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Hi all, please could anyone help, we check our bank account details on line regularly and noticed that we haven`t paid any electric or water for August our last bills were on 14/7 for electric and 8/7 for water is this the same for everybody and does anybody know why the delay, please can anybody shed any light on the matter
many thanks
Rich & Jackie
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Hi Jackie
i dont think we have spoken before , its Margaret & Liam and we are in 2-2-6 , i have just cheked my account and ours has not been taken either . No idea why !!
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Liam / Jackie
Water Bills are paid every 2 months so if you paid in July, there is nothing further to pay until September.
Electricity is due monthly but the supply of Electricity was deregulated on 1st July, allowing consumers to choose which company supplies their electricity.
We have an apartment on Thalassa & our supplier was previously Portillo; they took a payment in July which covered the month of June.
We chose not to sign up to another company which means that we were "defaulted" to the Portillo choice. As I understand it, Portillo will pass over all account details & no action is required on my part. However, I have not had a payment taken in August.
I am assuming that because of the August holidays & the amount of admin involved that they haven't been able to get everything transferred across in time for August payments. I am expecting a "double" bill in September but will contact Portillo if nothing happens this month.
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Hi Noreen, thanks for that information, weren`t aware of any changes to supplier so will assume that it remains the same and just wait for the big bill as our apartment was occupied for all july and august, so septembers bill will be a big one
Rich & Jackie
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Hi all, just wondering as September is nearly over has anybody received their electricity and water bills yet as getting rather concerned as water bill usually comes in at the beginning of the month and still nothing. Our water and electricity were both connected by Keymare, we signed papers in their office and they arranged the connection and set up the direct debit for us.Once a direct debit is running on your account does it continue untill you stop it or does it have to be renewed as it is about a year since the initial direct debit was started and don`t want them to be disconnected because of this, can anybody advise
many thanks
R Thomas
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We have had our apartment on Thalassa almost 2 years now & we have not had to renew the direct debits.
We have not had a water bill since 8th July & as you say, would have expected one at the beginning of September. I did email them last week but have not received a reply.
With regard to the electricity, there was a deregulation of electricity on 1st July which means that you can select which supplier you want, much as you can do in the UK. If you took no action at that time, you will have defaulted to a replacement company called CHC Energia, although I believe that Portillo is almost like a parent company to this subsidiary.
We have also had no electricity bill since July & I have been told by our Administrators that they have gone back to billing every 2 months rather than monthly. However, it is now almost 3 months!
As Maud says below, the problem is with them & it is quite possible that it is the changeover to CHC Energia that has caused the problem. I also contacted my Bank to see if I needed to complete a new Direct Debit mandate but they have told me that I don't need to & that the payments will automatically switch over once Portillo pass the account information to CHC Energia.
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Hi Noreen, thanks for that info, was getting rather concerned about the time the bills were taking and as we rent out our apartment didn`t want there to be any problem with disconnection of the itilities, looks like it`s a waiting game and just hope their not too big bills when they do eventually get here
many thanks
R Thomas
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Hi all, just to let you know we received our water bill finally ,what a releif, never thought i would hear myself ever say that about getting a bill, just the electricity to go now, hope not much longer!
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I hope it wasn't too much of a shock? We havn't received ours yet and were out for 4 weeks ourselves, and had friends staying too. Not looking forward to seeing either of them.

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Hi Tricia
I don't think it is the water bill that you need to worry about. Our apartment was occupied for the whole of July, August & our water bill went through yesterday for €36.02.
It is the electricity one that I am not looking forward to, particularly as I don't know how much the air con was used. Definitely one to be sitting down for!
According to Portillo, the bills should be going through any day now.
Only 11 more days!!
This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 14/10/2009.
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Thanks Noreen, that eases it a little, but now for the electricity??????????? If you dont hear from me for a while you know I am recovering from shock.

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Just read on another forum that Portillo are in the process of being taken over by another company. Payments by direct debit are supposed to be transferred in the next few weeks. They didn't mention this to us when we rang them at the end of sept, but the payments do appear to effect all of us, so it looks likely.
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The payments will ultimately move to CHC Energia as part of the deregulation of electricity that took place on the 1st July.
Everyone now has the option to switch to the supplier of their choice, should they wish to do so. If you didn't choose an alternative supplier on t he 1st July then by default your supplier will become CHC Energia.
I checked with my Bank & they advised me that there was no need to take any action with regard to my direct debit as Portillo would advise all the details to the new company.
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Just a gentle warning, like myself, you all probably haven´t had any electricity payments taken out since July, so make sure there are sufficient funds in your accounts to cover the payments.
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I checked our bank account today and our water bill is 38 euro. Considering we had a full apartment for nearly 7 weeks over the Summer, I am quite pleased with that.
Still waiting for the electricity??

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Hi all,
Still no electricity bill yet??? but just had another water bil taken by direct debit. So that means they took one payment on 12 Oct 09 and now another one on 16 Nov 09 for a similar amount. We were only in the apartment for 6 days in October compared with the previous bill which covered July/Aug/Sep which had 6 weeks occupancy.
Anybody else experienced similar?
Is the water bill now every month?
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My water bill taken in October covered the period 1st July - 31st August (not July , August & September). The one taken last week covers the period 17th August - 21st October. The first bill was for usage of 22 units & the second for 16 units & amounted to €36.02 & €29.60 respectively.
There is a slight overlap in the dates & I have queried this with Codeur but all they did was send me the copies of the 2 Facturas. I will try again. However, despite the apparent error, both bills cover roughly the same amount of time & occupancy in July & August was greater than September & October so the bills appear to be correct in terms of the amount of usage billed.
As far as I can see the payment taken in October was taken one month late but did not cover a 3 month period, only the usual 2 months. Then the November payment was taken on time & I would say that they are now back on track with claiming the payments every 2 months & there is no indication that they are changing to monthly payments.
You will need to examine the pdf attached to your bank account for the exact details of meter readings etc or alternatively email to request a full copy of each Factura. You will need to quote the factura number which can be found on the pdf.
There is no further news on the electricity payments & again there is no suggestion that electricity will be cut off. This situation is not just affecting individual developments, it is affecting the whole area. The delay in payments being taken is as a result of the deregulation that took place on 1st July & the changeover from Portillo to CHC Energia.
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Hi Noreen,
thanks for that info, we received our water bills same as yourself, were really concerned about the electricity because as i said haven`t paid a bill since June but seems like everybody is still waiting so will just have to wait a little longer, were over for christmas so if we haven`t had it by then maybe i can speak to someone then
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