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Arenal Duquesa Phases 1,2,3,4,5,6 forum threads
The Comments
09 Jun 2008 8:06 PM by robbie Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message


We agree with  you Tracy  ticks all the box's even though we are still having problems with the A/C, we are due out there in July and hope that by then it will have been sorted out as that time of year it will be rather hot .
I  read that the  entry system is working hope they have got it sorted out as our's in block 5 looked on the gate on block 6 not much use if you are trying to see who is ringing your bell .

Has anyone heard anymore about the new fob for the garage gates as Juan said he would get ones that you could use from inside your car ?

Any more news on the T/ Vs ?

Robbie / Barbara.

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09 Jun 2008 8:37 PM by Pdrich1 Star rating. 261 forum posts Send private message

Interesting about the new key fobs.  First I've heard of it.  I wonder how much other information is floating about?  Surely there should be some sort of paperwork around now from the developers.  When this gets up and running after a year I believe that a comittee is set up.  What happens in the meantime?  The whole thing is a joke.

Has anyone got air conditioning that actually works?
Has anyone got the TV?
Has anyone had their snagging completed?
Is anyone happy with the way they have been treated?

We do love the development, but don't want to have to sort problems every time we go out.  We just want to go out and sit on the balcony and chill.

Sorry for the rant, but its been a bad day.  I was hoping to get home this weekend after working away for the last 10 weeks, but I've got a computer room full of kit and no air conditioning.  Sounds familiar.


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09 Jun 2008 9:01 PM by laurdan Star rating. 441 forum posts Send private message

I don't know anything about new key fobs for the garage doors, however it would make sense for us to beable to open the garage doors without having to get out of the car.  I think my snagging would have been completed if I had left a key, but I wasn't prepared to do that.  It is a pain sorting the problems out when you get there, you do feel that you can't relax on the days that the trades are in your apartment, but it will be sorted I am sure they don't want bad press, especially when they are showing people around as they were last week.  It does seem at times that you find things out as you go along. 

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09 Jun 2008 9:35 PM by Pdrich1 Star rating. 261 forum posts Send private message

Now that you mention that type of key fob, when we were out in March, one of the sales people just drove up to one of the gates and it opened.  We were wondering how they did that.  I tried it with our fob from a distance but of course it didn't work.

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10 Jun 2008 9:59 AM by robbie Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message

Hi  Pdrich.

With regard to the garage fob it was around March when Juan mentioned that he would change them , we had just completed 11March as I think you had .
We told Juan that the fob was not really any good if you had to get out the car, that is when he said he would see about changing them , but as with all the other things it has fell by the way side, if any one going out there soon would you please jog Juans memory about  this and all the other things that need sorting out .

Robbie / Barbara

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10 Jun 2008 5:16 PM by peps Star rating in manchester and duque.... 410 forum posts Send private message


When i asked about the key fob juan told me the magnetic ones we have were far more secure than remote access as other remotes can sometimes access the doors. Funnily enough, the tv remote in the apartment sends the aircon crazy.   He also said the magnetic fobs we have can only be replaced from the manufacturer in malaga using the phone number and adress printed on them, at a cost of around 50euros!  He never mentioned changing them to remote ones.

My air con and heating work fine.  We used the heating constantly on our first few stays but didn't need it this time as it was hot.  When we first completed it didn't work but just needed gas.  Beware, because just because you switch it on and the fans blow, doesn't mean it works.  It won;t generate heat or cold unless it is gased.  They did ours in January/February one day as it was very cold.  I can't understand why they have not done all of them as it wasn't such a big job.  Though apparently it costs around 90euros to gas up and needs replacing after 1 to 2 years, depending on  usage.  Maybe they are penny pinching again but will have to gas them all eventually anyway


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11 Jun 2008 10:06 AM by Fossie Star rating in Somerset/ Duquesa. 123 forum posts Send private message

Hi Suzanne-glad you had a good time. Any update on the road for us poor souls still waiting!!??

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11 Jun 2008 5:23 PM by peps Star rating in manchester and duque.... 410 forum posts Send private message

yes fossie, i put some pictures on and wrote about the road at the begining of this thread if you want to look at them and read it.  very positive


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14 Jun 2008 9:11 AM by laurdan Star rating. 441 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, 

Just thought I would post, and have a chat with the rest of the 'Arenal Duquesa Completioners' I don't know how you are all feeling but I am back out there in two weeks and it makes me feel so good, I get butterflies waiting to get back there, how I wish I could move there permanently, but then maybe it wouldn't be the same and I would lose this lovely excited feeling. You have many dreams in life and owning my own holiday home in Spain was one of those dreams, years ago I thought I would never accomplish. I wake up some mornings as I have today and having the place has some kind of feel good factor for me....long may it reign. Is anyone around first two weeks in July?? We all seem to be residence at different times and our paths never seem to cross. Of course...if you all prefer to remain anonymous......that only adds to the intrigue around the pool.

