Mortgage Bank rate

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14 Feb 2009 8:43 AM by advisor Star rating in London most of the t.... 311 forum posts Send private message

An interesting question in the UK we provide full IFA advice and the UK iht scenario is based upon "worldwide" assets coupled with the fact that one cant be hit for "double taxation" if you carried out the Uk scenario one would have a debt on the UK  property thus potentially mitigating IHT but not a debt on the spanish one and the spanish iht scenario is very different and not an area I am well versed in (nor do i really want to be!)

overall i stil believe it to be currently the better choice (iht aside) as if one takes upto 75% ltv on their UK home the rate could be as low as 2.9% to my knowledge the average in Spain is now circa 5%




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23 Dec 2009 2:43 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

I know this is old thread but I am coming up to a BoA mortgage review on 4-02-2010 and hope that my rate will go down from the current 4.5% to something lower.

Like many others I took the option of 0.9% upfront and the euribor + 1% mortage.

However I have been taking to another bank and some other people who have led me to believe the rate used for euribor 12 month should be the rate on the day of review and not an average.

I intend to go and see the manager next week in Duquesa and ask for an explanation of the calculation.

Also, if you have a collar of say 4% is this collar a euribor collar, or a combination of euribor plus the 1 %.

From what I can tell the BoA mortgage is very expensive so I may be looking to move.

At present the loan to value ratio varies from 50% to 65% and also there will be set up costs.

Is anybody else looking to change and is it worth pooling our ideas.

It may be if there is a few of us looking to change banks we may be able to get better individual rate from BoA  if there is suddenly a hole in their loan book.

Any ideas?


This message was last edited by manilvajl on 23/12/2009.

This message was last edited by manilvajl on 23/12/2009.



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23 Dec 2009 3:15 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jeff

I am in exactly the same position as yourself.  I had not thought about the collar and have a review myslef at the beginning of February.  I'd be interested to hear what the bank have to say and i'm interested in pooling ideas and maybe making a move.



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24 Dec 2009 11:45 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jeff,

I replied to your email...mine is 'collared' at about 3.75% I think...i know i should know but I have forgotten...  count me in if there is mileage in it .








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24 Dec 2009 12:22 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Mine is with Barclays and was at an effective rate of 6.07 until October

Following the reduction in eurobor rates it is now at an effective rate of  2.03 until October 2010

The Barclays office in Sabi is very very helpful at providing details.

Do not forget that there will be costs in redeeming one mortgage and setting up another.

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to you all


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27 Dec 2009 12:30 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9418 forum posts Send private message

03 Jan 2010 1:43 PM by itsnojoke Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Having paid our last 12 months mortgage payments with Banco de Andalucia at 6.5% (Euribor + 1.25%), I have just learnt our new rate for the next 12 months beginning Jan.

Pleased to say that this is a total of 3.25%, that is to say a 12 month average Euribor rate of 2% + 1.25%.

Hope this helps  you all.


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04 Feb 2010 4:06 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I have just had my annual review with Banco Andalucia on the mortgaqe (euribor plus 1%) and they have reduced it from 4.5% to 4%.  This is very dissapointing as I had expected it to be about 3% (12 month average Euribor rate of 2% + 1%).   I guess there must be some sort of collar on it.     very frustrating !!!!



This message was last edited by slacey99 on 04/02/2010.

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05 Feb 2010 8:19 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Steve, that is really disappointing.  I think ours too may have a 4% collar!  It may well be worth trying to negotiate with them - we're going to try.

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