Hi Ken,
Many thanks for your question.
It is a fact that there has been a global credit crunch and that some countries have issues with their local economies . This is particulalry true regarding Greece, Spain etc and at the same time there has been a down turn in their construction industry. Factor in that most of HdT's assets are in land or property and the reality of trying to realise there value in a depressed market with little capital fluidity, it really would be a buyers market. So if for example, the TV store down the road is closing down, do you go in and pay full price or wait until the price has dropped to rock bottom? If HdT is wound up they are very very unlikely to get anything other than rock bottom returns and worse still it could be problamantic for any buyers to have the money or even the desire to purchase any assets at the current time.
So if the Administrators did raise any money from a fire sale of assets who gets it? Well we are ordinary creditors and are down the pecking order and in reality we would be lucky to get anything and in all probabilty would get nothing. Worse still if we were paying a solicitor to act for us via any legal action (liquidation phase) ,we would not only probably not get any money back and have a legal bill. Therefore, i conclude that we really do not want that to happen and we truly need SADM to go ahead, no matter how anoying it may be to some, it is the only way to get out of this awfull mess.
I hope that is of help.
Tony R17 18