The Comments |
Dear All,
Over the last 6 months there has been a lot of interest from buyers at Corvera who wanted to join our Legal Action Group. Unfortunately, until now membership was closed unless you joined before Feb 2009.
I am very pleased to announce that membership for the Legal Action Group is now open to new members, as the group solicitor and the majority of group members have agreed to let this happen.
The condition of membership is the same as for current Legal Action members i.e. a small upfront payment followed by settlement of account once legal action is over. Owners on all phases are welcome to join.
If anyone wants further information please send me a PM or send an email to
My sincere apologies to all those members that were refused membership until recently, but this was due to circumstances beyond my control.
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Excellent news Ash, something I've been hoping would happen for some time,I know of quite a number of people who were keen to join the forum but unfortunately had missed the Feb deadline. I hope they are now all aware of this opportunity, If anyone has any serious doubt as to proceeding with their Corvera purchase I would strongly suggest contacting the forum.
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I wonder why this has suddenly become available. I was approached by Jonathan ( the solicitor) several weeks ago, suppose to be a secret and not to mention it, as I had expressed an interest in the early stages. I still declined, as at the end of the day, I hope it will all work out.
Just seems a strange way to conduct business, one minute its closed, then open to all.
End of the day, I hope I get what I want ( change of life style on a site that I believe will eventually deliver) and those who want out, get a solution that suits them and stops all the bickering on this site.
By the way, does this also mean that we now have access again to the Corvera Owners Forum site, as anyone it seems can join the exit party.
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I will pass on your message to Jonathan - I am sure he will find it interesting.
No - you cannot join the Private Forum unless you are represented by Jonathan. Judging by the fact that I am still up answering emails - there will be a number of new members joining in the next few weeks!
Rodagolfrentals - 'short of funds' - wishful thinking.
This message was last edited by ashish on 22/11/2009.
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good stuff Ash, great news for those people that through no fault of their own were too late to join the legal group.
Good point to Colin, i hope you eventually get what you want out of it whether it actually ends up being what was advertised or not. Everyone has differing opinions on what they did or did not buy into.
I think it is great that people that were facing having to go it alone against the developer can now join the main group. I also think it is an opportunity for those that didnt even know that had another option other than completing. Like you say Colin anyone can join the exit party if they want!
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Here's an opportunity for a bit of a truce, ceasefire, call it what you will.
If the L.A.G's stay away from posting all the negatively biased comments on the True Corvera Owners (those completing or intending to complete) threads, then the T.C.O's might stay away from saying things like "They haven't got a hope in hell unless they boost their numbers", "some are obviously dropping out from the action as Corvera starts to look fantastic". "solicitors are getting desperate for work" etc.etc. on their forums and threads.
Now that must deserve a Nobel peace prize?
Steve (Lifestyler)
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LOL - what a hilarious post but I can confirm that numbers for the Corvera Legal Action group remain very strong and are hovering around the 110 properties mark.
To be honest with you, I am actually relieved that we are allowing new members to join. As one of the members it was my reponsibility to refuse entry to anyone who failed to register after Feb 09. I feel a lot more confortable now as I do not have to refuse requests along the lines such as 'I am a pensioner and my husband has died but Calidonia are still forcing me to complete' etc. I don't know about you but I had a really good nights rest knowing that what we were doing is going to help a lot of people. I also know that from now on I will continue to sleep easy.
This message was last edited by ashish on 23/11/2009.
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Loverocket, get to know other forum members and their weird sense of humour. Some comments as we all know are tongue in cheek.
Ash, you know I wish the L.A.G.s well in retrieving their deposits (at least by now you should do as I've said it enough. Nice to see that the poor guys that didn't make the NEC that time at least now feel they're not on their own. Well done Ash or Jonathon or Lisa or whoever.
Forums are all about comments from all sides and by taking on board some of the negatives it sometimes makes us positive thinkers, think twice about certain issues and as such is very helpfull whether we know it or not.
PS Loverocket,,, I've already met a lot of these guys and they are a good bunch with the intelligence to see that we all have different aspirations for our investments/purchases but also the humility to wish everybody to achieve their final goals.
