make fun of someone, but do not want to be noticed--. One anecdote, by the Spanish writer, Quevedo, is that he said a verse for the Spanish Queen, Isabel de Borbón; the verse was this one: “Entre el clavel y la rosa, su Majestad escoja”. It seems to want mean:  “That….the Queen choose, among the carmination and the rose”, because “Escoja” comes from the verb “Escoger” (To choose). But, really, Quevedo meant: “Entre el clavel y la rosa, Su Majestad es coja”  ( “Among the carmination and the rose, Your Majesty (the Queen) is lame”). The anecdote happened so: Francisco de Quevedo bet with his friends that he could make fun of the Queen, without she knew it. Then, he bought a bouquet of white carnations and other one of red roses;  he approached the Queen, who was in a public square and told her: "Between the white carnation and the red rose, choose Your Majesty".

The Queen Isabel de Borbón.

      This “Game of words” is named “Calambur”.

      Another game of words is: “Yo lo coloco y ella lo quita” (I place it and she moves it). It seems to be so: “Yo lo coloco y ella lo quita”; but also it can be: “Yo loco loco y ella loquita” (I am mad mad and she is little mad).

      Another funny game: “De Valencia, las naranjas; de Sevilla las maletas” (From Valencia, the oranges; from Sevilla, the suitcases).At the begining this is the sound that arrives to you, Is not it?. But, really it means: “From Valencia, the oranges; des-evilla (remove the “evillas”= the little part of a suitcase, where you pass the belt for closing the suitcase) the suitcases”.

Evilla of suitecase

       Another funny case of game of words: a sir says: “Mi hijo está en el trabajo como pez en el agua” (My son is in his job, like a fish in water) and another sir asks the first one: “¿Y que hace?” (And what is he doing?). “Pues….nada” (But…..nothing), answered the first sir.Note: “Nada”  can means “Nothing” or “Swims” (like a fish).

      Also there are some words, named “Palíndromos”. They are words, that are read on the same way forward or backward. They are words or sentences.

      The Spanish composer, Víctor Carbajo, have a very big selection of words “Polindrómicas”. For example, he talks about: “acurruca”, from the verb “Acurrucar”, that means: “Shrink, in order to protect against the cold itself”.

      Another word “Polindrómica” is: “aerea” (of air).

      Another one is. “alábala”, that comes from the verb “Alabar” (Elogiar, Praise).

      But there is another game of words; for example: “Nosotros malgastamos el tiempo” , --we say “malgastar” (waste), as if it was money--.  Also we say “Ahorrar” (Save up) time , as it was money.

      Another linguistic concept is: “Acróstico” (Acrostic). This word comes from the Greek “Acros”, that means: “Extreme” and “sticos”,  that means: “Verso” (Verse). It is a poetic composition, in which the first letter of each verse, if you read all of them, in a vertical way, you can read a message. One of the most famous cases, in the Spanish Literature is which you can find in the Prologue of “The Celestina”,, where the first letters of the Eighths, create the sentence: EL BACHILLER FERNANDO DE ROJAS ACABO LA COMEDIA DE CALISTO Y MELIBEA E FUE NACIDO EN LA PUEBLA DE MONTALBAN.

      Another very nice case is a poem by Luis de Tovar, compiled in General Songbook, by Hernando del Castillo. This is the poem:

Feroz sin Consuelo y sañuda dama

Remedia el trabajo a nadie creedero

A quien le siguió martirio tan fiero

No seas león o reyna pues te ama

Cien males se doblan cada ora  en que pene

Y en ti de tal guisa beldad, pues se asienta

No seas cruel en assi dar afruenta

Al que por te amar ya vida no tiene.


      All the words in red are female names: Eloysa, Joana, Guiomar, Leonor, Blanca, Isabel, Elena and Marya. But also, if you read all the verses, in a vertical way, you will read the name “FRANCYNA”.

      In Spain, we have a great woman dancer of Flamenco dancing, named SARA BARAS; if you read it from the end to the beginning, you will see that it is the same.

      Another “Palindromo” is:  “Yo hago yoga hoy”; if you read it from the end to the beginning, it will be read the same.

      I hope that you have enjoy with this post.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Manufacturing in Spain
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

       Despite de crisis, not everything is manufactured out Spain.

      Of course, by the moment I can tell you about three things manufactures here: Cars, hams and tiles.

      Spain is the fourth country in the world in number of vehicles per capita. And here, we manufacture the bodywork of many cars.

      The first step for manufacturing a car is estirer a steel sheet from a roll.After that, each sheet is cut, to the extent necessary. So, they get each piece, depending of its objective; for example: doors, roof,  reinforcements…..

      If you want to watch the video of the tv program, from where I have gotten the information, please click down here:

       The Team Leader presses Line says that the steel plate is modeled by the center to create the car roof; the press applies a weight of 1000 tons. At the end, each roof will has a weight of 22 kg.

      At the same time that the roof was manufacturing, other pieces, like doors, sides, hood…..were manufactured. All of that will be named “Carrocería” (Bodywork).

