Hello All,
The company that Michael and Mary McMahon (by the way , hello - you are our neighbours - we are 307) are indeed the correct company to get your key fobs. It was really easy to find the place, and this information is also in your Green Pack you received at purchase along with the price of them, which is 24 EUR (well it was when we bought ours in March). You just go to place and tell them how many you want and then they get them for you - the only waiting time is for the guy to go to the back of the shop and get them for you. No order time for the fobs. I dont recall that this company cut keys as well.
There are other places that do the fobs, but they are more expensive than these, and I would imagine that the developers did a deal with this company on the fobs already, because the 4 or 5 places that I contacted about the fobs were all more than this company and 2 of them didnt do our type.
WIth regards to your apartment keys, there are many locksmiths to get your keys cut. The ferreteria next door to Dunnes cuts keys and for a reasonable price. We got all of ours cut there, and we also got a new barrel for the front door - so that it is no longer the same lock that the developers, builders etc have a copy of. We were advised to immediately change our front door lock when we moved in as many people had copies of the front door key.
I hope that helps.
Tammy & Eelko van den Broek