returned 2 day from the site ,was with pepe the owner for couple hours info I got 2phase may be 2 years away as we all know there is a credit crunch or may be longer ,The site and finish is very high standerd I am a builder here in the uk and I think he has carreid the same standed all the way through ,we have a penthouse and I have snagged it all ok, there are lifts there and disabled ramps, when we were there it was the final sweep as for the very large complex building we the owners will not be charged out of the communtiy fees he will be leaseing out the spaces cafebar restaurant gym and other things this is what I was told ,Still no info on communtiy fees will need to know this as it could be any amount I for one would not want a high bill was told it would be low but what is low? hoping for some spannish to be living there if not it will be very quiet glad it is all fenced of so only way in is ouer the fence, We have great veiws been penthouses, as for aircon think they will be on penthhouses but not sure how anyone below will get to them as only acess is up spiral stairs to get to them you have to go through penthouse front door? I may be wrong so feel free to put me right pepe english and my spanish was not a good mix does anyone have cam phone number in london?