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14 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Hi Folks another bit of time as President under my belt and some updates for you

                                         Update for residents (No. 2 February)

Hi folks

Well just a few updates on how our projects have been going some you may know some you may not

Swimming pool

Maintenance—I have been in contact with our support company about our displeasure due to the lack of cleaning the pool, the company is contracted to keep not only the cleanliness of the pool but also water quality, chemical dozing etc. to the required standard twelve months of the year, Deep clean should take place ASAP.

I am also actively getting a new quote from another company to carry out the required workscope

The green area will have to be changed by the residents, due to our acceptance when signing our deeds, something that can be decided when we get some money in the pot.

Also worth noting I have discussed the ramp for wheelchair access to the pool with Taray

That pool end of the estate is coming off temporary power within two weeks approx. and we will then fit a timer to the lighting system to save some money, life saving equipment in the form of life rings/poles will also be introduced for the summer

The rules are set up ready for posting and a copy will be sent with the minutes

Waste land in front of Taray housing (near railway)

As you will now be aware, the clearing of this area has started, and I will monitor progress

Facts—Not all the land belongs to Taray

            We may not get palm trees and seats, it is building land, and therefore my battle has been to get clearance and flattening of the surface as a starter, to what degree this will be I will monitor, and possibly try and get a bit more if needed


As I have said previously I have at every meeting with Taray  stated that momentum must be kept going with the snagging, and you will have seen the chap with the barrow going round some houses, I am aware there are some bigger jobs so please keep me updated, so that if needed, I can help


I have been receiving many e-mails from people asking specific questions---I have been trying to answer them separately but I am but a mere mortal (don’t tell the wife), if I have missed you send another

Minutes of our meeting

We are still waiting on the Land Registry sending the official minutes book and our community number, when this happens everyone will receive a copy of the meeting, our community number, a bank account number to set up your payments ,and an update on how things are going, the pool rules and the community regulations will also be sent


One of our community who has been involved with insurance for many years, has kindly taken on the role of hopefully getting a better priced insurance for the swimming pool, while maintaining all the required cover needed to give us peace of mind, proof that we have community spirited people on site

Street Cleaning  

The responsibility for this is now in the hands of the council, but the agreement is that as soon as all work has been completed on the Community centre/Football pitch etc. they will send sweepers and tidy up the streets.

Taray houses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

As you know Taray own five houses which are gathering dust and growth –They have made the obligation to clean their area—will monitor

Resident’s houses

Unfortunately on the same theme as above I am noticing some of the holiday homes are getting a bit unkempt if you are in contact with any of the said persons can you inform them of their situation

Part of the constitution states that all resident will keep their area clean and tidy, if they do not the community can bring in someone to do this and charge the owner

 Personal Items

I stated that the first line of approach for personal problems with Taray are from the owners themselves, but I have also been involved with a few items where owners are making little headway, I cannot change the world, but I am great at being a BL----

Nuisance (ask any of my neighbours)

 So there you have it my busy part time job, I do feel we are making head way, I meet regularly with the Taray rep. to try and keep momentum going, and also our support company have been very good so far, as I have stated Spain does not move fast but with a bit of a push I may get it to move a little bit faster, still my biggest problem is informing you of all that is happening but you can help by telling people what is going on or of your involvement with me –Good or Bad

 Keep the contact going, thanks for your support


Colin Weir

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15 Feb 2008 10:02 AM by inmate58 Star rating in Lisburn Northern Ire.... 167 forum posts Send private message

inmate58´s avatar

Hi colin


thanks for the update it was very informative. you are certainly being kept busy. i agree with your comments about owners who do not live there permanently, making sure that there house and drieway are kept clean. This is made difficult by all the flyers that seem to be floating around the area. Perhaps owners could make an arrangement with neighbours to keep their driveway clean for them. I n the spirit of being neighbourly this does not involve a great deal of effort. i for one am happy to clean out my neighbours driveway of papers etc  when i am over. i await the influx of requests from my neighbours in Jose Sanchez lozano.



