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13 Sep 2008 12:58 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

Waddle´s avatar
Hi all

The pool on Jardin 7 was full but only of very dirty water from the building work

Hopefully a clean up operation is underway to make it look as inviting as the one at the showhouse

From our walk round, there is a sign up saying the El Foro town centre is 'coming soon' and this is now going to be between Jardines and Los Naranjos, where the Penthouses start at the far end. Probably 10 minutes walk from Jardin 7

As for the site of the original El Agora town centre, Polaris staff were very vague and from the scale models in the showroom, it looks like it may just be gardens or another larger swimming pool ?

Russ & Louise Salud !

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16 Sep 2008 9:46 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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We were also told that the area where the town centre should have been will be a landscaped area for now with the possibility of building on it in the future

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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01 Oct 2008 7:18 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi all.just back from snagging and completion.
we were taken by pw for nie collection and later in the day we met at the completions department.a very helpfull english guy took us to the appartment to do the snagging.
the only faults we could find were 2  hairline cracks in the rendering one along the wall under the tap on the solarium about 2m long and one outside the front door on the opposite wall about  1m long.the only thing wrong inside the appartment was lots of speckles and a few spots of emulsion paint on the tiles on the floors and inside the 
wardrobes.we decided  to do the cleaning of these tiles ourselves because no matter who else did the  work my wife would want to do it herself again anyway(actually she'd make me do it while she supervised-thats the downside of being a builder).after signing at the notary the next day we got the keys and armed with cleaning equipment we went to do the cleaning.on opening the door we were greeted with the guy who was doing the snagging repairs (fast work as we only just reported the faults the day before)
but we found him having his siesta in our bedroom on the floor with the blinds down! he even had his lunch in our kitchen cupboard.his supervisor came around later to check on the work and we found a split in one of the pergola rails which he said he would fix (glue would solve the problem as it was only cosmetic).
there is a lot of cement residue on the terracotta tiles on the pergola floor,the staircases and the verandah outside the front door.this we will also do ourselves(me so i'm told)with acid wash and then clear stone sealer.(overflow pipe will be sealed up temporarily until only clean water is used for the final rinse).
all this means that we can now furnish anytime we like as no one else needs to be in the appartment except the electrician when the builders electricity is turned on (pw have a key for this)
the pool is full and clean and looked very inviting after scrubbing floors for 4 hours.
the garden looks good to,the rain last week has helped to knit the turf together.
one thing i dont like is the footpaths are concrete and there are lots of cracks in them.they will look shabby very quickly and the management committee will need to address this as a priority when it is formed.
cheers for now
tony and ann n562.naranjos 7.

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01 Oct 2008 9:04 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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congratulations Tony & Ann - We should have been completing tomorrow but didn't want to go ahead without the habitation certificates - Now have the 9th provisionally booked in the hope that the certificates are ready then - In the meantime we look forward to any news you may have

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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12 Oct 2008 10:51 AM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi all.
has anyone else completed on jardin 7.the place was deserted when we were there on 30th sept'.is anyone planning to move in anytime soon?
we are going out there on 30th november but the furniture will be there around about 27th.we will be there for a week and are looking forward to meeting any of our new
neighbours.i'm bringing tools,power tools and step-ladders if anyone needs any help or the loan of tools.
best wishes
tony and ann

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12 Oct 2008 11:04 AM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi,does anyone know where our parking areas are for naranjos jardins?when we were there last the only places to park were at the end of the jardins(only about 20 spaces)
or on the roadside between the back of our appartments and the little villa janes.when i asked the notary if there was a parking space on the deeds he said no.other owners on the 13 jardins say that they have a parking space on their deeds.there is no room for parking at the side of the jardins between the penthouses as that is a dual road.
is ther a parking area under construction that i have missed?any info anyone?

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12 Oct 2008 4:04 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Tony & Ann - I think most people are waiting for Habitation Certificates - We were supposed to complete on the 3rd, then the 9th, now we're looking at between the 20th and 31st, hopefully? -- We are next out there on the 17th November, supposedly to furnish, but who knows now, fingers crossed, again - I think I have seen someone else who has completed on Jardin 7 but can't remember if it was on this forum or another - Barry & Sue ( Penthouses ) are completing on the 29th, with or without HC, because they are moving out there permanently ---- Regarding the car parking spaces, there should be a space for every apartment at least, but don't know where they are, they're probably in a different place to where they were originally planned - I think the spaces that you say are behind yours are more than likely the ones, I think that's where we parked when we went to have a look at ours, can't remember any at the end of the jardines - Have you asked on the main Condado forum? They will probably be able to give you more help - Did you ask in the completion cabin about it?

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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12 Oct 2008 5:13 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi martyn and june,
if you go out on the 17th how long will you be there?will you still be there when we arrive on 30th.?
tony and ann

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12 Oct 2008 5:32 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Unfortunately not - Just there for the week, then not out again till New Year - On a positive note, our snagging has been done so hopefully the bulk of this will be done by the time we get to complete

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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11 Nov 2008 5:02 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Carol just told me that PW were asking for all the keys to Jardin7 for today because they have the inspectors going round and will hopefully be able to fit them all in for the COHs


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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11 Nov 2008 6:09 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

Oh dear, I must have tempted fate by booking the last of my time off next week. I was hoping to put it off until the New Year. I wonder if PW will insist on completion................I think I'll ignore phone calls for a few weeks!

Phil & Debbie


This message was last edited by lytton on 11/11/2008.

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11 Nov 2008 7:01 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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LOL!  Well we havn't heard that they're done yet.  Anyway, don't I remember someone saying you have 20 weeks to complete after COH, no that seems a bit long doesn't it? Must have been dreaming. 

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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11 Nov 2008 8:07 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

You're not dreaming, probably still coming back down to earth from your completion. Best crack open another bottle of vino tinto.

I think I've decided to play PW at their own game for a while...don't reply to phone calls, ignore e-mails, give them the run around and plead insanity when they want some sense from me.

Phil & Debbie 

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11 Nov 2008 10:06 PM by michna Star rating in essex and Los Naranj.... 85 forum posts Send private message



I was told by my solicitor yesteday that PW have given a completion date of 15th December, not sure if it will happen then??? who knows


we are on jardin 8 Los Naranjos



Michelle and Bryan Los Naranjos, jardin 8

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