The Comments |
Everyone just going to sit tight until the 7th of February and see what crumbs they are prepared to give us from their plate ?
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I dont think there is any honouring of dates, times, business, wait for.
I hope the courts are about to be honourable though, and pay attention to the laws they are administering. Then we may see some progress.
There is no honour in expecting anything gentlemanly from these people................all there is left is waiting......action is required
Best wishes, Brian
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does anyone know,
my husband and i are both named as 50% share each on all the contact documents for HdT and yet only i received an email to confirm my details. In the past any written correspondance has always come to both of us seperately so i am concerned that Mark may have been missed off the list and therefore would not be able to cast his vote when the time comes.
Just wondering if anyone else has had the same or knows anything about it?
Roll on 7th of Feb!
_______________________ Vicki
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Only I got the email and we are 50% on our contract. I'm waiting with baited breath as our contract has been cancelled and I still got an invite so will I still get a vote !
Great Auntie Linda
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Hi, I am stil a creditor but havent received an email. Presumably those of us who dont receive an email with automatically be counted as a NO???? How can they possibly think this voting system will be an accurate reflection? Put be right if I'm wrong please...
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We have not received any email either.
Mind you, we are still waiting to get our Contract resolved! so how HdT/the administrators can provide figures with any accuracy is astounding!!
And I am astounded that I can still be astounded by this lot!!
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Well put Tracey!
Just a quick question for SARC... given the close contact that you have with San Jose.. what say they??? Didnt I read recently in the latest Report that even those of us with cancelled contracts would be still able to vote if we decided to 're-purchase'.. How? I I realise only a few still post on the Forum but Tony/SARC how on earth could this be a validated vote when many of us havent ever received any communication from them since, what, 20 months ago? I know that in one of your Reports/Meetings that they admitted the communication HAD been poor ( which they were going to rectify ha ) - Do they have any explanation Tony? How many 'purchasers' are they telling you have been correctly emailed? For those that want a payout.. whatever and whenever.. how can they possibly gauge the true response?. Surely they would have to have accurate figures and a new Business Plan? It certainly wont be an accurate count from what we are reading and I know for sure they arent writing to our Lawyers - prove me wrong .. happy to receive response in open forum.
Martin & sal
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Hi all
don't know what the vote is about & don't care. Haven't received an e-mail from anyone nore has my lawyer. Just want my money back, will even settle for 50%. SADM was a nice dream and change of life but will not happen
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I doubt that any of us would get a direct vote, and that it would be done via your legal rep. We have been asked more than once which way we would want to proceed, possibly just to gauge opinion. I guess that when the proposal comes out on March the 6th that you will be asked again by your legal rep for your final choice.
On this point, I wonder what happens if they offer 50% over five years (the absolute minimum they can offer) and after 5 years still haven't fullfilled their duties, what happens then??? My guess is this is exactly what will happen. Giving them more time to launder any further money raised from sales.
If I was brave enough I would have them liquidated now, at least that way you know they aren't paying each other a wage with our money for the next five years.
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I wouldn't give em the opportunity to trade on
I'm not fooled into thinking by taking 50% then the rest in whatever time span I will be better off.
They will pay that much go in to liquidation and disappear with the other half of your money, then set up another business it happens all the time in the business world. I wouldnever trust off plan ever again
Great Auntie Linda
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for us,I think we would vote to liquidate. however hard it may be, at least you will know what you have (or haven't) got. I agree with AuntieLinda. the longer they trade, the more will be lost in their wages - with no guarantee that we would have anything to show for it at the end. And then what? More excuses? More time to pay? More solicitors/court fees for us?
Lets draw a line under this once and for all,so that we can all get on with our lives
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i have to say that the sooner we can find out what,(if anything) we have by way of our money back the better.
We are all trying to put this bad experience behind us .
The way i see it (and yes before i get shot down i know its not fair and legal and i should put up a fight for my rights etc) at the moment i have nothing, it seems to me VERY unlikely that i will ever get 100% of my money back, therefore if i am offered 50% in my hand right now and i accept to lose the rest, then thats what i will do.
It has cost me too much already in legal fees and i am still no closer to getting a penny back, i have only followed the correct proceedures , like most others on the forum and yet i am still out of pocket!
