Wednesday, May 15, 2019 @ 5:25 PM
My blog is my story from the first moment the idea came into being. The journey between the decision and the reality of moving. The way that life sometimes gets in the way of the best laid plans.
I will share with you the events that lead to a delay in our move.
Moving into a house and paying rent to someone who didn’t own it!
Five more house moves, landlord’s unpaid bills leading to electric being cut off. Landlord stealing our belongings.
Opening a rural Spanish bar with next to no Spanish.
Bar life, the colourful characters, amazing friends, bands, parties, confirmation and a funeral. The never dull everyday life of a local’s bar. The green eyed monster.Having a stalker. The burglary that closed the bar door for good for us.
The odd jobs that kept food on our table, to the shock and heart break that lend to a move in location and our dream home.
The challenges that come from living in an area with a larger expat community and the fun that also brings.
Living in Spain has not gone how we thought it would, in fact if you had told eleven years ago all that has happen, I would have never believed you.
I love living in Spain it has been a real adventure. Spain is my home and where I feel at home.