56 Jose Sanchez Lozano

vincent & brona

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16 Feb 2008 3:14 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 forum posts Send private message

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Im sorry but I do NOT agree with someone who thinks that I am going to pay for someone else to come in and clean my drive / garden,  its not going to happen!!!!
It ok for people who live there coming up with rules such as these, they can do the bit of cleaning as and when they wish, we are thousands of miles away, I think that is a bit of a cheek! I would have used stronger language but it wouldn’t be printed.
We bought this as a holiday home and I am already regretting buying the bloody thing after all the carry on we have had, with agents and builders etc the last thing I want is someone telling me im going to pay a contractor to clean my drive / garden.
I totally agree with Vincent, who happens to be one of my neighbours. I am all for doing the neighbourly thing whilst out on holiday and giving my neighbours area a quick tidy up as long as we all are doing it for each other, that what I would call good community sprit. 
I would like to think that the permanent residents  could do the same, as we all get to know each other I am sure there will be a time these same residents might ask if they could use our homes to rent out to their friends or family, in such situations im sure the none residents would look favourably on giving a reduced fee for this as the same residents has been doing them a good turn by keeping an eye on their home and giving the drive / garden the once over every so often that it meets with the community standards. I myself have already done so with my neighbour who’s friends came over for Christmas; they stayed at my home free of charge, as I thought it was the right thing to do for what she does for me, isn’t that a far civilised way of dealing with this problem rather than threats of rules and your going to pay this if you don’t!!
I would like to here someone else’s view on this subject as I think Vincent and me have got the right idea, when it comes to helping our neighbours…

Kevin & Corinne,   

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16 Feb 2008 4:24 PM by diamond Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Kevin well said as we see yet again the the few ruleing the many and only a month in to power not even a discusion a threat could this sort of thing be discused and voted on instead of getting peoples backs up and spoling there experiance i myself have no objection to helping people keep there drive ways tidy as you stated i realy dont understand why this has to be done in this fashion it sucks

Sorry must have been having one of my moments the clicks already decided

This message was last edited by diamond on 2/16/2008.

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16 Feb 2008 5:30 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 forum posts Send private message

KC60´s avatar

Thanks for your support Diamond. 

What consitution is this that a community can force this upon someone?  I think that if this was put to the community to vote on, the people who make such rules up would loose, as I belive there are more none residents, i.e. holiday home owners as there are Permanent residents.

Sorry but this has really P****D me off, and I am over in march if someone wants to discuss this with me!!!!!!!

Kevin & Corinne,   

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16 Feb 2008 5:43 PM by Chris&Julie Star rating in Dublin . 82 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kevin

We totally agree with all of your comments, as it is still a building site with construction work still going on(community centre) , and people still moving in, I think expecting people who live thousands of miles away to keep their places clean is a bit much, as we ensure it is spotless on our departure, it is not our rubbish that  causes the problem as we are not there, and then to threathen us with cleaners bills is a bit rich.

One good turn and all that..................

Kind regards

Julie & Christy




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17 Feb 2008 10:38 AM by blueyonder Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, I agree with you all. We are not permanent residents and we always leave our house spick and spam when we go home. Like some of you have said we also have an informal arrangement with a neighbour who is a permanent resident to pick up flyers etc. when we are not there. Surely this is a better for neighbourly relations than producing bills. I have no problem in picking up rubbish etc. in fact when we were last over my children went roun the street picking up flyers and putting them in the bin. (Perhaps thats a good idea for some child labour!!!!!!! ha ha). I am also starting to regret buying on this development as it seems to be hassle all along and not the stress free experience we were promised.

I think the best thing we all need to do is try to be neighbourly, get along and all help each other.