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14 Jun 2008 12:00 PM by peps Star rating in manchester and duque.... 410 forum posts Send private message

Hi tracey,  I feel exact;y the same as you.  I wanted to live in spain for years.  I took a spanish course ten years ago and sat my exam.   I was so pleased when i passed with an A.  unfortunately, here in the uk i never got to use it much and tried to keep it up over the years, using it whenever i could.  Having bought an apartment has turned my live into turmoil a little. Sometimes i can't believe i finally have my own place. I too wish i was there all the time and so i keep going back every month.  I have put my business up for sale and we talk about down-sizing in the uk so we are mortgage free and can move out there slowly. This would leave a base for my two teenage sons doing a levels.    They are unsure about moving out there, and they are at an age where i cannot force them.   I just wish they would give it a try.  
Another reason is my husband has an extremely good job here in the uk and could not earn what he does over in spain, so for now i have to just visit as often as i can.  It s very frustrating as our life here seems to run around getting out there to spain now.

I was there whilst you were there but didn't get the opportunity to introduce myself.  We spent a couple of evenings in Fathoms but never saw you there or in any of the other bars.  You passed us in the port whilst we were having a meal outside but i couln't just shout your name, being a complete stranger and all!! ha.  i recognised you from a pic on manilva life. In fact, i bet you saw us wandering past on our way out of apts.  

My sister is going out second two weeks in july for a first visit.  She would like us to be there too but i promised she could have a holiday in the apt and unless i can find her another one on our development to rent , then i guess i will wait until she gets back before i go out end of july.  I may be going at the end of june but haven't booked flights yet.  will let you know if i do.  I have to sort out my business back here before i can confirm when i visit.  When it sells i can just go at will, but given the economical climate here, it could take a while to sell. 

For now i just get on with things here with half of my brain still over there!  
I think a lot of people amongst us will think we are mad as they are much more chilled about it all, but for me it is all so exiting, i love it.   And i totally love where we have purchased and cannot fault it at all.   I now get off the flight, drive down and feel like it truly is my second home.  So familiar now.

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14 Jun 2008 1:57 PM by laurdan Star rating. 441 forum posts Send private message

 Goodness! I hope I was behaving myself in the port... you never know who is watching you. LOL.  We use Caroline's bar when we are in the port, mainly because Caroline is French and my husband just loves to listen to her talking.  I like it because it is spotlessly clean, the toilets are a pleasure to use, plus both Caroline and Rich her partner are very welcoming so it gets the thumbs up. 

We like Fathoms and use it regularly when we are there, but it is usually a late drinking hole, if we have been out for a  meal we tend to walk home from the restaurant via Fathoms and have a chat with Tony over a night cap or a cup of coffee, he is our 'Oracle' .  Tony and Heather have been very kind to us, if we have had a query or problem we always know that the 'Oracle' will know what to do or know a man who can.    It is a very friendly bar and we have meet some nice people from popping in there over the last four years. 

We are so spoilt for choice when it comes to restaurants in the area, my favourite at the moment is 'Bistro Red' in Monte Duquesa, the food is to die for and it is within walking distance.  Ah, can't wait now to get back and the weather there at the moment is fantastic.  We are going with my son and his girlfriend next time , they want to do some sightseeing and a few trips, fishing, Tivoli World and Selwo Park etc.  So we will have a fun packed two weeks when we are next there....ah, just bring it on!!!

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15 Jun 2008 1:25 PM by levilee Star rating in brighton. 11 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone, I am new to this site and really need my mind put at rest if anyone can help. I brought into this off plan 4 years ago and im still waiting. Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me any info on when my appartment will be compleated???   Phase 1 block 2....... thanks

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15 Jun 2008 2:22 PM by Limar Star rating in Ireland. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi Levilee
I too bought  4 years ago.Block 14 Phase 1. Was speaking with my solicitor last week and the latest indication is that it we could be able to close in  July......2008 that is.All depends on the progress and completion of the road and the permanent provision of water and electricity services (currently on developers supply).Would be prudent not to bank on this however and I am mentally prepared for the prospect of it  dragging out a month or two after that. Its lovely there in September!!