      The Production Superintendent explains that, once you have the car floor, you have to solder all the pieces and move on to the stage where the floor meets the sides of the car.

      So, you can see the result, that is: a floor, with roof and sides. Now is the time to put all the pieces, each other.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

      Now, the car is ready for being painted; but before that, you have to apply a coat of paint different. It is named “Fosfatación” (phosphatisation). The Phosphatistion is a protective anticorrosion treatment , applied to the bodywork; its aim is that color stay intact for many years.

      The Production Superintendent says that the colors most in demand are: Black, Silver and White. The White is the most economic color, because the metallic colors have a plus in the final price; therefore, the White is the most color in demand .

      The next step in the painting is to apply a layer with clearcoat.

      After painting, the car goes into a furnace in which the car will be at 150 degrees for 15 minuts. This phase is called "curing", which is where the paint dries.

      The next step is the assembly where you will put the car wheels, steering wheel, seats .....

       Pedro Espinosa, Maintenance Operator, explain that inside the dashboard, you can find the radio, the air conditioning, the wheel…..To do that, the robot needs much free space; so, the workers have to remove the doors.

      Now, they put the seats into the car.

      After that, they join the motor exhaust.

      An important thing is the “Par motor”, that means:  the force of the motor.

      The last phase is to place the wheels.

      At least, the car is finished. Concretely, this one shall go to France. But Monica says: “What the owner of this car does not know is that I am going to brand the new car”.

      The next “Repor” is about “Janomes” (Hams).

      The video says that Egyptians and Romans enjoyed this part of pork.

      One of the five hams that we produce in Spain, is sent out of here.

      Ham is so precious that one day someone paid 4000 Euros for a ham.

      At the beginning of the video about hams, you can hear in that room, there are more than a hundred of hams. In that room, the temperature conditions are very good. There are 4 rooms as we have 4 Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autum and Winter).

      The live of a ham start here: in a pasture.    

      Again, about temperature of ham, we have to know that it must be among zero an seven degrees.

      Hams must be without hair.

      In the factory, there is a machine that take all the hams and let that each one fall down, depending of its weight and its fat.

      The man responsible, who is talking about hams, says that the important thing, in an Iberian ham is the genetic and feeding.

      Also it is said that in a room, they have to get that all hams have the same temperature, in order that they take salt very well. Salt is the only preservative that is added to the ham. Manolo is the responsible for salting the hams. He says that the hams are under salt, depending of their weight; he says that it is calculated so: “One day for one kilogram of ham”.

      After that, they take the hams to brush them, blow them and wash them, in order to remove all the salt.

      The salt is left is mixed with new salt for reuse.

      After salting, they start the healing phase. Here they reproduce the 4 seasons.

      In the room of “Winter”, the temperature is among 1 and 3 degrees. The hams have already the salt, but it has to go in to the bone. Here those hams will stay 4 months more or less.

     Matías Castuera explains that hams have to beat them, so that the fat back into place, after losing form in "The tinillos." The tinillos are some metal crates, where they are put salt. Some of the tinillos are put top of each other and at the end the hams lose their shape, so they are battered. Here they take each ham, one by one.

      The next room (Phase of Spring) has 8000 hams. The responsible explains that fat is falling down; therefore, the shoes are are hitting the ground. So, the hams are loosing their weight. Throughout the entire healing, the hams lose around 33 per cent of their weight.It is named “El Merme”.

      This responsible says that in Spain are produced 47 million of hams, each year.

      The last phase is the named “Cellar phase”. Here the hams are around two years old. When this phase has finished, Justi  (El Maestro Calador” ( the man who penetrate the hams), in order to say how is the quality of each ham.

      Justi (Jose María Justiniano) says that the ham has 3 critical points: “El Codillo” (the knuckle), la “Vena Femoral” (The femoral vein) and “El hueso de la cadera” (hip bone). The cove is a cannon bone of the cow. He click on the knuckle, smell and see that the smell is wonderful - it says -.

      Now, the ham must be cut. The factory has a machine that let to cut 1200  slices in one minute. But before, they have to remove the bone from the ham. When the bone is out, they have to remove the fat. This fat is used in Cosmetics.

      After that, you put the ham in a press, that will mold it. So, it will be abble to be cut in slices. All the slices will be with the same size.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The machine, that cut the ham is abble to cut 1200 slices per minute. And it also put a little paper among two slices.

      When the slices are cut, they are taken inside a little bag, where the oxygen is taken out and is put an inert gas, in order to better preserve the ham, in spite of the several changes of temperature.

       Now I am going to talk about “Baldosas” (Tiles). It is thought that the first tiling appeared on 9th  century before Christ, in Babylonia.

      Enric tells us the process to make tiles. He says the star of a production process of manufacturing tiles start in “Los Silos” (The Silos), where you can find the raw material. Here you can see “Feldespato” (Feldspar). It is like fine sand and it helps us to make a paste.

      Also, there are many tiles, which were defective and, then, they are crushed before cooked, to be used, like new.

      They store feldspar, waiting to be needed to make more tiles.

      Feldspar mixed with water to make a paste, which they call "Barbotina”.

