Hi Guys,
Just to clear up the TV issue in Roda Golf for you all and please bear with me as it's not that straight forward!
There are five UK channels available in Roda without a digi-box.
They are; BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2 and Skynews. To view these channels, you simply plug in your ariel to any outlet in the house and so long as your TV is capable of receiving the signal it will pick it up. You do need to be careful though as some TV's brought over from the UK WILL NOT WORK.
You need to check with your TV supplier to ensure the TV can be programmed to "know where it is in the world" which basically lets the TV scan for the signal range that is being transmitted here, higher than the standard UK 21-69 Mhz range.
There are also some other channels available in the analogue range (German & Spanish) as well as a number avaialble in the digital range, though non of these are English. All of the above are supplied and form part of your community fees
Now the "digi-box" option. From Teleast (and ONLY Teleast), you can be supplied with a digi-box, that plugs into the same ariel socket, but pics up a different range of digital signals that are scrambled and need their card to view them.
This box is available at €250 with a €20 per month maintenance fee.
The viewing quality is excellent, with a wide range of channels as has been commented on in previous posts.
There is however the draw back that you can only watch the multiple channels via the digi-box in the one room, unless you either by a second digi-box, or a "signal sender" (which are only available in the UK).
The option of a 1.9 m dish, or any other such receiver would not be allowed on Roda Golf as it would totally contravine the community rules.
If there needs to be any more clarification, drop me a line.