This blog has been a long time coming!
I started writing six years ago, then I stopped. A tragic event in my life, left me no head room to write. Apart from one piece that I am extremely proud of, which was published in the bestselling book ‘365 Life Shifts’.

Then a few months ago I decided to start again, so why didn’t I?
Well it’s easy, I doubted myself, after re-reading my previous blogs, I saw how badly written they were. I wanted everything perfect this time around. I decided to ask friends to help, then the self-doubt really hit in. Why, because I am not the best writer in the world, my grammar at times is shocking and my spelling not much better. Did I really want to put people I care about in a position where they had to spend hours of their time correcting something I wanted to do, NO!
So although I will still be asking friends to take a quick look, just to ensure it makes sense. I will not be asking them to correct in a big way.
This is my blog, my story, told from my heart.
If you are looking for a perfectly written story, then you best look elsewhere, because this will not be that.
I have had to get to the point where I can shut out voice in my head that’s telling I’m not good enough and just tell my story.
If no-one reads it, then hey ho. One day maybe it will bring back memories for my children and an insight to the person they call Mum.
I do hope that you stick with me, overlook my errors and enjoy my story.