The Comments |
Thought I would let people know that on Monday 25th January Ambsun International who took the deposit for the Off Plan properties at santa Ana have gone into liquidation. It is now Irwin & Co. I thought they were the law firm who held the big meeting to try to help people who had been ripped off. Hopefully the not so nice Mick Hurst has also gone down the pan.
I got this info from the offices Ambasun have/had in Birmingham (the accounts office). I have the phone number if anyone wants to confirm this.
Did anyone go with Irwin & Co for their legal side? If so this also sounds dodgy. Ambasun is no more - At least one of my hopes is being recognised, no one else getting ripped off by Ambasun, its made my day.
This just gets more confusing.
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We too went through ambasun as well, and since they took our deposit and despite asking for a bank guarantee (our fault for transfering the money before we saw the guarantee, how wonderful hindsight is) never heard anything from them after and to be honest not that they could tell you anything any way.
We used an independent spanish lawyer who was next to useless as well.
I dare say if it ever picks up again in spain they will all come back out of the woodwork. Although even if i could i would never buy off plan ever again
Kind Regards
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Did you know that for every property they sold without a bank guarantee Ambasun had a cut of the money. I found this out by speaking to one of their agents who we became good friends with.
I dont usually wish ill on anyone but I have to say knowing Ambasun has gone into liquidation made me think and hope that no one else can be conned by them. They also recommended a lawyer who we kicked to the curb. Its very hard knowing who has their fingers in what pockets on this one. I think a number of people have Irwin & Co as their lawyers, this also needs to be highlighted just in case they are anything to do with Ambasun.
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That expalins a few things then, just had another thought there goes our complimentary white goods pacakge we were given when we signed up.
If you look out there now there are some good properties for sale at massive discounts if only i had the money to act know!
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White goods eh you lucky thing. Did they throw in air con too. Its given me a fantastic sense of humour all of this. I always thought that spain was the place to be it's funny how time and cirumstance changes things. I am just glad I am not stuck over there. It all happens for a reason and for the time being I am not even holidaying out there because until this is sorted out not another euro will I spend in spain.
I am very disappointed with the spanish system to say the least but it comes to those who wait and I hope I live long enough to see the brits get some justice. Dont know about you but we work hard for everything we have and this sort of situation makes me very disappointed but it also helps me make my mind up as to where I want to be and for the time being it aint spain.
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Hi All
Ambasun International ceased trading last September. However they opened up at their offices in Playa Golf as Ambasun Costa Blanca, Same staff, same dickhead Mick Hurst same logo still ripping people off!!
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I am hoping that I am one of those who have helped them go down the pan. Liquidation was declared on Monday 25th Jan so it sounds like they have been suffering for some time. That feels like a success story to me. We still have some more work to do and some more success to have.
Glad I am not in spain with my hand tied behind my back. I will choose a house I like, where I like and with who I like. In the meantime I will wait and make decisions as and when the questions come along. For now I have had a smiley sort of day just knowing Ambasun are history.
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Hi Chrissie thanks for all that info and sharing your experiences ,Mick Hirst sounds like a real slime ball .
Was the Spanish property market just a slime ball magnet or what ? cause I know another handful just like him  
Just like you say Chrissie we are all really disappointed (bit of an understatement ) but if we have helped raise awareness of the slime balls for others to avoid in the future then we have done our bit . I am a bit like you now Chrissie I will still have my dream but probably not in Spain . Thanks for sharing Chrissie MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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Hope you are well. Ambasun is just one off my list. EOS is the information highway and its a good place to share. Hope we can all be better people when this has dragged us just about as far down as it can. Dont let them get you down. We are all learning and thats not a bad thing. Just glad i am this side of the water. Its their loss, the brits are goos people at the end of the day.
Good night.
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Well said Chrissie , we have all learned so much from this experience ,but it is people like yourself I admire for remaining calm and consistent throughout even when things got heated .Remember when I went ape about this it all seems so pointless now .I think if nothing else we have all learned patience tolerance and some but not all have learned to direct their energies and anger to those who truly deserve it . Have a great weekend .MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 30/01/2010.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
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i am working on MSE forum gathering as much information about Ambasun as possible, it would be helpful to me if you guys in Spain can help me out.
I know it is years down the line but i will not be beat, i have created a digging game in which i want to gather as much info as possible about Ambasun and Brendan Maxwell and then post it on one site. this can pasted from this forum or other sources, their are many many people who have been ripped off and it all revolves one man.
i can be contacted on MSE site, it is easy to join
looking forward to your help
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Crispy bacon I dont want to join another forum but may be able to help you with Ambasun they are still trading as Ambasun Costa Blanca and have an office La ROnda CC just pm me if you want help and info
Great Auntie Linda
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Thank you for your post, yes i will contact you for further help
please keep checking out MSE as a lot of info is starting to be posted. it would be of great help if you can transfer info from MSE to this site. it would help a lot of people.
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sorry about that
MSE is "money saving expert " the martin lewis web site.
if you google "anyone purchasing property from ambasun bulgaria" you will find it or go to the site direct you will find us.
look out for the digging game
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Hi All
i am looking for support on the MSE forum, all you have to do is join and show your support to what i am trying to achieve.
i know it is many years down the line but do not let one man beat us.
brendan, i know you are reading this, we will not go away and will fight you for the rest of our lives if that what it takes.
crispy bacon
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