I completed on 18th July in Jardin 2.. licences etc all in place.
The "pack" that came in from PW turned up about 1 month beforehand. There was bascially a document containing our details (names, passport numbers, wiies maiden name etc) which they use to prepare the Deeds for the notary. The document was on PW headed paper and called a "FICHA". It also had detail of where and when the Notary appointment was.
The rest iof of the attachments were
-an application for Zurich bldngs & contents insureance,
- a direct debit/ authority for PW to deal with the utiliites connection for you,
- a direct debit for the community charge once agreed, and
- maps and directions to PW Head office, Condado etc.it..
Previously to that (when paying the initial deposit) we'd signed the contact itself and also the copy of the apartment and Jardin plan...
If I was buying off of someone else, I'd make sure that you have copyies of the original contract, confirmation that the stage payments have been rec'd by PW, and also a detailed spec of the apartment and Jardine.
I was dealing with the following Lady in the completions dept, so you might want to try getting in touch to confirm your details -
Departamento Gestión de Entrega
Yolanda Gil
Gestión de Escrituras
Parque Empresarial Polaris World
Autovía Murcia - San Javier, Km 18
30591 Balsicas - Murcia (Spain)