I'd like to thank the following people;
Firstly my Mother and my Father (whoever he may be!) KeyMare for giving me the opportunity to shine (even when enclosed in a 5x5 foot tin box, which hangs by a thread!!) The vicar, last seen lugging chains and a large packet of talcum powder (for the chaffing, you understand!) KenShaz for keeping the faith and believing in me, despite the Doctor increasing his medication! And finally, YOU, the public for allowing me to reside in cloud-cuckoo land, safe in the knowledge that the extradition treaty could take years, and the men in white coats won't be far behind!!!!
Joking Apart Ken! I am flattenened by your proposal! Methinks you'll be needing a visit to your local A&E to remove the tongue which is obviously VERY firmly embedded in your cheek!!!!
Regards, and thanks for the laugh,