Should there be a second referendum?

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29 Dec 2018 10:06 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Many would suggest that such an inciteful message should not be directed towards innocent citizens who have suffered at the hands of EU Commissioners and those EU Parliamentarians who ignored growing citizen disillusionment and anger caused by their failing policies, their mismanagement and intransigence to reform, which in turn has sadly resulted in alienation, division and significantly compromised cohesion across Europe.


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30 Dec 2018 1:41 PM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message

I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world

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30 Dec 2018 1:47 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Here’s an interesting viewpoint on Brexit which those of differing opinions may find useful.

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30 Dec 2018 2:22 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Good piece Hugh-man thank you for posting it. I do agree the hangover from the Briitish colonial past and war plays a role in some peoples minds, particulary  older generations.

However I believe Brexit was principally caused by the failure of governments in the past 45 years who failed to predict the rise in the population and increase investment in vital services and taxation to pay for it. That led to resentment towards free movement and an unjustifable dislike of migrants. That is one of ads examples of lack of social cohesion. Note failure of UK politics not EU policy. 

One of the reasons I myself became a migrant way back in the day was i felt suffocated living in Britain i still do whenever I go back, now increasingly rare. People live on top of each other and it's rarely possible to be alone anywhere. So frustration can be vented by a vote that most ordinary people's know goes against the establishment wish. The Trump presidency depends on something similar. The fact that it results in self harm unfortunately never enters the mindset.


Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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30 Dec 2018 3:57 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

why has the PM called a state of emergency by summoning the Home Secretary  Sanjid Javid back to office ...over a few people from Iran arriving on the south coast of  England buy boat wouldn't it make more sence... if the EU let them join the club ...and then the UK could let thousands & thousands in with no questions asked...problem solved.









This message was last edited by windtalker on 30/12/2018.

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30 Dec 2018 4:44 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

This thread (just like the last one started by a certain person who will be un-named but has lived abroad for 15 years) has become very boring, particularly for any new members. It seemed to have become a platform for certain people to jump on their soapboxes and spout the usual rubbish of why we should stay in the EU. The Spanish government have already made it clear that they have no intention of punishing ex-pats. So whats the problem? Those who choose to spend their lives abroad should have nothing to do with what happens in the UK, as its the people who live in the UK  and their families whose lives are affected by the EU's dictatorship. The decision has been made we are leaving full stop.

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30 Dec 2018 5:31 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Thank you Jarvi for your contribution. I would remind you this forum is a Spanish web site supposedly about Spain used mostly by British people . I'm confused by your post. Doesn't your view work also in reverse? 

Many of us expats will be directly impacted by the UK leaving especially if they have Sterling investments or a pension, which i suspect is the case for the majority of UK pensioner's. 

If the May deal falls then there is a strong likelyhood of a second vote in the country or even a general election,  isn't that worthy of debate?

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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30 Dec 2018 6:44 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message will never see another Referendum it would make a mockery out of Democracy...what you will probably see is a general election ..that will be based around the EU referendum ..either way what ever party gets in they will have to curb uncontrolled  migration from the EU to appease the Vote Leave side .. I think if the EU agreed to this we would remain in the EU ....I own 2 holiday homes in Spain and you would have thought someone like me would have voted IN ...but I didn't I voted OUT as I live in the UK and can see what's happening to my country... every city and town in the UK is overrun with people sleeping in cardboard boxes and begging...and they are not just Brit's ..we have down and outs from right across the EU ...and every one of them is hear legally according to EU rules...the problem seems to have got out of control ...the police just move them on to another street corner as the so called doss house's are full most of the down and outs suffer from mental health problems needless to say we have no room in hospitals either due to government cut backs and hospital being permanently closed's not a nice day out anymore when you go into the town shopping with the family and seeing these people....I am not blaming the EU directly for this but until they have a solution to our problems in the UK they should curb uncontrolled migration from the EU.





This message was last edited by windtalker on 30/12/2018.

