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Can anybody recommend a website to advertise apartments for rent?
We have been considering using the rentals section on this site but were wondering how effective it has been for people? Another one we have seen is HolidayLettings?
Any help greatly appreciated!
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Hi there
We too are looking at different web sites, though will probably set up our own. I believe that there is a" do it your self "
web instruction via microsoft windows but cannot give the details cos its Ham that is more knowledgeable & he is out on call
You have mentioned Holliday lettings. Is that Holliday
It is a very large site & quite honestly I think its too big. Unless you abl to get onto either the first or second page . If irmly believe it could be a waste of your money. Though that is only my opinion.
My suggestion is to flick through the pages 5 onwards & maybe look at the apartments to let in La Torre. for example & see how many apartments they have that have a good amount of bookings against those advertised on the first couple of pages. & then make your discision.
Best of luck
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Thanks for your replies.
I have been looking at some of the larger sites and I agree that they are so big your property can get lost on them.
I think the way to go is your own website and market it yourself! I am a software developer and have even thought of setting something up for Condado owners with a view to expanding it to other sites but it would be a lot of work and i'm not sure where I would find the time!
There are a few sites dedicated to Polaris properties out there already but I'm not sure how effective they are?
Still a bit unesy about renting it out after all the work and effort we have put in so far but nothing ventured nothing gained as they say!
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We too have used owners direct to rent holiday villas on many occasions and have always been totally satisfified, saying that it is a very big site and there are loads and loads of properties on the likes of La Torre on it, and it is sometimes a case of looking at the first few that comes up, which isn't so great if your properties is on the last page. That is only my opion, everyone is different.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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Hello Ian & Lindsey
You are so right. Having lovingly set up your apartment it is difficult to think about letting to strangers. We used to rent a villa with friends & always treated it as if it was ours but one year we chose to have a second break & took other friends with us. Never again. though both adults had good responsible jobs the lack of respect shown by the father & teenage son left us reeling in shock & vowed never to go away with them again
Relatives will always use your apartment FOR NOWT. not even offering to cover just the cost of the electricity, air con etc
So you can find your self in a bit of a delema.
To any one thinking of renting & has not furnished yet can I advise not to let your heart rule your head then if it is not looked after as you had hoped its not that bad. Do get insurance though.
I have a friend who rents an apartment in Portugal & has done so for many years.
Her advise was to only rent to people you know. She says that they tend to be far more careful because they know you & tend not to want to offend.
Always asks for breakages fee that is returned when your key holder lets you know all is well.
Naturally there will be a minor breakage that is simply an accident , so she doesnt count that.
Best of luck which ever way you choose to go.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Consider listing your condado property on the community website, it is looked at by thousands and is free. Ignore the 7.50 pay now screen and just list it. then click on property for rent and submit yours free.
Hope this helps
Jill and Terry
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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Good evening Terry & Jill
Well; actually I should be saying good morning, just realised the time. must go to bed soon.
Having met you both a few times in the "Surgery" It should have occured to us to use the communityweb site
Ham is on call over the weekend but will have a look some time next week
Hope to see you again soon
Best wishes
Jan & Ham
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Jan and Ham
Hope you are both well, the advertising is free on the website just ignore the pay now screen, look forward to seeing you again next time you are in the world.
Jill and Terry
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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We are over on Saturday 20th june for two weeks & I am sure that by then Ham has sorted out info & Photos for your To let site
We do really need to get our act together as the summer will be over & we will have done nothing about renting the appartment out
Hopefully your last mail will be the incentive we needed
Thanks & best wishes
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Jan,
Just picking up on your point there about relatives renting 'for nowt'. Each to their own, ( and not for one minute saying that is how your arrangement may or may not be) but I think any relatives of ours getting the benefit of using our apartment will be advised that the 'free part' is the accommodation and the privilige of a holiday at Condado within a very nice unspoilt region of Spain for the cost of a flight. I would fully expect them to be paying a set amount for use of water & electricity - charity only goes so far. We have always insisted on paying our way when it is the other way round and I would have no qualms whatsoever telling them that they would need to make a contribution. Only exception to this would be if we were providing our 'Kid's ?' (27 & 24) with a free holiday like we are in July, but we havn't quite cut the umbilical there yet !!
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Hello again Bilbo
Have to admit that the for nowt does not come from our experience but from an aunt of mine who had a beautiful holiday cottage in Evesham & though my parents always insisted that they pay their way . We do know that the rest of the clan did expect free holidays & foolishly she did allow this, for a while. When she started to ask for payment they stopped going. That was better for my aunt as she easily got clients who paid
& like you only our sons will get the Free luxury
West Mids & Jardin 5
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