      To grind the “Barbotina”, they use stones, rotating in the machine.

      The factory is as big that some workers need to move on bikes themselves. For example, one of those workers is the responsible of preparation of compounds. This factory has a size of 35.000 m2, that is the same than 35 Soccer stadiums.

      The liquid that result goes from the mill through a pipe to rafts where the liquid rests, for all well homogenize. Then, this liquid is sent, through another pipe, to the atomizer. It is very very big….here, they can evaporate 14.000 liters each hour.So, the water goes out.

      We now turn to the press zone and glazing, where the tiles will be decorate.

      Miguel Rubio shows us the press number 14, where the paste arrives.Then, the press make a charge and put the paste on the mold; the top of the press makes a pressing and so one tile goes out of the mold. After that, they have to dry the tile. The material go inside crude and goes out without humidity, dry and strong.

      After that, they make the design and they paint and decorate the tile. The designer explais us how he start a design,  from an image.He shows an imitation of sheet, rusty tin.

      He also can show us a imitation of wood.

      The next phase is to take the tiles to the oven, operating at 1200 degrees. This oven measures 109 meters long. But before goig to the oven, the tiles need to be wet, because if you do not do that, they can be broken, in the oven. The tiles should have some cracks. After being in the oven, the piece is glazed. That is what Manuel Fortuño (responsible of Glaze) tells us. He is 30 years working here.

      When the tile is glazed, it pass under a roller, in order to be cleaned on its face.

      After that, the tile goes to a printer.You can see the different colors: Cyan, Magenta, yellow, black….At the end, the tile goes out with the design that the workers tought , at the beginning. The result, in this case, is an imitation of wood.

      Now, the tiles are taken to the boxes, where they will be taken to the oven. There are several special ovens, that have a great capacity of production. Here are the ovens which measures 109 meters long, and operating at 1200 degrees. When the piece goes out of the oven, it has a luster that had no prior. When the piece goes out of the oven, it is cooled.

      Now, they go to the room named of “Tonificacion” (Toning). Here they will test that all the tiles have the similar color. When all is well, they do the last phase:  Packaging and Palletizing. Here the warehouse has a capacity fo 100.000 pallets and around 5 millions of meters.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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All for one in Spain
Saturday, June 1, 2013

       In this economic crisis, but also a crisis of values, a group of neighbors of the village Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba, South of Spain), have gathered in order to build another system different than the one we know through the political. This group think that “The union makes the force”; so, they say as the famous Spanish writer, Lope de Vega, said: “All for one, like in Fuenteovejuna”. “Fuenteovejuna” was a Theatral Work, wrotten by Lope de Vega and published in Madrid, in 1618. This work of social content and protest.

      For example, the neighbors of Villanueva de Córdoba have got recover their money from the “Preference shares”, with Spanish banks. One day, Pedro Veras, a neighbor from Villanueva de Córdoba, quoted a group of neighbors in the Square of Spain, in order that they join him to a protest. There appeared around 40 persons. All of them thought that they were scammed. Then, they made several actions, like to share sausages, cakes, watermelons......., among all their neighbors.

Villanueva de Córdoba, Córdoba, South of Spain.

      This people have got to go out ahed from their problems with banks, thanks to be united and help each other. This idea has been very good, because many of them were illiterates and they were deceived by banks. Then, other neighbors help them to solve these problems (the problems with “Preference shares”, I mean).

      Step by step, almost all the neighbors get their money back.

      Also the neighbors of village Fuente Obejuna achieved its goal, when, in 1476 , rose up against the oppressive power.Since that moment, that gesture became example of attachment. Since then, each 4 years, they represent the work of Lope de Vega “Fuenteovejuna”, in front of the Town Hall. The festival lasts 5 days.

Fuente Obejuna, Córdoba, South of Spain.

       In this time of crisis, we should learn of that gesture of attachment, above all among Politicians.

      But, if in the past the problems were solved in the squares of the villages, today the protest is in the red. Internet is the new tool for people. For example, exist a web, named,  where people can talk about their problems and their claims.

      Another example of attachment is one company that went to close; but its members felt invest money in unemployment, to create a cooperative and thus continue the same work(.Mechanization of parts)..They kept the machines. The new cooperative is “NEIL 2010” and it is in Barcelona.  Now, they are 13 heads.

      In another village (Zarzalejo, Madrid), one of its initiatives is the “Community gardens”. Jose Luis is one gardener, who teach to other people, who help him in his garden, at the same time.

Zarzalejo, Madrid, Spain.

      Also, some neighbors of Zarzalejo have houses ready with solar panels, in order to heat the water or start the machine……

      Another village, out of Madrid, is Torrelodones, where the neighbors were united and they created its own Political Party “Vecinos por Torrelodones” (Neighbors for Torrelodones). They are governing in minority, but they are happy.

The Town Hall of Torrelodones, Madrid. Spain.

       In 2011, Torrelodones had a surplus of 5 million of Euros.

      They are considered a move from the village for the village.

      I want to send my sincer congratulations to this group.

Till soon, kind regards,


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