Problem with the Safe!

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04 Aug 2014 4:03 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Wonder if anyone can help - tenants have somehow messed up the safe code and I can't seem to reset it!  I don't have instructions now - can anyone help?

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05 Aug 2014 9:24 AM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I think I know where my set of instrcutions are, i'll dig them out tonight if no one else has any


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05 Aug 2014 11:25 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks, Steve - I think I've now found the instructions on BTV's website, so, hopefully, should be able to reset it.


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13 Mar 2015 2:41 PM by allens Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys,

I've just moved into an appartment here and can't figure out how to work the safe and I cant find the model on BTV's website. Any advice is highly apreciated.

Many thanks,


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31 Mar 2015 10:15 AM by AdeNMim Star rating in Kent, UK. 2 forum posts Send private message


If you are still having problems operating your safe then the following may help.

You must have the gold key (master), a silver key (user/guest) and last safe code (default is 123456)

The gold key is your master key for the safe so DO NOT Lose and DO NOT Give to anyone else, ie your guests or the bloke down the pub. It will help unlock the safe without the safe code.

The silver key is the key to give the guests staying in your apartment. The key is can only be used with the safe code.


1. Enter the silver key into the safe but do not turn yet.

2. Enter the last safe code using the safe's pinpad. The default safe code is 123456.

3. A green light on the safe's pinpad will light if the code is correct. When this happens turn the key.

4. The safe door will unlock and can be opened, To lock the safe, close the safe door and turn the key.

The safe code can be changed so not to use the default code which everyone knows. I can not remember off my head as I am at work at the moment but will add this information later on today with a link to the manual in English.



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14 Apr 2015 12:35 PM by allens Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Ade, and apologies for the late response. For some reason I don’t get notified when there are replies to my posts. 

The keypad doesn’t seem to work, I guess its out of battery and when I use the gold key it doesn’t turn. My apartment is new and I’m guessing the safe has never been used. 

I’m back home now but will try some WD40 on it next time I’m there. 


Again, many thanks for your reply. 



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14 Apr 2015 1:56 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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You can hold a new battery against the front panel, in the maked position, if the old battery has run out.


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14 Sep 2017 7:01 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 forum posts Send private message

Don't know how to copy this link but this thread might help Charlie67


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