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Hi Everyone,
Just busy packing for another week at Condado and only taking hand luggage. Ryanair limit is 10kg each but with online check in, wondered where, if at all, they weigh your hand luggage. Anybody come across them actually weighing it? Knowing them they wouldn't miss any opportunity to charge extra if you are a gram or two overweight.
Chris & Sue
This message was last edited by foxesfan on 27/05/2009.
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Hi Chris & Sue,
When we came back from Murcia in March , we spend a good half hour watching all the poor souls at the Ryan Air departures gate having all thier hand luggage weighed. They were sticking rigidly to the one item rule and even insisting that if you had any other items, a hand bag for example, that it all had to fit in the one bag. The bag was then weighed and 'measured' to ensure it fitted into the measuring cage. If it didn't fit, because of bulges, or was over weight they were making people take out the excess and pay for it to go in the hold. All very amusing to us on lookers, but not so much fun I guess if you were flying with them.
So my advice, make sure everything you have can go in the bag and that it isn't over weight or over size.
This message was last edited by ptan on 27/05/2009.
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Hi Chris and Sue
I haven't come across them weighing the hand luggage when you on line check in .......yet but I have seen them size the luggage with their little cage thing just as we were about to board! Also remember that your handbag and anything bought in the duyt free has to fit into your hand luggage.
_______________________ We are on jardine 12 of the Jardines Alhama
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When we flew out at Easter I would say the majority of us didn't get our luggage weighed but we saw one poor women get hers checked for size and weight and she was told she would have to either remove items or put it in the hold, so it is happening. I certainly would not chance it, it's not worth the embarrassment or the money you have to pay to take What? an extra t-shirt or blouse. We found 10kg is plenty for one week . We used Vacpak which allow you to take more things but does not help with weight. I managed 3 pair shoes, straightners, all my clothes 5x trousers, approx 6 tops 2x cardigans and my smalls. and I still had some room. Remember you can buy all your toiletries over there and leave them same with hairdryer, hair brushes etc.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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surely if you are owners you have left a full wardobe @ condado, we have ,when the two adults and 2 kids travel together 40 kg between us is more than ample , i thought that was the idea of owning your own place , you don't have to cart everything including the kitchen sink with you !!!!!!!!
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Hi Alison,
Yes you are right 40kg is plenty as you say when a full wardrobe has been accomplished. We haven't visited enough times to be able to build up a full wardrobe, but unfortunately you have assumed this, we have only been out 3 times and to be perfectly honest my wardrobe was the last thing on my mind. Furnishing my apartment was my first priority, so I can understand Chris & Sues problem.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Just come back from Condado and Ryanair are getting very strict with weight, although they didn't weigh any hand luggage, they are very strict with `one piece only'. Spoke to one lady who had to pay £120 excess baggage. We find it hard as we have a little baby and you don't get any allowance for a child under 2. We have left some things there now and won't be taking any toiletries either. Problem we have is can't leave baby clothes as they grow so quickly, so 15kg is a struggle, also nappies are twice the price in Spain and can't buy English formula so even have to take the milk with us. Totally sympathise.
My gripe is the attitude and rudeness of the airline staff on ryanair flights, next time we will be looking at alternatives - heard Monarch, BMI and Easyjet are all better.
Los Naranjos Garden 3
_______________________ Rachel and Simon
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Just a little tip for anyone who cares
get a golf bag travel bag and fill it to bursting point with whatever you like, book your flights in 2 one way flights and all of that weight will only cost €30 to get to spain, just a cheap way of getting a wardrobe full of clothes over
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I have taken golf clubs to Spain before in a golf travel bag. This goes through the x-ray machine. I think your dancing shoes and Tuxedo might look a little different to a set of Callaways ! I would think Ryanair would have you by the 'short & curlies' there when you tried to explain at the luggage hatch that this was your sporting equipment. 
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Hi Billbo
The people at the x-ray machine are not ryanair staff and dont care what is in the bag as long as its nothing illegal, and the ryanair staff have never looked in the bag or weighed it before, trust me it has been done before and you dont need to worry about 15kg weight limit, unless of course they are just more relaxed about it in dublin airport, but i would not think so, I assume that its more than just the clubs that you put into the travel bag especially on the way home when it can be stuffed with cigs and alchohol
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In all fairness, we flew with SleasyJet last time and I was surprised to see lots of people at Stansted and Alicante being asked to put their hand luggage in the measuring cage.
I think it depends on how many passengers are on the flight........
All or most seats taken = strict baggage checks.
Oh and if it's obvious you are taking the Mickey, those check in guys ain't daft.
It may seem a bit cynical but I love watching the passengers with straining zips on their huge sports bags trying to explain "that it's only hand baggage".....ha,ha,ha.
Nice try.............Kerching goes the till.
_______________________ Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...
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Hi All
We are bringing over golf clubs (managed to get 1 adult and 1 junior set into 1 golf carry bag!) and stupidly I didn't cop on to book one way flights instead of returns so have an empty golf carry bag coming home. According to Ryanair ONLY sports equipment can come home in it even when I explained the fact that I was going to leave the clubs in Spain with Marks brother. I'm going to risk it and put clothes etc in it coming home and save the hand luggage for the important stuff like booze and cigs!! I'll let you know how I get on!
_______________________ We are on jardine 12 of the Jardines Alhama
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Hi All,
I bought a very handy gadget that I saw on something like 'This Morning' on the TV. It's a hand held digital luggage scale that you hang your cases from to weigh them whilst abroad when you haven't got bathroom scales to attempt it on. It's by a company called Balanzza and was £20. Well worth it if you're travelling a lot as it means you don't incur excess baggage charges because you don't have to guess the weight of your bags. Someone on their website said they actually used it to challenge a check in desk reading and won their argument when a 'test' weight was put on the scales and showed them to be incorrect! I'm sure you can find it through a google search (and no i'm not on commission!).
Also for those with the trouble of travelling with kids - we're going with Monarch for the first time next week as they seem to be the only airline offering extra allowance for infants. You get an extra 10kg on top of the usual 20 and this 30kg can be spread across up to 5 bags. They also let you take a free car seat in the hold saving money on hiring that the other end (and putting up with the pretty useless ones you get from the hire companies).
Jardin 5
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You can also purchase these hand scales from Betterware - I think at £12.99.
Monarch sounds good, will check it out.
_______________________ Rachel and Simon
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ryanair has changed the checked in luggage cost so its now much cheaper - think its £10 a sector but if you book both your out and home flights at the same time you have to have checked luggage both ways.
I'm now trying to remember to do them separately so I only pay a £10 to take stuff out. We're back out next week and got 2 outward and home flights for £40 in total including taxes from Edinburgh to Alicante.
I know the hand luggage is strict but the value means I love them!!
Pamela edinburgh and N4
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They also sell those hand scales in Yorkshire Linen in Mazzaron. I know that doesn't help for the outward journey, but comes in handy for future flights.
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