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30 Dec 2018 8:48 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


You have been debating this with yourself for the last 2 years saying the same things time and time again. I own property in Spain so have interests there, but unlike you I care more about the country of my birth than a bureuacratic dictatorship. I love Spain and the Spanish people, unfortunately they have found themselves like many other countries - trapped. I am in exactly the same frame of mind as windtalker, and please don't tell me that the EU can only be changed by being in it, it can't. Unlike Windtalker I do blame the EU for the migrant crisis. Telling countries that they must accept their fair share of migrants because Merkel decided to invite the whole world into Europe is not my idea of democracy, neither is voting again to get the result you would like. What happens when the 2nd vote says leave. try again and again? The sooner we leave the better and preferably with no deal.

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30 Dec 2018 11:03 PM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message

@windtalker " you will never see another Referendum it would make a mockery out of Democracy.

Perhaps you would be good enough to explain the arithmetic of that. The fact is, and it is a fact based on governmental statistics, not an opinion, that only a minority of British people of voting age voted to leave the EU. In addition to that there is the other fact that British citizens living in Europe were illegally disenfranched. When the Supreme Court of the UK decided that, a rerun of the Referendum should have taken place but it didn't.

Then there is the small matter of the financing of the 'leave' campaign. It is currently the subject of a criminial investigation, so logically the whole issue should be frozen until the outcome of that is known. Was it you that provided Aaron Banks with £5 million worth of small change?

Do you think it is a coincidence that the people who put Trump in the White House are the same people who backed Brexit? Steve Bannon of Breitbart fame who is now threating to interfere in European Union elections. Rupert Murdoch, a big enemy of Britain since he was forced to shutdown 'The People'  and the 'News of the World" Then there is Paul Dacre. Is he, together with Aaron Banks, the connection with Russia?

The whole thing stinks to high heaven and NOBODY ANYWHERE has been able to say who will benefit from Brexit. I think Russia and China will, nobody else. It is my opinion that the people behind Brexit have committed treason and should be dealt with accordingly.


This message was last edited by ehw on 30/12/2018.

This message was last edited by ehw on 30/12/2018.

This message was last edited by ehw on 30/12/2018.

This message was last edited by ehw on 30/12/2018.

I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world

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30 Dec 2018 11:24 PM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message

@Jarvi, So, you don't think members of the EU should have to accept their fair share of IMMIGRANTS? (You said migrants). You seem to have openly nailed your colours to the mast.

Do you know what the real cause of the problem is? I doubt it very much.

In February 2018 Mariano Rajoy of the Partido Popular in Spain put his signature to a binding document in which he agreed to accept 19,200 Syrian refugees. He accepted more or less 2,000. The cause of the problem is that neither the UN or the EU have weapons that they can use against members who break their promises. What Spain did resulted in Italy taking a sharp turn to the right which probably would not have happened if Rajoy had kept his word.

As a member of the EU Britain can fight to change that as their friends in the EU want to. Outside the EU Britain will be a zero on the left. You do know who Britain's friends in the EU are don't you?

I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world

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30 Dec 2018 11:36 PM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message

Micky Finn:

Thank you Micky, what you say is pure common sense. For some time I've thought the best way forward was a 2nd referendum but now that we know it's possible I'm all for cancelling Brexit, preferably tomorrow if it can't be done today.

Do you know Quora? It's a forum where EVERYTHING can be debated. I suspect you might like it. You can currently use it in English, Spanish and French.

I wish you all the best for 2019. May your dreams come true!


I do not object to folk who want to talk about Brexit, this is a free world

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02 Jan 2019 1:32 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

I note that yet again this site has been taken over by people who just want to discuss Politics. When I joined EOS it was to get information about life in Spain, and since then I have taken advice from people who posted and given advice or help to people who asked for it. I don't believe this site was for people to discuss the rights and wrongs of Brexit, and I note that some posters never offer or want any advice about Spain to others, all they want to discuss is Brexit.  There was a Brexit thread started by  Micky Finn which went around in circles for 12 months, by which time everyone was sick to the back teeth of the same arguments going round and round. No one knows exactly what will happen after Brexit, not even the people who are negotiating it.

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