AGENDA 1st presidents meeting, Saturday the 6th.

Condado Excursions
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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
29 May 2009 12:00 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

Message from Terry, taken from

RPM has called a BRIEFING to be held on Saturday, 6th of June @ 10:00 am. meeting to be held in the portable offices on site.      These are the topics put forward.
1. Working methods and communication channels between the Presidents of the different levels and the Administrator.

2. Report on current stats of services.
    -Budgets corresponding to arrangements and damages to the community.
    -Vigilance ( Security )

3. Legal matters

4. Economic Affairs
   -How to make the transfer of fees among the different levels of community.
   -Conversion of existing accounts of the Community, in cash pools.

5. Question and answers

Please post some thoughts  on the subjects or new subjects as we will be able to divide up the work load amongst all the presidents, and hopefully some owners as well.
Terry Garden 4 prez




This message was last edited by ptan on 29/05/2009.









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29 May 2009 11:19 PM by lojnej Star rating. 97 forum posts Send private message

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Regarding Gardening what about some trees to be planted around the swimming pool areas to give some shade?

Thanks Simon

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30 May 2009 2:38 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


 I know a lot of the early work will be about getting the finances right, continuing to improve any of the unfavourable contracts that have been set up by Polaris, and correcting some of the bigger problems that have been 'mooted on' but not really elaborated on during earlier posts regarding the community ( i.e problems with underground water supply pipes leaks and issues with the drainage). I would like to know the detail of these issues. In my eyes, the first priority will be doing what it takes to get Polaris to put right what is not right, and those amongst us who may be in some way be not geting the effectively working infrastructure that should be in place should be given prime consideration. I am not aware of any particular problems in my jardines or in fact my particular property, so with that in mind, I would fully expect the efforts to be directed to those that are suffering immediate problems wherever they may be on Condado.

In my particular Jardine (8), I would like to see the trees and plants that have died off, replaced as soon as possible. I know the situation is the same in many other jardines. The landscaping is a significant part of the purchase price as far as I am concerned. Give us what was promised and keep the standard uniform. There must be a specification somewhere where we can check up and point out any particular area that is lacking.

The childrens play areas really are inadequate in regards to the surface. No architect could stand up and say that compressed dollomite is a suitable surface for children to play on. Just look at those that have been in use already, particularly where there are swings. There are deep ruts and stones kicked up all over. Remember - 5 star, not slumdog !

There have been some very good suggestions on the security situation and how it can be improved on and made more efficient and 'owner friendly'. I think this is one of the main headliner ones.

I think we should again make Polaris aware that 'nobody likes a bargain like the Brit's' (although this resort is not just about Brit's, we do have a tendancy to spend a lot of social time at the pub). Put some offers on in the bars & restaruants early on in their life to drum up interest and enthusiasm, see how much trade you are rewarded with and then evaluate whether a bar/restaurant with a handfull of people in paying top dollar compares favourably with a full(ish) house paying a little bit less, but willing to stay on for the next drink and the one after that.

So just a few points to note that are probably already on the list.








( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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30 May 2009 6:40 PM by patony Star rating in DONCASTER. 62 forum posts Send private message

Ask PW when they are going to start to build the GOLF SUITES phase so that the 200+ owners of those apartments can start to share the costs of Community charges and increase the spend in the Foro when it opens in July - we WANT to support the community and contribute to the costs ( and Polaris profits) - regards - Patony 

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30 May 2009 8:06 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Well said

Very good constructive  comments but  I wonder if PW will take them on board

I really hope so



West Mids & Jardin 5

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30 May 2009 10:35 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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I too would like to reitrate what Will has said.  The most important issue for me is the security or lack of it as the case may be. I too would like to point out that the trees in the stairwells of some of  the penthouses have died and need replacing and if they wont replace them can they at least remove them as they are a sight for sore eyes. Clear dates for withdrawls of fees from peoples bank accounts would be appreciated.



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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30 May 2009 10:56 PM by Craglie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Regarding Joe public being able to get to use our pools which we all contribute to their upkeep, a way to make these areas & our property, secure from these inflitraters should be sorted out. Plus this is a gated resort so our families ( children & granchildren should be safe, we don't want another ' Porto de Luz ' incident.

This is one of the main reasons we bought into a gated ' 5 star ' resort & this is why we don't like the idea of the public being able to wander around.

The Foro entrance hasn't been thought out, with the above in mind, cannot a temp entrance be made as someone else suggested elsewhere on a thread, so joe public can enter the foro via the public road & not through our ' security ' gates!!!!!!! 


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Flies ? - 11 posts
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