Hi Both.
I have wondered about that too but don't really know how to include them in this forum unless they also opt to log onto it. I spoke briefly to a Spanish lady and her friend who were there with a couple of children in July and they seemed very nice. Though as usual their English was much better than my Spanish.
As for the pool opening times etc. it may well be that they won't particularly want it open for longer as they are more likely to find April & October too cold - unlike us lot from further north!!!! Even so, hopefully we will be able to agree on things especially if there are not huge costs involved.
I notice on the Thalassa forum that there are big debates going on re. the costs of lifeguard provision. It might be that if our pool is smaller, and I think it might be, then we won't legally have to provide a lifeguard. Even so, maybe that's another thing we need to look into and discuss.
All the best,
P.S. Looking forward to the Wok