ANYTHING back at this stage is a bonus, to enable us to move on in life and just put this whole debarcle behind us.
Its not right, its not fair , they are criminals and have no morals, but hey , THATS LIFE.
_______________________ Vicki
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And what Vic when you agree to letting them trade on for your poultry 50% and still get nothing .Couldn't happen hey .Watch this space .I am only going on past experience of this company .As I have said before " the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour "
If SJ/HdT were actually going to honour any future agreement they would be able to communicate face to face with all purchasers and look them in the eye .I can't remember the last time they could look any of us in the eye .( except SARC of course )
Sorry but this whole unsavoury little agreement is all self self self by SJ/HdT . I don't believe any agreement will ever materialise as any judge who allowed it would be doing everyone concerned a huge injustice as it is simply not deliverable by this selfish misguided unscrupulous company .
Just look at what they have done at El Pinet ,Why ? An almost finished development and SJ are squirming out of their responsibility like a bunch of worms instead of standing up for what is right and taking responsibility for their mess .They could have restored some faith in the company , invested in their reputation but no they have once again been a disgrace and treated people appallingly .How many chances do they want ? They have lost all credibility .
The sooner it is over the better ,even if they promise 50% over 5 years how many of us believe we will actually ever see a penny just years and years of more bull and false promises .They should have been sued in a joint action years ago before they had the chance to hide the truth and our money . At least Dick Turpin wore a mask .You couldn't polish this lots neck with a blow torch .Enough is enough .50% my a## if left to SJ we will not see a penny FACT . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I think Vic is saying (please correct me if I am wrong!) that many of us without bank guarantees are having to face the possibility of losing everything we have "invested" so far, and we have already spent even more money (that we can´t really afford) trying to get something back. That being the case, even though we know it´s not ideal, if we actually get 50% back NOW, we are willing to accept it, close the door on the whole experience and move on. Anyone who has gone through a bad experience in life realises that you reach a stage where you have to accept the situation you are in, face up to the facts no matter how bad they are, and make the decision to move on.
Good luck Vic - and of course everybody else on this forum!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Sue I understood perfectly what Vic was trying to say .
What I was trying to say is , just what on earth makes you Vic or anyone else think that just because you sign the agreement that SJ will ever actually give you even the minimum 50% over 5 years back . When all is said and done it is extremely unlikely that they will ever give you anything not one penny .If we go on their track record the realistic thing to expect would be nothing at all .Not even an acknowledgement that they are to blame for most of this mess .The first step to recovery is to take responsibility for ones actions ? and SJ just don't get it they never have and never will self ! self ! self !
Do you have yet more money in reserve for legal fees when they renege on this deal a few years down the line as they surely will .Why prolong the inevitable .If they were going to come good in any way it would have become apparent before now .
Is it just me or are some still living in cloud cuckoo land !
The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour .Pleeeeeaaaase ! Have we learned nothing at all !!!
" that many of us without bank guarantees are having to face the possibility of losing everything we have "
They do not even have enough to pay their share of the utility bills and community fees at El Pinet never mind their first line creditors but hey ! they can give all of us insignificant little purchasers 50% . Real world this way ----------- Give SJ some more time to con you again ! your on your own !!!!!
Expect nothing from these crooks and you will not be disappointed . MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 25/01/2010. This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 26/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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I'm with sue and Vic. To make myself clear i want 50% of my money back NOW, I vote yes for that and only that so wire the money to my account now and let me walk away. I've had enough of the crooks from thes salesmen that did their DUE diligence in 07 and couldn't see the company were not preforming, to all the rouges at San Jose and every one else with their greedy little hands taking a slice of the pie.
If I get a vote I vote no to any other offer. Swapping deposits to other properties at inflated prices does not interest me, and waiting 5 years for anything is a waste of time. I can't spend my life waiting for something thats never going to happen.
Am I the only one that feels we have been conned and no money is comming back to us. I was pretty angry when this mess started, but I've writen off my deposit some time ago. The legal system doesn't want to help us and keeps asking for more time, and the Spanish Government doesn't give a t-ss about our plight.
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