Didn’t See That Coming
Things had settled down, the village was back to being a peaceful and kind place to live. The roof on the house opposite had started to be put back on and as a result, the dust was less and my cough was starting to get better.
Barry had started to make plans for his new job as an outdoor activity manager and was busy planning routes and finding the best walks and activities in the area.
Then it came, totally out of the blue, a strange phone call from our landlady. ‘You need to move out within a week, the owners want their house back’, I was gobsmacked ‘But you are the owner’ ‘No, and you have to leave as soon as possible, let me know when you are moving and come to me and I will give you the deposit back.’ Then she hung up.
I was in a spin, how can we have been renting a property from someone that didn’t own it? My mind went into overdrive, who did the house belong too? If they wanted back so fast, it could be anyone, even a terrorist group.
I phoned one of the estate agents that we had been dealing with, as she had already told us she had sold the house. She told me that our landlady had paid a deposit but never paid the final amount, so yes the property was still owned by the vendor. I was in a state of total shock and bemusement but at least the owners were a local couple and not going to show up in the middle of the night with guns, to throw us out, my imagination can get a bit carried away at times!
Knowing how hard it was to find this place to rent we needed to start looking now, the first port of call the bar and our Spanish friends.
Thankfully they did know someone who rented out flats mainly for teachers but she may have something, although we were warned she was an eccentric with rather a lot of cat’s.

I went with our friend to meet the cat lady, she lived in an amazing house, totally beautiful and in need of a really good clean. I really wanted to clean the house for her but my friend assured me that if she wanted it cleaned, she had more than enough funds to hire someone to do it for her and refused to let me offer. She had a three-bedroom flat in the village which was empty, we went with her to see it and I signed the contract on the spot. The flat was not ideal but it was better than where we were being forced to move from. The moving day would be fun, moving from a house you couldn’t get a car close to into a flat on the third floor. But at least we had a roof over our heads and would be out within the week.

Less than three months of us living in Spain we were on the move again.