This message was last edited by SteveandJane on 23/11/2009.
Steve (Lifestyler)
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I suppose you can view this in a couple of waysthe first is that the lawyer is confident that he will win and therefore this is an opportunity to increase his income having done the groundwork
The second way is, given the number of completions happening, that the group does need more numbers and perhaps a funds but again as there has not been an Court case yet i doubt this
Perhaps if it is about more membership and tha surely all of the required contract law reviews have happened then a no win no fee package could be offered, not requiring payment of nay up front fee.
Yes I know the that the first members have paid but wouldn´t this reduce the fees for everybody but all of the costs for bringing a class action would then be reduced for everybody
The one thing that I don´t really understand is why a case has not reached the courts and givem that people can now join the group this seems some distance away, yet as I am certain that both groups would want this decided
Without giving away any confidences does the group have any ideas when these maters may be resolved, not an unreasonable question for people thinking about joining the group
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Hi Steve - I think your post was perfectly reasonable. Having met you at the NEC my feelings were that you are a nice guy although at that stage we clearly had differences in our opinions concerning Corvera. You being very much more optimistic than myself.
If it is possible for people to avoid commenting negatively on threads where they know that their comments will be inflammatory then it makes sense to me. Whether you have completed or not, this is a stressful and uncertain time. At least Steve you have the luxury of time (as you are phase 3) and will be able to observe proceedings before having to make a commitment. That said I guess you are already experiencing the lack of information concerning the dates of when your property will be ready and whether licenses have been granted.
Hi Roy - you have also received a lot of stick recently and unfairly IMO. Of course it is fairly obvious why you are interested in this forum and post so frequently. It is the case that your interests are best served by as many people completing and using your snagging services. If you were truly unbiased why would you bother posting at all. A lot of what you post is informative and I am sure that you provide a very good quality service for those that require it. Given the inevitable problems that arise from buying a new property and the haste in which this was eventually done on Corvera I think you services would be one that I would employ.
In terms of a timeframe for when this might be resolved it is impossible to state - very much like the situation faced by those who have completed and waiting for the delivery of the promised facilities. Time is almost irrelevent in this situation as Calidona are happy to allow their customers to wait many years and still not deliver. The manner in which the case is being represented limits any liability concerning costs.
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Good post Russ. I hope people on the periphery can now see that most of our 'digs" at one another (completers/L.A.G's) are actually well intentioned.
As you say, I am one of the lucky few that have time on my side and still don't have to make any final decisions for at least the next 12-18 months.
As far as the communication is concerned the phrases that spring to mind are
"No news is good news"? (Compared to Trampolin Hills this is true) "Don't ask, Don't get".
"Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed".
Best of luck again and well done the "group" for letting in the lost souls.
Steve (Lifestyler)
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hey Russ, steve....whats going on?? is this forum turning into a "love fest'!! hahah.. im not used to it and am starting to feel all emotional!
right, back to business!.. Roy we havent seen eye to eye on this forum and you know my feelings on the matter. I am not been purposefully antagonistic here,but once again you have got involved in a post that is completely irrelevant to you and you wonder why people do get a tad annoyed!?
You have now started to make assumptions on where the case is going and also giving advice on how the case should be run and how it should be paid for?? As well as this you are asking "not unreasonable questions for those that may want to join the group"
i have an idea let those that are thinking of joining the group ask the questions, once again you are not the spokesman for anyone on here. You dont own a property on the site, you are not legally qualified. So i dont know why you have posted at all.... just a friendly piece of advice, you are very knowledgeable when it comes to your profession and the spanish property market as a whole but please stop posting for the sake of posting!
love fest over.
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Actually Loverocket you actually said that were not interested anymore and we all now understand that you enjoy just winding people up
I really cannot be bothered to answer your query. it´s boring, jus ask the customers how I test this, you are not a customer or buyer and will never ne so I will just ignore your comments
Off to site again fo more inspections and to help more people (advertising) ha ha
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Sorry Spanhod I was forgetting myself, someone must've slipped something into my coffee. Thanks for putting me back on track 
Steve (Lifestyler)
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