Chris & Jim  No.13

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17 Feb 2008 12:09 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 forum posts Send private message

KC60´s avatar
Thanks for the support....  I have calmed down now so my sensible head is on.  Look it s a thankful task Colin has taken on BUT, I think the quicker Colin has everyone’s contact details, i.e. e-mail the better.
Julie and Christy hit the nail on the head, it’s a building site at the moment and I agree with Chris and Jim we leave our homes spotless once we have been over, so who is it making our homes luck undesirable? It isn’t us!!!
A few people are starting to regret buying at Torre and for what, the agents shafted us, Taray shafted us, and the last thing we all need is to start fighting amongst ourselves…
Hopefully this will all calm down in the next few months for all our sakes, because if Colin decides to throw in the towel, who is going to take over???? 
I think we should give it a month or two and let things settle down, and put ALL of these rules to one side for now until we get ourselves established, then we can ALL decide on what is best for our development….
My wife and I are over from March 2nd until 8th  so if anyone wants to call round and say hello or have a quite drink, would be nice to meet my fellow neighbours as I don’t know half of you.
Number 23

This message was last edited by KC60 on 2/17/2008.

Kevin & Corinne,   

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18 Feb 2008 2:34 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Hi folks

Well AS USUAL some people read things into everything that seems to be written

As far as the tidiness of gardens and patios ---It was stated that already there are some gardens and patios that are starting to get quite over grown by weeds, even some owned by Taray, I feel as President it is my duty to keep the standards OF OUR  community as high as we can, therefore I have approached Taray and have an obligation from them to tidy the five houses owned by them,but it is also our obligation to EACH OTHER to do the same, and YES YES YES I agree the neighborly thing is the way to go, so lets get it going ---not just talking about it. hence the word community, ONE person is not going to make the big differences, not going to make this into the best community in Spain, but collectively we could, so instead of wasting energy writing on this web site---Phone a friend !!!

Lets also clear up the part about what AT THE LAST RESORT the COMMUNITY can do--It is not a THREAT as some people have read into the statement, it is in the Community constitution, and when houses were bought we knew we were going to be a community, WOULD YOU NOT DO THE SAME ABOUT UNTIDY GARDENS IN YOUR STREET IN THE UK !!!!!

If the above sounds bitey, your right, I took this position to help the community, I am not paid, I am putting in about two hours a day, answering individuals etc. and there will be statements, rules etc THAT NOT ALL PEOPLE WILL AGREE TO, but that is what living within a community is about GIVE and TAKE

I always knew these jobs are thankless, but also believe that in any setting up of something like a community the first year is always the worst because of all the thoughts and feelings of people, so for the immediate future I will take the shit (I do not appoligise I also have a back bone)



Colin Weir

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18 Feb 2008 7:42 PM by diamond Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Well Colin as a lot of people have stated they have had as mutch as they can take for the moment for many it has been stress stress stress as i do agree the overall look of the development is up to us all  i do think when you look around at the mess from digers driving through the middle of the estate and leaving dirt all over the road the view of pilles of scafolding and unused building materials the unfinished community center and surounding area also the mess near the railway line the issue of a few flyers in someones garden or a bit of overgrown shrubery is insignificant at the present and certanly not worth adding to peoples stress i do sympathise with your plight as president but in this case pherhaps a bit more tact in the news letter would have overted this reaction ie not highlighting in red a rule desined to deel with problem owners in a more serious a situation also you seem to take exeption to people having an opinion that dose not coincide with your own perhaps instead of automaticaly dismissing your voters you should reflect on there statements in order to find a more happy medium sorry if you find any offence in this article it is mearly my opinion to witch as individuals we are all entitled anyway if any is taken i am sorry

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18 Feb 2008 8:00 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Mr Diamond

I do not take exception as what I put in MY updates are facts, you and others might not agree but thats what they are, I do not know the last time you were over but the community centre exterior is almost complete, the football pitch has been tarred, the road muck has only been caused by the fact they have been clearing the muck and rubbish from the waste land and it was raining

