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13 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by Sharon4 Star rating in Bangor County Down. 35 forum posts Send private message

I would be interested to know if anyone has information on air con. systems. I have had a one quote other than the expensive 

Polaris one. However I have no idea which is the best system. I hope to complete in August in garden 3.



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13 Jun 2008 7:42 PM by KellyT Star rating in Germany but from Yor.... 99 forum posts Send private message

Try Polarair, that is who i booked with. Very reasonable packages and they do not need to rely on your utilities being connected because he brings his own generator to install and check them. They have a website with all their detaills, prices etc.
I think they have been mentioned on here a few times.

I think inverters are supposed to be the best. I have gone for inverter and they blow both heat and cold.


This message was last edited by KellyT on 6/13/2008.


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13 Jun 2008 8:29 PM by payton Star rating in Doncaster, South Yor.... 331 forum posts Send private message

We will probably be using Polarair as well - their prices seem to be the most reasonable.

My husband is an air conditioning engineer in the UK and his recommendation is that inverters are definitely best - they are much cheaper to run.  With regard to the different makes, Panasonic is one of the best - probably best to avoid some of the lesser known makes.  

It is also worth considering how many outdoor units you want - ideally one outdoor unit for every indoor unit but that would take up quite a lot of room on the roof terrace.  If you have all three units (lounge and two bedrooms) running to one outdoor unit, this means that the outdoor unit is working much harder.  An alternative (for the two bedroom apartments) would be to have the lounge unit linked to its own outdoor unit and the two bedroom units linked to a separate one, so you only have two outdoor units on the roof terrace.

This is all a bit confusing to me but I am taking advice from an expert - air conditioning is his department!  My job has been the legal and mortgage stuff - horses for courses and all that - so I can now sit back and relax!

Hope this helps.  If anyone wants to ask any questions about air con please feel free to ask and I will refer them to the expert!   



Debbie and Paul   


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13 Jun 2008 8:48 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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We have also booked polarair for the installation of our aircon in October.

We have gone for the Panasonic E-on for our 2 bedroom apartment with 1 outdoor unit.

Looking at Debbie's post we wonder if we are doing the right thing going for 1 outdoor unit.  However, we won't be using it that much, as we don't plan to rent out. 


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13 Jun 2008 9:39 PM by payton Star rating in Doncaster, South Yor.... 331 forum posts Send private message


The Panasonic units are apparently one of the best so you should be fine with them.

It's more likely to be a problem if you are renting out and the air con is being used a lot.  People renting probably wouldn't think twice about having the air con switched on in the lounge and both bedrooms all day - this would obviously put more wear and tear on the outdoor unit.   It will certainly look neater on the roof terrace with just one outdoor unit though - I'm with you on that one!

We will probably have two outdoor units ourselves but we are planning to rent out - it will depend on what Polarair say about the cost.  If it's too expensive then we'll just have the one and accept that it might wear out sooner than if we had more outdoor units.  Just something to bear in mind when getting quotes.



Debbie and Paul   


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13 Jun 2008 9:54 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

michaelhardy´s avatar
Thanks for your advice

They were actually offering a cheaper price for one outdoor unit to one internal unit, I assume the outdoor unit will be larger to cope with the 3 internal units that we require thus being more expensive to obtain. 


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13 Jun 2008 11:16 PM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

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how much for the unit?



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14 Jun 2008 12:28 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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From what we can remember, we were quoted about €2,400 for one external unit/3 internal units.


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17 Jun 2008 11:18 AM by mark stephenson Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone,We are using clilloutcostablanca .Quotes were the same as others but offered free water purification system.We have gone for panasonic systems.


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17 Jun 2008 7:49 PM by andyclarke Star rating. 207 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone I am using chilliout costablanca as well due to free water filtration system and when I emailed them they replied straight away with all costs and how to pay them, they don't ask for any deposits and have said they will fit when we come out to Spain in August, they seem quite prepared to work round what you require. Hope this helps. Andy Clarke.

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04 Jun 2009 10:08 PM by lojnej Star rating. 97 forum posts Send private message

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