Thank you for your email. I am very sorry to hear of the predicament you mention regarding the Trampolin Hills Project. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated story; I have been in contact with many British people who are in similar situations, having suffered from the inadequacies of Spanish property law.
I am therefore working with cross party support of other British MEPs to try to find a way to raise the issues that we have received from constituents. The European parliament Petitions Committee will hopefully commission a special report on Spanish property issues and we are trying to get as much press coverage as we can in order to put pressure on the Spanish national and regional governments.
However, under the principle of subsidiarity, the EU has no role to play in such cases unless there are clear breaches of EU Directives. As MEPs, we are therefore restricted in what we can do to solve the problem as it is not in our remit to get involved in legal cases.
Nevertheless, the effects of continuing bad publicity, the investigations and visits of the Petitions Committee and the hostility of MEPs from other countries are combining to embarrass Spanish MEPs and they realise that the situation is getting out of hand. I suggest that you keep up the political pressure in Spain, and I will continue to do the same in the European Parliament.
I am sorry that I can not offer you a more positive response, but please be assured that we will do whatever we can within our remit to keep the pressure on the Spanish authorities and companies.
Yours sincerely,