Beach Club at Roda

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Corvera Golf And Country Club forum threads
The Comments
08 Sep 2010 11:06 AM by spanhod Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

would like to thank the member 1234 for the following p.m sent yesterday.....


Message by Messages (sorted from newest to oldest)
07/09/2010 19:52:00


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thought you be dead by now pity

What a lovely individual you are.

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08 Sep 2010 12:42 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 461 forum posts Send private message

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This is a message to Justin if you are monitoring these pages can't you remove 1234's account and log in details so they can not post anymore of these plainly bully messages always thought these forums were for posting useful info not for idiots to get their kicks from


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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08 Sep 2010 7:28 PM by 1234 Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everbody

Yes i did send that email to spanhod but only after reading 3 private emails which were very offiensiveand contained very bad language.i will forward them on to anybody who  wants to read them but not to kids.After i sent the email i relaised it was wrong and sent a second to say sorry and offer to meet up for a drink to patch up  our diffierences but he neglected to print that.i am sorry if offended any one but i will never post on this site again.Good luck to everbody who has bought on Corvera



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09 Sep 2010 3:39 AM by spanhod Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

Message by

Messages (sorted from newest to oldest)
19/08/2009 03:41:00


Sent to:


enjoy the wonderful site????..hahahahahahah!!!!!!!


that is the funniest thing i have heard in a long long time...



20/08/2009 09:03:00


Sent to:


villiage?? whats that?

i assume you are a waiter at the local tapas or even worse work for calidona.. ..

nice one twat boy!

Message by Messages (sorted from newest to oldest)

 19/11/2009 02:20:00


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do you ever post anything that is useful or significant?  because you come across as very simple.




Now now 1234... not more porky pies!!... those are the 3 messages and i am quite happy for both you and the "kids" to read them,.. Hardly a tirade of disgusting filth eh?? Mind you in hindsight i apologise to all tapas waiters because i think its a bit offensive comparing them to you. Please also note that they were sent last year when you were making some absolutely ridiculous posts in the middle of some very articluate and well balanced comments at a very worrying time for a lot of people.

Anyway, i appear to have wasted 5 valuable minutes of my life that i will never get back on such a non-entity  so i will move on.


This message was last edited by spanhod on 09/09/2010.

This message was last edited by spanhod on 09/09/2010.

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09 Sep 2010 10:04 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Fancy going into business with me, I have a great plan.

We buy a rundown Beachclub, totally re-build and re-furbish it at a great cost and then open it up all-year round to the five owners per day from Roda who actually commit to using it. Obviously there would be one or two others that joined them now and again to boost the takings. If that didn't work we could buy a mini-bus for the one or two Corvera owners that wanted to make the hour and a half each way journey and they could boost the takings. No need to let Joe Public in as we'll be rolling in dosh even after we've paid all the overheads.

Waddya think mate, think it might work or do you honestly think that it may HAVE TO BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC?



 Steve (Lifestyler)

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09 Sep 2010 11:21 AM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

hi steve ,

you are quite right it will need to be open to the public to be a viable concern , however the issues arise in the way it was marketed as " PRIVATE BEACH CLUB FOR RODA OWNERS " as calidona appear to be able to change there minds as to these things it would appear only fair that prospective owners should be able to do likewise when the product is not delivered as per sales literature ?

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09 Sep 2010 11:29 AM by Carlos4 Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message


I wouldn`t bother with the Beach Club I think you should stay on Corvera and enjoy the 5 Star things like the Clubhouse, The Spa, the Restaurants, The very spacious Swimming Pools (not), The Shed (oops I mean the coffee shop) and all the other things wonderful Calidona have done, Oh and dont forget everything is going to explode into action when the airport is open

I love dreamers and you are the dogs B******* at dreaming

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09 Sep 2010 5:16 PM by jdwhy Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message


I wish I wasn't banned. This is great fun.


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09 Sep 2010 9:05 PM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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welcome back jdwhy!


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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12 Sep 2010 2:49 PM by trudiea Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message

Just come across this thread and would like to say well done Shannon for putting the situation across so clearly.  I whole heartedly agree.  All we ever wanted was what was promised.


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