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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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26 May 2010 12:00 AM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

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To anyone attending the AGM that feels the same as myself and could possibly raise this issue?

Unfortunately we're not over for the AGM but I'm interested to know if/when Olagolf will lanscape the areas between the buggy path & the Penthouses. I realise it's poor in many areas around the course but for anyone visiting and looking at the course from the Penthouses, this lack of planting looks bad. More importantly the lack of 'rough' here has resulted in several golf balls finding there way into the ground floor apartments at a dangerous speed.  I'm not aware of any injuries as yet but I'm aware of at least one lady that has had her glass table smashed and I'm sure there will be others. Although the planting will not prevent this completely it will help. So from a health & safety point of view as well as the asthetics it would be great if anyone attending the AGM could have this issue raised & minuted.

Usually if you fly the Health & Safety red flag it gets things done!


Iain (Penthouse 16)

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26 May 2010 4:44 PM by onnoweug Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Hi Lian,

Thank you for your message.

As you now, i think the same about it. But my English language....interupt me to write a message.


Best regards,

Your neighbour Onno.

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26 May 2010 5:21 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

I sympathise with the apartments who are in the firing line but do we really want  30ft high nets in front of the penthouses? They have these at Mar Menor and spoil the view from the apartments. I would not like to be looking at the fantastic views through netting and around posts.


Barry & Sue



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26 May 2010 6:52 PM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Barry,

Didn't realise this might be the solution they would come up with. Maybe we should just go down the asthetics line instead of health & safety. I'd like to think they'd go for the cheapest option, which I'd assume would be long grass rather than netting.


Hi Onno

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26 May 2010 7:04 PM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

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I know it's obvious which area I'm refering to but I've uploaded a photo anyway.

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26 May 2010 8:08 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Does anyone have a list of topics which are due to be discussed at the AGM?  Can we assume someone will raise the subject of poor service in the Clover, the proposed clubhouse, the (removed) gym area, the lack of facilities/shops in Al Kazar and the aforementioned area between the penthouses and golf course?  Any thoughts/news? Arlene


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26 May 2010 8:29 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

The call to the AGM sent to all owners gives the Agenda and lists the Topics to be discussed,

Topics below are not on the Agenda. They can be raised in AOB by anyone at the meeting. Assuming you stay long enough to ask the question?

Service in the clover is not an AGM item complaints must be made to the bar by the person complaining, just ask them for a complaints form if enough do this they will get the message.




I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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26 May 2010 8:36 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Is there anyone out there prepared to stay and ask?


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27 May 2010 8:03 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message

I cannot get over for the AGM, however, I pay my fees by direct debit to the management company, I have had enough correspodence with various arms of authority since I purchased on jardine 12 a couple of years ago now, I am an owner so how come I have not ben officially informed about the AGM by anybody? Just read about it on this forum. am I on my own on this?


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27 May 2010 8:03 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Iian,

I fully agree your point.......

I am attending the AGM & as a fellow Penthouse owner I will certainley ask the question about the landscaping of the area between the Penthouses & the course.  As Barney suggests, the last thing we need is netting, but the whole area needs tidying up.  I have requested through Millenium that Ola Golf attend the AGM, so lets see what they have to say.......if they turn up..?





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27 May 2010 8:59 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

I read a post yesterday on another thread saying Olagolf are going to the meeting and hopefully will speak about the golf course and facilities. I haven't read anywhere that PW will be represented at the meeting, are they likely to be?

Isnt the AGM about the budget and specific resort management issues. I dont imagine the management company can do much about what Polaris plans to do in the Al Kasar or the Polaris/Banks plans for various pieces of land? It would be great if they were better informed but they aren't associated to PW and PW seem to play their cards close to their chest.


This message was last edited by Jann on 27/05/2010.



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27 May 2010 9:34 AM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message


You are quite right the AGM is all about the Budget and resort maintenance issues. (How much we pay and what we pay for)

Presidents are elected and monitor the budget etc which is purely for maintenance of the resort.

All other issues services such as Al Kasar, Golf, unbuilt areas etc are nothing to do with the AGM these are responsibility of the owners of Al Kasar (PW) or Golf (Ola) or land (PW or Bank)

The Presidents or the AGM have no say in these issues unless it involves spending the owners Community Charge?

Hope this makes sense as many people think that the Presiidents and Administrators run the resort, which is not strictly correct only the Maintenance of Common Areas in accordance with the Budget.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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27 May 2010 9:53 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

A pity Polaris dont have an reliable open forum anywhere for questions and complaints but I expect it'd turn into a bun fight!'



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27 May 2010 5:56 PM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

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I must admit I did think the issue with the waste ground between buggy path & penthouses might not be an AGM issue but I'd assume Olagolf have been asked to attend the AGM for something to do with the course. Perhaps the fact that the lack of planting causes an issue to the resort by way of a threat to owners and visitiors when balls don't get cought up in the rough, which should be in this area, hence are able to bounce out of bounds and into the penthouses or resort pathways. It's also simply an eyesore to those viewing the course from within the resort. I understand there are many issues discussed at the AGM, all very important to everyone in separate ways but as they say 'if you don't ask, you don't get'. 

Skell, Jill & Terry forwarded this issue to Milenium and I've had a reply to say Olagolf will be at the AGM and the issue should be raised but maybe you could keep it in mind in case they skirt over it.

Cheers Iain,,,,,,

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