Oh dear, I sense another 'keyholder bunfight' could be brewing here. 
There's no shortage of keyholders out there who all come hightly recommended. We use Rob and Joanne of Fairways Property Scrvices and can't compliment them highly enough. They're friendly, helpful, and very professional. Rob is also a fully qualified joiner and can turn his hand to any odd jobs you want done about the apartment.
You can get their contact details from their website....
For furnature packs it's the same story, there is plenty of choice out there. I think some of them are struggling to keep their head's above water though so I'd be careful about making a big downpayment in case they go bust before you get your stuff delivered. We used Murcia Furnature and found them to be OK.
For aircon like a lot of people on here we used Polarair and have no complaints.