IBA tax

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27 May 2009 12:00 AM by cats Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Has any one had this bill yet? If so how much for a 2 bed in jardins and how do I pay it?

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27 May 2009 6:53 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

Paid my IBI via my solicitor and the bill was €78 for five months (July to Dec).  You can do it yourself at the town hall, that's if you have the time.  My solicitor set up a direct debit for me.

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27 May 2009 10:09 PM by Marius Star rating in Lichfield, Jardines .... 91 forum posts Send private message

Mazarron council invoice each june/july for bill to be paid by october. you can pay the bill at any major bank. For our villa in Camposol we paid €140 last year but this year expect a substancial increase.

I assume that Alhama will send the invoice to your postal address in CDA. No rush as you don't need t pay until october

Marius & Michelle Jardines 5 & Camposol

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27 May 2009 10:28 PM by roadster Star rating in Belfast, N. Ireland. 121 forum posts Send private message


Just for information where required, we were out recently and went to Alhama de Murcia to pay our tax.  The office opens from 9am to 2pm and you need to take passports, copy of deeds, bank details (for direct debit of future payments).  We paid 78 euros approx for both of us and they gave us a sheet of stamped paper to present at the bank across the road which is Caja Murcia.  Unfortunately no-one at the bank spoke English so it was awkward but eventually we were able to arrange for our direct debit instruction to be sent to our branch in Torre Pacheco.  So hopefully it will all be autormatic from now on and is payable in June each year.

The non resident tax was also due but we paid our solicitor to sort this out for us as it was more complicated as the notary is involved.  It was only 36 euros but 114 euros payable to the solicitor to process the payment on our behalf.  That was from Nov-Dec last year and is also an annual payment.

 We made enquiries about the post box keys but this is being sorted out with the local post office and council so should be agreed later. 

The community fees are payable this week as well, so everyone needs to arrange for the property management company to take this out by direct debit.  Once all the legalities and payments are sorted we can relax and enjoy it. !!

Hope this info is useful to somebody. 


Los Naranjos block 8




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28 May 2009 7:02 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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We went to the Town Hall on Monday this week with all our documents in hand to pay our Council Tax.

We were told by a guy on the desk that we should wait until the letter is sent to our appartment then pay. He said not to expect one this year but they would charge us for the right amount in next years.

When I queried this he said the council knew which appartments had been sold as a occupancy certificate (In your owners pack from Cust services) had been issued and not to worry about it.


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29 May 2009 8:36 AM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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The office to pay is in the far left  corner of  Plaza Los Americanos . Go past cafe near Town Hall turn right and a the left when you see the square with trees and on the floor flags of the American countries Go past 2 cafes on left and offfice near end on left. I picked up forms you can fill in and fax . Will aee if  can scan and I will ask Phil if he can put it in EOS


I would encourage you to also get empadron done, When 2000 people are on then Polaris will start the Police Ambulance facilities etc  bring passport NIE certs copy of deeds  and occupation licence , go to office under Town hall near Police office no later than 9.30am get ticket (like in Supermarket) and return just before 10am  They do not seak English . You are given a slip to take to Bank to pay 10 euros. If you are planning to bring a car over and will change to Spanish plates do not get empadron it will cost you 000.s in tax on car.


  www.condadoexcursions.com   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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29 May 2009 12:12 PM by Mirador heights Star rating in Jardin 13. 117 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Dringman

What is an occupation licence?



Julie. Here's to living the dream


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29 May 2009 1:24 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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its headed


Licencia de 1a occupation

yellow paper picture of property on it.  I am sending a form out that they told me you could fax If anyone has problems then Could take a few people on one day and all share cost.

email affairsinorderspain@hotmail.com




  www.condadoexcursions.com   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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01 Jun 2009 8:44 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Here's the form David mentioned.

Click on form to open a blank copy, complete then Fax to 0034968 633 643





Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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04 Jun 2009 2:11 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

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We appointed our solicitor as our fiscal representative

Bank account has been debited 2 x €37.40 under 'AYUNTAMIENTO DE ALHAMA DE MURCIA' which I assume is the local council tax although I havent received any correspondence yet


Russ & Louise Salud !

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04 Jun 2009 2:46 PM by Lindsey Culley Star rating in Leeds/ Jardin 5, Con.... 121 forum posts Send private message

How much did he quote for fiscal representation?  Ours is quoting 100 Euros each + VAT which seems a lot?



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04 Jun 2009 3:06 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Lindsay

I cant quite remember as we agreed to pay the fee at the same time as completing so it was included in his total costs. €100 each sounds familiar

I thought we would pay it for the first year whilst we found our feet and then see how easy or otherwise it would be to manage things ourselves. A lot of the tax payments seem to involve a lot of running about between council offices/notary/banks etc which might be quite exciting the first few times but I would prefer to be sun bathing on the terrace !


Russ & Louise Salud !

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04 Jun 2009 3:17 PM by Lindsey Culley Star rating in Leeds/ Jardin 5, Con.... 121 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that, I agree re Sun Terrace, wish we were there now!

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04 Jun 2009 6:04 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

dringman´s avatar

Declarations to be started
2009 (08).
This is for income tax not local tax 
e mail affairsinorderspain@hotmail.com if you would like word doc sent
Telephone (home):                                                                             Telefax:
E-mail:                                                                                                   Mobile:
We would like Nicola C Tait / Costamedconsulting to carry out the following services for us:
Fiscal representation, 60 €uros per person and year (incl. 16% I.V.A.) – min. fee 75 €uros
If more than 2 owners there is a charge of 15 €uros per person over and above the 2 first owners (incl. 16% I.V.A.)
Other services ___________________________________________________________
Important note:
The fees are increased every other year (odd) with 1 €uro per person.
To the fees there is always an administration amount added of 1,75 €uros.
A one off fee of 15 €uros will be added the 1st year in order to obtain tax labels from corresponding tax office.
For those clients not signing a standing there is a surcharge of 5 €uros per person.
This contract is valid from the 1/1 – 31/12 each year. Both parties have the right to cancel this contract notifying the other part minimum 60 days from the end of the calendar year. If this is not done the contract is renewed automatically and fees are issued as per agreement .
In ...................................………….. on the …….. / …….. – 2009
Signed by
Declarations to be started 2009 (08).


  www.condadoexcursions.com   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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