Last but not least I do not dismiss anyones opinion a fact you can ask the people who have approached me either by e-mail or in a one to one meeting,I also have approached Taray about items that as an individual I may not bond with but I know to these individuals it is very peronal

What I do take exception to is people who seem to sit on the side and pick bits out of context

But anyway the people who read this will know who they can vote for if I pack it in



Colin Weir

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18 Feb 2008 8:28 PM by diamond Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Mr Colin  as i am over at the moment and having looked around the place looks a mess and dirty one because it is winter two because of all the building work and three because of all the materials and scafolding the point was this people have experianced a lot in the last twelve months and producing a news letter in that format was probably not a good idea as your responces show if your feeling upset by peoples objections to your efforts think how thay feel over a thousand miles away when reading tomething like that highlighted in red point taken! lets concentrate on the more imediate problems which i am sure that you are and give people a break

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18 Feb 2008 8:34 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Mr Diamond

Why are we trading e-mails when we can meet and talk about OUR frustrations I am at 5 Pedro Cano the next street from you



Colin Weir

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18 Feb 2008 8:39 PM by diamond Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Because im of for a well deserved pint and some peace and quiet as i have to work from home sometimes cheers

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18 Feb 2008 8:48 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 forum posts Send private message

KC60´s avatar
Hi Colin
Regarding your last reply quote:  "Well AS USUAL some people read things into everything that seems to be written"
Sorry BUT I am not “some people” and what I read into your last update was set out below.  “Residents Houses”
This seems to be exactly what it says, we can be charged if we don’t keep our areas tidy... plain enough to me… 
You have replied to Diamond saying “At the last resort” yet there is no mention of this in the passage below…. And you have also said it not a THREAT! It looks that way to me and by some of the replies on the thread, other people have taken it to be just that.
Unfortunately everyone has not seen the community constitution you refer to.   Im pleased you agree the neighbourly thing is the way to go, but rather than put this kind of statement into the update, don’t you think it may have been in hindsight not the right thing to write as we have all clearly don’t have the constitution and possibly the bit about getting contractors in, should have been left out until we are all aware of what is in the constitution then it could have been put to a vote, which believe it or not I would agree we should set high standards for out development.
Believe it or not you have my FULL support as president and I know it’s a thankful task, but you are forgetting us none residents have a stressful enough time as it is with what’s happened buying our holiday homes, because that’s what they are a holiday home and all the carry on we have had buying the damm thing, that the last thing we need to get worked up about is the possible charge of having to keep our homes clean and tidy, by the people we regard as neighbours.
Resident’s houses
Unfortunately on the same theme as above I am noticing some of the holiday homes are getting a bit unkempt if you are in contact with any of the said persons can you inform them of their situation
Part of the constitution states that all resident will keep their area clean and tidy, if they do not the community can bring in someone to do this and charge the owner

Kevin & Corinne,   

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18 Feb 2008 10:19 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Did you read this bit

if you are in contact with any of the said persons can you inform them of their situation

The neighborly thing


Colin Weir

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18 Feb 2008 10:19 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Did you read this bit

if you are in contact with any of the said persons can you inform them of their situation

The neighborly thing


Colin Weir

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18 Feb 2008 10:19 PM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Did you read this bit

if you are in contact with any of the said persons can you inform them of their situation

The neighborly thing


Colin Weir

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19 Feb 2008 8:03 AM by diamond Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

So you whant me to phone my neighbour and say hello have you read the comunity update no well theres a bit hear where colin is concerned about your garden beeing a bit uncempt and he has highlighted in red that under the constitution he has the right to bring in a contractor to sort it out for you and charge you so can you sort it out!and you dont think that you may get an advers reaction to this and i definitely dont whant to be phoneing poeple up and upseting them in this way the point again a bit more tact

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21 Feb 2008 8:57 AM by spotshouse Star rating in Poole, Dorset/Balsic.... 52 forum posts Send private message


Can we have an up to date copy of the  "Community Rules". I am now getting confused on what they exactly are. And are the mintues done yet?



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