Something I would like to be discussed at any future meeting are the Lifts and there tendency to break down.
We went to our apartment with my disabled Fathering Law who is in a wheelchair (we are on the second floor), the lift had worked fine for us all week, but on Saturday someone got stuck fortunately the engineer came out and got them out and repaired the lift. When we come to leave our apartment on Sunday the lift had broken, when our Spanish neighbours phoned the lift company for us to explain the situation they said Duquesa Village had no maintenance cover for Sundays only Monday to Saturday. Well it is a good job both my husband and I are fit because we had to get my Fathering Law down 2 flights of stairs in his wheel chair. This is something I would not like to repeat anytime in the future.
We have been stuck in the lift before with some friends, which was not a pleasant experience and when ever I can now I walk down the stairs and avoid the lift as much as possible, but sometime it just isn’t possible and I have to use them.
I have had an e-mail this morning from AEA about logging in so we can see the documents from April’s meeting. I have had to e-mail them back asking the login/ access code detail, just hope it doesn’t take them as long to give me a code as it does to do the minuets.
I also would like to know what is happening about the painting, as when we where there someone was in the entrances (on the inside) painting and touching up on block that had empty apartment. The stairway as you come out of our apartment is appalling and would like to know what we have to do to get ours painted, I can see we will end up doing this ourselves as not a lot seems to be happening and if we are waiting for the builders then I think we will be waiting a very long time.
Apart from the paint work, oh yes and my pet hate the mosquitoes infested pond out side our block, whichI have to complain about to AEA every time I am there (surprise, surprise it then gets cleaned), but the fountain is not working again. Why don’t we just get it filled in, lawned over, and make the area around the pool larger. We wouldn’t have to worry about the fountain not working, the electricity it would use if it was working and a much larger area around the pool for people that go there in the summer with their children.