Smoke Alarms

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02 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

cuz´s avatar
Was going to PM Phil (PGM) our resident fireman (Ex) about the best place to put a smoke alarm in 2 & 3 beds, but thought others might like to know as well - I would think if you are going to rent out, then we have to think about these sort of things? Or am I being a little over cautious?

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 Martyn and June xx

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02 Oct 2008 3:41 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi June

Excellent question

Smoke Alarms

They are very important, they will save your life, I have seen all to often the results of fires, that if people had fitted one they wouldn’t have lost there home or worse.

Best type of smoke alarm to have fitted is a hard wired one, which means it is wired into the mains wiring and doesn’t need batteries, but as this is probably not practical now then the next best thing is lithium 10 year battery smoke alarm, which means you will not require the battery to be changed for 10 years. In fact it will probably be cheaper to replace the alar rather than just the batteries. You can still buy alarms with 1 year batteries but the Fire Service DO NOT recommend them as people forget to check the batteries regularly. The make of alarm isn’t an issue as long as it has the British Standard Kite Mark.

In the 2 bed apartments I would put the smoke alarm near to the bedroom doors and as far from the kitchen as possible, following the manufactures instructions.

In the 3 bed apartments again I would put the one smoke alarm near to the double bedroom doors and as far from the kitchen as possible, following the manufactures instructions. It would be advisable to have another near to the other single bedroom but this would be regularly coursing false alarms when cooking, so maybe move it further towards the front door and away from the kitchen area but test that it can clearly be herd in the bedroom.

The next thing to do is formulate you Fire Escape Plan, this is deciding what every person will do if fire brakes out in the apartment at night. How will you get out? For information on this just call at any Fire Station they will be happy to give you advise and information leaflets on this. 

Lastly make it a habit to go around your apartment every night and make sure everything is switched off, it takes about 30 seconds, don’t empty ashtrays into the waste bid just before you go to bed, that last fag may well not be out and could set the contents of the bin on fire. Put the ashtray outside or in the empty sink and empty it in the morning.

Hope this helps


Retired Fire Officer

7 in Community Fire Safety

This message was last edited by PGM on 10/2/2008.

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02 Oct 2008 10:22 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Phil & Cuz,

Thanks for that very useful info, to be honest hadn't even thought of smoke alarms.  Do you know if the spanish fire brigade provide home visits and free smoke alarms to households, wouldn't think so but might as well try and get something for free.  Yes we will be renting out and certainly wouldn't like to have any accidents.

Thanks again for raising this important subject.


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03 Oct 2008 10:27 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi Ali

The short answer to your question is I don’t know, I spent some time whilst in the fire service working with other fire services in Europe, I am not aware of them having any program of issuing free smoke alarms in Spain but this was some time back and thing could have changed, so as you say its worth asking, that said often the issuing of free smoke alarms is limited to vulnerable groups of people or those who can’t supply them for themselves, as funding for them is limited. Some fire services in the UK have managed to fined funding to enable them to supply them to anyone that asks but I think this is the exception rather that the rule.


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04 Oct 2008 1:49 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

cuz´s avatar
Thanks for the reply Phil - Will look into it, although I had been looking at those toast sensitive ones I've seen - Doesn't matter how far away from the kitchen mine are, as soon as the grills on, off it goes - Just looked at some photos with lights in situ and am wondering if the light in the corridor, outside the bedroom doors will be a hindrance to an alarm there - Might be and idea to wait till I can see inside the apartments --- Ali, any excuse to get a man in uniform inside the apartment lol - Seriously though, do you think we have to look into this? If we are renting out, would it affect any insurance claims if we don't have proper measures in place?

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 Martyn and June xx

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04 Oct 2008 5:47 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Cuz,

Your on the ball, didn't think I'd made it that obvious, but I guess you must have been thinking along the same lines,( Men in uniform). I hope this is June I am speaking to, cause if its Martyn I think you need to tell June your secret.  Yes I think it might affect the insurance, but for the price of a smoke alarm or two I certainly will not be taking any chances and they are now on my shopping list.



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04 Oct 2008 6:00 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi All

As long as you don’t put the smoke alarm right next to the light it shouldn’t be a problem, I will be putting mine on the ceiling towards the corner but not right in the corner between the two bedroom doors. (Don’t put smoke alarms on wall, most don’t work very well on walls) As far as it affecting any insurance claims you should read you insurance policy to see if having a smoke alarm is a requirement but is probably not, to be blunt I would rather have it to save our lives or those of my friends and guest than worry about if its necessary for insurance. If anyone wants me to have a look and advise you when I am out then just ask, haven’t got the uniform anymore and it wouldn’t fit me now anyway.


This message was last edited by PGM on 10/4/2008.

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05 Oct 2008 2:13 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

cuz´s avatar
Hi Phil - Thanks for the info - When I said about the insurance and taking the proper steps to protect us, it goes without saying that I would have the smoke alarms, I'm a bit paranoid about things like that, but, I meant other things, like in this country, there are instances where you have to have fire blankets, extinguishers etc

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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