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15 Jun 2008 2:48 PM by levilee Star rating in brighton. 11 forum posts Send private message

Hello and thanks Limar,  this development has been a headake from the start and im guessing it has been the same for you. Im really hoping it is completed soon. Do you know if we can get any compenstion for the delay?? 
if you get any new info I would love to here it. Thanks again

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22 Jun 2008 1:13 PM by randl Star rating in Glasgow. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Just back from our recent visit. The road is fairly coming along and there were people working on it every day we were there - both outside Phase 1 and further up to beyond phase 2. There was also a lot of work on-going on Phases 2 and 4. Phase 2 still has quite a lot of work to be done with the communal areas which I think will take at least another 2-3 months looking at them, but the apartments are certainly finished. They were working on the entrances, electrics, underground parking, perimeter gardens and communal areas. The road looks like it will very soon be ready for sealing on the stretch ouside the remaining blocks of Phase 1. They were spraying water on it when we left and it looked like it was built up to the correct height and flat all the way along. The workmen were still working at 7pm when we went round one night. Phase 1 looks fantastic and I only hope the same level of attention is paid to the finish of the other phases. We spoke to our solicitor who said that actually managing to get hold of someone at Prienesur to speak to is very difficult. They keep fobbing her off with an email address and the general phone number despite repeated phone calls on her part. She said they are obviously trying to avoid everyone's solicitor at the moment and will no doubt be in touch very quickly when they want more money. The market is also dead from a buyer's point of view and so the LFO for the remaining blocks should not tke more than 2 months once the road is finished (supposed to be by the end of July) because the town hall inspection folk have very little to do at the moment - she told us that in the last 10 years there was a long time when getting the LFO alone took more than a year because there were so many apartments being sold and inspected. In view of the market being so slow and the euro so strong we seriously consideredpulling out and making a considerable profit on the deposit of euros we have paid and then re-buying. However, despite the slow market the prices do not seem to have fallen on apartments and after seeing the apartmets and the quality of phase 1, we decided that the better move would be to stick with it.
I have some photos to post but have lost the adapter for the computer so please bear with me until I find one or buy a new one!

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22 Jun 2008 7:10 PM by wardy Star rating in San luis de sabinill.... 33 forum posts Send private message

Hi Randl,

All sounds very positive, glad you have some photos so we can compare with previous postings by Suzanne, of that bloody road.

Paul & Linda

This message was last edited by wardy on 6/22/2008.

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09 Aug 2008 11:31 AM by stevec11 Star rating in Bangor, N Ireland. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone

Steve here buying in block 8. I was holidaying in benalmadena last week and popped down to duquesa last monday 4th. My first visit in two years!!. Major progress!!!

I have posted four photos. One is of the road running below block 8 and the other three and in and around the development to show people how well it looks.

I was very impressed with the development and things have moved on. I visited my solicitor in sabbi on monday before I went to the development. The developer told him that they will progress getting the habitation licence for the remainder of phase 1 end aug / early september.

Here's my observations from last monday:

1. The place looks fantastic. I haven't  seen a better development and the location is excellent...I've been stuck up in the hills around benalmedena without a car for 9 days!...getting food and travelling has been a real pain in the duquesa everything is 5 minutes makes a real difference.

2. The road photo I posted doesn't show it has moved on much from earlier photos...there was no one working on the roads and a just a handful of plasterers were clocking off from phase 2 and pahse 3 (maybe 4) couldn't tell.

3. There was no construction activity on the other phases that I could see.

4. The developer obviously needs to finish the roads before any chance of the license. That is going to take alot of effort from a big squad of guys to complete by the end of the month...I don't see it happening. I wonder whether August is a go slow month in the building trade because of the heat / spanish holdays?

5. I pushed my completion expectation out to easter next year!!!. We'll have to wait and see.

Congratulations for everybody who has completed and enjoy.



Steve and Jane

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10 Aug 2008 7:57 AM by laurdan Star rating. 441 forum posts Send private message

Steve, Thanks for your post and latest photos, it is always good to have someone else's opinion on the development.  I absolutely love it and have a tendency to keep going on about it, so I appreciated your post.  I personally cannot find any negativity with regards to it all.

Missing Suzanne on here, now that she is out there enjoying life, she said she may make contact on here, but as we all know once you are there everything else doesn't seem to matter anymore.

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12 Aug 2008 11:30 AM by peps Star rating in manchester and duque.... 410 forum posts Send private message

hi,  i´ve managed to drag myself down to the internet cafe.   Its lovely being here but has been a bit clouded personally for me as i have had trajic news from home and am going to try and fly back.  Sun isn´t shining so much any more for me since hearing the news but everybody seems to be happy on site.

There are lots here, pool is full most days.  There is only one pool at the moment and for the foreseeable future as they don´t seem to be doing anything to repair it.  its been closed for 4 weeks now.  A Whole in is apparently but we used it all summer and it looks to me like they are just trying to economise and make everybody use the one pool.  

Work on the road is progressing slowly, but they are working.  I thought they may have finished for august but no, they are working through.  I cannot tell how long it will be but it does look pretty much ready for surface laying now.  I dunno.  

Been quite a few electric and water cut offs this time.  Electric overnight was a bit of a nightmare but the general atmosphere with everybody here is happy. 

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13 Aug 2008 8:40 PM by Margo Star rating in London/Duquesa. 298 forum posts Send private message

Sorry to hear that things are suddenly sad at home Peps.  Margo

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